
The societal niche for aquatic ecosystem models: developing short-term and long-term management strategies

Aquatic ecosystems provide a range of ecosystem services (Finlayson et al. 2005), in particular by being sources and sinks for natural resources and anthropogenic substances. For example, as a source, they provide water for drinking, irrigation, hydropower and industrial processes. Moreover, they provide many food products. More recently, their aesthetic and recreational value has been recognized with associated health benefits. Aquatic ecosystems also act as a sink for various substances, including sewage, agricultural run-off, discharge from impoundments, industrial waste and thermally polluted water. Equally important, they provide a critical habitat for organisms that form an important part of the biodiversity. Each of the anthropogenic and natural source functions puts specific requirements on the quality of the aquatic ecosystem (Postel and Richter 2003; Keeler et al. 2012). At the same time, these quality requirements can be hampered by both the source (through overexploitation) and the sink (through pollution) functions of the aquatic ecosystem. Aquatic ecosystem models (hereafter referred to as AEMs) frequently play a role in quantifying ecosystem services and developing strategies for water quality management (Jørgensen 2010; Mooij et al. 2010). The AEMs used for this purpose are often engineering-oriented based on accepted theory and methodology for routine applications. Engineering models may be complex and linked to one another, but components are always tested. Using projections and scenario analyses, engineering-oriented AEMs can assess the various source and sink functions to help optimize and understand aquatic ecosystem function in terms of human and conservation needs. For example, AEMs have been applied as management tools to evaluate the efficiency of eutrophication mitigation strategies, to understand oceanic dynamics (e.g. the global carbon cycle), and to predict biotic responses to climate change (Arhonditsis and Brett 2004). AEMs can also be used for near real-time modelling and forecasting to facilitate immediate management decisions on, for instance, the shutdown of drinking water intakes (Huang et al. 2012; Silva et al. 2014) or the suitability of water for swimming (Ibelings et al. 2003).

The scientific niche for AEMs: advancement of theory

A strong scientific motivation for the development of AEMs is to encapsulate and improve our understanding of aquatic ecosystems. For instance, scientific AEMs can help to close mass balances of essential elements such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus and thereby allow quantifying the role of aquatic systems in national and global carbon and nutrient budgets (Robson et al. 2008; Harrison et al. 2012). Keeping track of mass balances can also provide help in answering stoichiometric questions (Giordani et al. 2008; Li et al. 2014). Additionally, scientific AEMs can help untangle the feedbacks between aquatic biodiversity and aquatic ecosystem functioning (Bruggeman and Kooijman 2007), and also achieve an integrated ecosystem health assessment (Xu et al. 2001). Yet another timely research topic studied with models is assessing the resilience of ecosystems to changes in external forcing arising from nonlinear functional relationships between ecosystem components (Ludwig et al. 1997; Scheffer et al. 2001). This has been done by analysing the strength of various positive and negative feedback loops in the socio-ecological system (Van Der Heide et al. 2007; Downing et al. 2014). Such studies generate new hypotheses that can then be tested in laboratories or in the field. Models are therefore effective scientific tools because they allow undertaking ‘virtual experiments’ that would be too expensive or impractical to carry out in real-world systems (Meyer et al. 2009).

The methodological niche for AEMs: filling data gaps and inverse modelling

Another motivation to develop AEMs is to fill gaps in observations. For instance, some quantities (e.g. primary production) are measured at high spatial resolution, but at a low temporal resolution and vice versa. Modelling then allows for interpolation in space and time such as seen in climatology (Jeffrey et al. 2001). Other examples include interpolating through time between satellite images or across space to fill gaps caused by cloud cover (Hossain et al. 2015). Inverse modelling is another application within the methodological niche for AEMs, in which specific system parameters or process rates that are difficult to measure are estimated. In contrast to forward modelling, inverse modelling uses observations to estimate the processes or factors that created these observations (Tarantola 2005). Since inverse modelling in general lacks a unique solution, it is important to include all a priori information on model parameters and processes to reduce the uncertainty on the results (Tarantola 2005; Jacob 2007). Methods used for inverse modelling include Bayesian inference, often used with the Markov chain Monte Carlo technique (Press 2012; Gelman et al. 2014) and Frequentist inference (Press 2012). Different software packages for implementation of these methods exist (Vézina and Platt 1988; Reichert 1994; Lunn et al. 2000; Soetaert and Petzoldt 2010; Van Oevelen et al. 2010; Doherty 2015).

Existing diversity in AEMs

Due to numerous potential AEM applications (in an analogy to biodiversity, we refer to these as ‘model niches’), scientists began to develop these models in the 1960s, in tact with the availability of the necessary computing infrastructure to implement them (e.g. King and Paulik 1967). Since then, an array of AEMs has been developed around the world, with each development directed by a specific set of questions and hypotheses. In many cases, investigators and engineers implemented their own models rather than starting with an existing model. While this practice of creating one’s ‘own model’ can be criticized because it bears the inefficiency of ‘reinventing the wheel’ (Mooij et al. 2010), it has produced a great diversity in approaches, formulations, complexity and applications, which can be seen as an advantage. In addition, the extra investment is often compensated by a more efficient model application for the issue at hand and a better model understanding. Furthermore, the availability of modelling resources through the Internet provides new opportunities to explore and exploit this diversity and will most likely affect the evolution of model diversity in the near future.

A working definition of what constitutes an AEM

This paper aims to present a current perspective on how we can explore, exploit and evolve the existing diversity in AEMs as seen by a diverse and international community of aquatic scientists (the authors). We try to reach out to not only the skilled modellers, but also aquatic ecologists who are inexperienced in modelling. To make this study feasible, we need a definition of what constitutes an AEM. Here, we define an AEM as ‘a formal procedure by which the impact of external or internal forcing on aquatic ecosystem state(s) can be estimated’. In most cases, AEMs cover many processes and are spatially explicit, but both are not a prerequisite. According to our definition, a minimal model that qualitatively describes the ecosystem response to external forcing also qualifies as an AEM (Fig. 1). We exclude models that focus on one single component of an ecosystem (e.g. models that only deal with the population dynamics of a given species), but include models that zoom in on one part of the ecosystem (e.g. the fish or macrophyte community) while treating the remainder of the ecosystem in an aggregated way (typically through the use of carrying capacities or mortality rates). Two distinct classes of AEMs exist: those that formulate a direct mathematical relation between forcing and state (statistical models), and those that are formulated in terms of the processes underlying this relation (process-based models). Statistical models directly link forcing and state that can be derived from data with standard statistical techniques. Linking process-based models to data involves less standardized calibration and validation techniques. The advantage of process-based models is that they provide insight into the mechanisms underlying change and recovery. This study is primarily focussed on the diversity in process-based models, although we acknowledge the diversity and usefulness of statistical models that directly link forcing and state. AEMs, as defined here, combine elements from a number of scientific modelling disciplines (Fig. 2). In addition to defining what constitutes an AEM, we developed a glossary of terminology used in the field of aquatic ecosystem modelling (given in Text Box 1). The purpose of this glossary was to strive for clarity within the context of this study. This glossary may also be of help to newcomers in the modelling field. While working on the glossary, we noted that it is impossible to make a clear distinction between models (the mathematical description of a system), their implementation (e.g. software packages) and their applications (where model inputs/parameters are adapted to a specific ecosystem and confronted with data) because there is great diversity in how these components are perceived and combined by different modellers.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Example of output of a conceptual AEM showing a linear (a), catastrophic (b) and hysteretic (c) response of ecosystem state to external forcing. Modified after Scheffer et al. (2001)

Fig. 2
figure 2

A diagram showing the major modelling disciplines that can contribute to aquatic ecosystem models (AEMs). There is a great diversity among AEMs in the weight given to each component: each modeller should select the most appropriate combination and size of the petals to fit the research question

How this study is structured

We first focus on exploring AEM diversity by discussing approaches to inventorize, categorize and document these models and finally present a more formal analysis of model diversity. To support our discussion, we compare a number of AEMs, hydrological and hydrodynamic drivers, relevant modelling approaches and supportive software for model implementation and model analyses that came about in a survey among modellers participating the third AEMON (Aquatic Ecosystem MOdelling Network) workshop held in February 2015. To put our analysis in perspective, we compare the number of AEMs, hydrological and hydrodynamic drivers, relevant modelling approaches and supportive software for model implementation and model analyses with published lists (Table 1). We cover both marine and freshwater AEMs, with a bias towards the latter group. All data can be found in Online Resource 1. It is remarkable that earlier attempts by Benz et al. (2001) have little overlap with our overview, which shows that there is a greater diversity than presented here. We then focus on exploiting diversity and ask several questions. How can we make use of the full breadth of expertise captured in existing AEMs, and how can we easily switch between spatial configurations or software packages to run and analyse the models using package-specific tools? We continue with stressing the potential of ensemble modelling, and we end this section with a discussion on how to exploit the full range of approaches used in aquatic ecosystem modelling. In the section on evolving diversity, we describe the origins of the current diversity in AEMs and discuss how model diversity could evolve in the future and how standardization can facilitate this process. In the final section, we discuss how we can learn from concepts and techniques in biodiversity research in our study on model diversity. Finally, we provide a list of practical recommendations and a perspective for the field of aquatic ecosystem modelling in the next decade.

Table 1 An overview of the number of AEMs, hydrological and hydrodynamic drivers, supportive software and relevant modelling approaches considered in this and other studies

Exploring diversity in AEMs

AEMs have been and are being developed independently in many places around the world. In this section, we explore model diversity.

Making an inventory of the diversity in AEMs

An exploratory survey among 42 modellers participating in the third AEMON workshop 2015 resulted in 133 different models, packages or programming languages in use in the field of aquatic ecosystem modelling (data presented in Online Resource 1, Datasheet 2). We performed a Redundancy Analysis (RDA, using the methods of Oksanen et al. 2014) on 39 AEMs from this list (results in Online Resource 2). This analysis demonstrates that the professional affiliation and country of origin played an important role in determining knowledge and usage of models. The driver behind this could be the research group’s background, but also the diverging needs that motivated the development of models, such as whether there are mainly shallow lakes or deep reservoirs in a specific country. Three approaches seem suited for developing a more formal and ongoing inventory of model diversity: (1) lists, (2) wikis and (3) code repositories. We are not aware of an up-to-date list of AEMs with a good coverage of the field. Laudable attempts to list ecological models are UFIS (Knorrenschild et al. 1996) and the ECOBAS initiative by Joachim Benz (, Benz et al. 2001). ECOBAS provides metadata on a wide range of models, including hydrological, hydrodynamic, meteorological and ecological models. However, the website has only rarely been updated since 2009; updating is a challenge for any top-down initiatives. An alternative could be an open community-based approach, such as wikis, where multiple editors independently contribute information. The obvious and overwhelmingly successful example of this approach is Wikipedia ( which maintains many lists, for instance of programming languages ( The potential lack of consistency of such community-based lists seems to be compensated by the scope and immediacy of the information provided and the commitment resulting from the community-based approach. The third option is code repositories, such as SourceForge ( and GitHub (, which are increasingly popular platforms enabling open-source communities to develop software and distribute code.

Documenting diversity in AEMs

To preserve and communicate model diversity, proper documentation of models is crucial. There is no standard way of documenting AEMs, and different model developers have different methods to obtain and save their information. The existing ODD protocol (overview, design concepts and details) for individual-based models (Grimm et al. 2006), the Earth System documentation project ( or the TRACE approach (TRAnsparent and Comprehensive Ecological modelling documentation) might be adopted by aquatic ecosystem modellers in the future (Grimm et al. 2014). Models can be documented through model homepages, scientific publications or grey literature reports. Wikipedia is not an option because it has a strict policy of not being a primary source of documentation but instead only providing referenced information. To be useful in the current practice of scientific research, any type of documentation should be accessible through the Internet, preferably with open access. The majority (71 %) of the AEMs analysed in Online Resource 3 has a website that provides model documentation. Furthermore, for 86 % of the models, we could identify a primary publication; however, only three out of 42 AEMs analysed in Online Resource 3 have a page on Wikipedia (Ecopath, PCLake and PCDitch).

Categorizing diversity in AEMs

To cope with the diversity in models, some form of categorization is useful. ‘Bining’ models in clearly defined categories provide an overview for newcomers and experts, and help to identify what is missing. From the list of models in Online Resource 1, Datasheet 2, we selected those models that can be classified as an AEM according to our definition. This resulted in a list of 42 AEMs (see for data Online Resource 1, Datasheet 3). For these models, we were able to obtain metadata from experts to categorize them (see Online Resource 3 for all the details and see Text Box 1 for an explanation of all the technical terms used below). For the modelling approach, it was found that over 75 % of the models were qualified as being dynamic, process-based, biogeochemical, mass-balanced, compartmental or complex dynamical (Fig. 3a). Over 45 % of them were qualified as being stoichiometric or spatially explicit as well as being a competition, a consumer-resource, a food web or a community model. About 25 % of them were qualified as being of the NPZD type of model (nutrients, phytoplankton, zooplankton, detritus) as well as being a hydrodynamic model. One out of seven of these models contained individual-based approaches, more specifically being an individual-based community model, a trait-based model or a dynamic energy budget model. The 42 AEMs cover every aquatic habitat, with 22 % of models claiming global applicability (Fig. 3b). Eutrophication is an application domain of no less than 98 % of the analysed models (Fig. 3c). Next, in decreasing order of importance are climate change, carbon cycle, fisheries, biodiversity loss and adaptive processes. 90 % of the 42 models allow for dynamic simulations (Fig. 3e). The remaining models are based on statistical relations. About half of the models are implemented in frameworks that have tools for sensitivity analysis, calibration, validation and uncertainty analysis. Here, we define a framework as a software package that can be combined with user-written code to create a software application (for a more extensive definition, see Text Box 1). Tools for bifurcation analysis are less common. Over two-third of the models are implemented within an existing modelling framework, with the R/deSolve package (Soetaert et al. 2010) and the Framework for Aquatic Biogeochemical Models (FABM) (Bruggeman and Bolding 2014) being the most used of the 12 modelling frameworks that we encountered (Fig. 3d). One can rightfully say that the field of aquatic ecosystem modelling is quite scattered when it comes to the use of modelling frameworks. This notion was one of the incentives for developing Delft3D-Delwaq (Deltares 2014), FABM (Bruggeman and Bolding 2014) and the Database Approach to Modelling (DATM) (Mooij et al. 2014). With 50 %, FORTRAN is the dominant programming language for coding AEMs (Fig. 3f). Next comes C or C++ (together 26 %), Delphi (15 %) and R (15 %). The majority of AEMs are implemented as ordinary or partial differential equations (Fig. 3g).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Outcome of a categorization of 42 AEMs on six types of categorizations: a modelling approach (for all levels, see Online Resource 2), b environmental domain of the model, c model application domain, d modelling framework, e type of analysis available within the model’s framework, f programming language and g mathematical equation type. See text for explanation

Analysing diversity in AEMs

Analysing model diversity goes beyond the more descriptive approach mentioned above. Here, the aim was to identify whether we are dealing with true diversity or ‘pseudo-diversity’. Models are often related to each other. The MyLake model (Saloranta and Andersen 2007), for example, has characteristics that are also found in other lake models such as DYRESM-CAEDYM (Hamilton and Schladow 1997), MINLAKE (Riley and Stefan 1988), PROBE (Blenckner et al. 2002) and BELAMO (Omlin et al. 2001; Mieleitner and Reichert 2006). We aim for a more objective and in-depth analysis of a list of AEMs using a similarity index (for details on the analysis, see Online Resource 4 and for the data Online Resource 1, Datasheet 4). One approach is to compare state variables between models. We analysed 24 AEMs for which sufficient information was provided, which gave in total almost 550 unique state variables. The minimum number of state variables found in a model is 2 and the maximum is 118 (Fig. 4). It should be noted that in some (especially the larger and general) models, not all state variables are included simultaneously in each model application but rather subsets of variables are being used. Additionally, some models have state variables that can be duplicated by changing their parameters (e.g. cohorts of a species). A Sørensen similarity analysis (Sørensen 1948) using the state variables of 24 models (Online Resource 4) shows that models become more similar as their complexity increases. This is an expected result as the chance of similarities increases with increasing sampling size of a given pool. However, overall the dissimilarity is higher than the similarity since more than 80 % of the models have a similarity index of less than 0.25. Hence, many models benefit from predecessor models even though they are still unique with individual features not found in predecessor models. Most overlap can be found in general state variables such as phosphorus, ammonia and a generic group of phytoplankton or zooplankton. Three groups of models can be distinguished: general-purpose models with a relative high overlap, specialized models with low overlap and intermediate models with an intermediate level of overlap (see dendrogram in Online Resource 4). Interestingly, some models are significantly more dissimilar than would be statistically expected based on their number of state variables (red downward arrow, Fig. 4). This is because these models capture only a specific non-overlapping part of the aquatic ecosystem (e.g. the Guam Atlantis Coral Reef Ecosystem Model versus PCLake or CAEDYM). Other models are more similar than would be expected based on the number of state variables (upward green arrow); these models simulate the aquatic ecosystem in a more general way, such as CCHE and Mylake. A following step could be to compare the models for their mathematical process formulations, though this is beyond the scope of this paper. An educated guess is that this will reveal an even higher diversity, as endless combinations can be made with the available process formulations. For example, Tian (2006) counted 13 functions used to describe the effect of light forcing on phytoplankton growth. Using these light functions in combination with other functional relations, for instance, temperature forcing (10 different relations), zooplankton feeding (20 different relations), prey feeding (15 different relations) and mortality (8 different relations), lead to hundreds of thousands of combinations that give different results and are all ‘the best’, depending on the aim of the model (Gao et al. 2000).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Similarity matrix based on the Sørensen similarity index between the state variables considered in the models. Darker colours mean higher similarity. Models with a green upward arrow are significantly more similar to other models corrected for the maximum number of state variables (p < 0.05). Models with a red downward arrow are significantly more dissimilar to other models corrected for the number of state variables (p < 0.05). Grey bars on the right show the maximum number of state variables within a model. For detailed information on methods and results, see Online Resource 4. (Color figure online)

Exploiting diversity in AEMs

The inventory of the AEMs reveals a great diversity in model approaches, formulations and applications. Here, we ask whether and how this diversity could be exploited.

Exploiting the diversity in disciplines

One of the options is to exploit the diversity in contributing disciplines (see Fig. 2) and work in teams consisting of not only aquatic ecologists, but also social scientists, economists, climatologists, hydrologists, statisticians, mathematicians, etc. Working in an interdisciplinary setting helps one to look beyond the personal expert field and provides a more holistic view upon both models and aquatic ecosystems (Hamilton et al. 2015). Resulting interdisciplinary models have an increased complexity with the disadvantage that full understanding of the model by the individual modeller is lost (Scholten et al. 2007; Robson 2014a). The problem of inappropriate usage of complex models can be overcome by again working in interdisciplinary teams. In this way, team members are able to focus on their own area of expertise while the team as a whole is able to understand the full model. Statisticians and mathematicians can support interdisciplinary teams with their knowledge on mathematical formulations and their insight into model uncertainty. Especially within the scientific niche, understanding of the model is important since novel ideas need to be tested and understood. Within the engineering niche, there is less need to understand each model component in detail. Indeed, many people drive a car safely without having a detailed technical background on the engine’s functionality.

Exploiting the diversity in spatial explicitness of AEMs

Another way to exploit the diversity in AEMs is by using the full width of spatial explicitness, which varies from spatially homogenous (0D) and vertically or horizontally structured (1D) to fully 3D. Within these dimensions, a modeller can additionally choose between different structured grids (e.g. Cartesian grid, regular grid and curvilinear grid) and unstructured grids (e.g. finite elements). Following Occam’s razor, model complexity should be minimized and only increased if this increases the predictive performance of the model or its generality/universality (please note that, while mentioned here in the context of spatial explicitness, Occam’s razor applies to all aspects of complexity in AEMs). Therefore, to understand the basics of ecological processes in a well-mixed system, one should use a 0D model as its dynamics are often easier to understand. Additionally, 0D models are well suited for checking the internal consistency of the model functions. Spatially explicit models, however, are more realistic, as they account for the spatial heterogeneity of ecosystems, with the risk of getting lost in complexity when explaining model behaviour. Nonetheless, some research questions cannot be solved without taking spatial resolution into account [e.g. population dynamics of fish in Jackson et al. (2001), and spatial distribution of macrophytes and algae in Janssen et al. (2014)]. Recent advances facilitate the implementation of a model in different spatial settings. For example, with Delft3D-Delwaq, FABM and DATM, it is possible to switch between a 0D, 1D, 2D to 3D implementation of, for instance, PCLake (Van Gerven et al. 2015). However, these frameworks are currently implemented without accounting for feedbacks between ecology and hydrodynamics. Interfaces such as OpenMI (Gregersen et al. 2007) and FABM (Bruggeman and Bolding 2014) allow for such coupling and are designed to overcome the issues that emerge when integrating ecology and hydrodynamics. Examples of these issues are the different timescales and spatial schematization for ecology and hydrodynamics (e.g. Sachse et al. 2014) and feedbacks between ecology and hydrodynamics, such as the effects of water plants on the water flow (e.g. Berger and Wells 2008).

Exploiting diversity by having a given AEM implemented in multiple frameworks

Recent approaches such as DATM (Mooij et al. 2014), FABM (Bruggeman and Bolding 2014) and the open process library in Delft3D-Delwaq (Deltares 2014) make it possible to exploit model implementations in multiple frameworks without much overhead. Therefore, a myriad of tools for model analysis (e.g. sensitivity analysis, calibration, validation, uncertainty analysis, and bifurcation analysis) become easily available. The redundancy in tools among frameworks insists modellers to stick to the framework they are familiar with for most analyses, whereas the complementarity in tools is tempting to switch to other frameworks for alternative analyses (Van Gerven et al. 2015), including the switch between 0D and 3D. In this way, the strengths of frameworks (including run-time) can be exploited, and the underlying ecological question can be approached from different perspectives.

Exploiting diversity in dealing with uncertainty in AEMs

As a simplification of nature, AEMs suffer from uncertainty in their outcomes (Beck 1987; Chatfield 1995; Draper 1995). Sources of uncertainty are structural uncertainties, i.e. incomplete or imperfect process formulations, parameter uncertainty, uncertainty in forcing functions and initial values, uncertainty in validation data, and uncertainty due to the numerical methods used. A full coverage of the topic of uncertainty in AEMs is beyond the scope of this paper. For more information on this topic, we refer to the extensive literature available on this topic including Beck (1987), Chatfield (2006) and Doherty (2015). Below, we limit ourselves to presenting three different views on how to deal with uncertainty in parameters. First, a modeller measures the parameters’ magnitudes directly. The parameter values are then purely based on biologically, chemically or physically knowledge. Due to errors in the measurements (experimental uncertainty, Moffat 1988) and limited transferability (e.g. between laboratory and field conditions), these a priori parameter values have an uncertainty as well (Draper 1995). By repeating the measurements over and over, the experimental uncertainty can be reduced, thereby minimizing the parameter uncertainty, but this is often a costly measure (Chatfield 1995). A second option is to estimate the parameters using calibration data and statistics without the use of a priori knowledge. This method leads in many cases to multiple possible parameterizations of the model with equal fit (e.g. Beven 2006) and bears the risk of overfitting (Hawkins 2004). For this reason, a modeller may choose for the third option where the parameters are estimated based on calibration data, statistics and a priori knowledge (e.g. Janse et al. 2010). In this case, a realistic range of parameter values is defined, prior to the parameter estimation by statistics. Thereafter, using Bayesian statistics, the parameters can be estimated within the range of realism (Gelman et al. 2014).

Exploiting diversity by ensemble modelling with AEMs

One way to deal with the uncertainty is using the diversity of models in ensemble techniques [e.g. Ramin et al. (2012) or Trolle et al. (2014), see Fig. 5 for an example from the latter study]. A variety of ensemble techniques exists, each duplicating a certain aspect of the modelling process. In multi-model ensembles (MMEs), multiple models are applied to a given problem. Single-model ensembles use different model inputs (parameters, initial values, boundary conditions) to exploit the model’s sensitivity (e.g. Couture et al. 2014; Gal et al. 2014 or Nielsen et al. 2014). More ensemble techniques or combinations of techniques exist including multi-scheme ensembling (use of different numerical schemes) and hyper-ensembling (use of multiple physical processes). Ensemble modelling has become a standard in meteorological forecasting (e.g. Molteni et al. 1996) and climatic forecasting (e.g. IPCC 2014). There is an increasing number of applications in hydrology and hydrodynamics as well (e.g. Stepanenko et al. 2014; Thiery et al. 2014). In aquatic ecosystem modelling, the use of ensemble techniques is still rare (but see examples in, for instance, Lenhart et al. 2010; Ramin et al. 2012; Gal et al. 2014; Nielsen et al. 2014; Trolle et al. 2014). However, the relevance of MME for ecological modelling is large, as a strictly physically based description is not practically feasible and a unified, transferable set of equations is, therefore, not available. Additionally, we foresee that ensemble modelling will become common practice because of (1) the emergence of active communities of aquatic ecosystem modellers such as AEMON; (2) the increase in freely available papers, data and model code; and (3) the development of approaches such as Delft3D-Delwaq, FABM and DATM. Hence, the results of decades of individual model niche development can now be better utilized (Mooij et al. 2010; Trolle et al. 2012). The comparative list provided in Online Resource 1 (Datasheet 4) is a useful starting point of ensemble modelling with AEMs. When using a model to provide forecasts, MME have two major advantages over single-model approaches. First, the ensemble mean may be a better predictor than any of the sole ensemble members (Trolle et al. 2014). This is especially true when an aggregated performance measure over many diagnostics variables is considered (Hagedorn et al. 2005; Trolle et al. 2014). Second, the ensemble spread can serve as a convenient measure of predictive uncertainty if a spread–skill correlation exists. Although MMEs are attractive, their limitations need to be recognized. First, despite ever increasing computer power, they are time-consuming to put in place. More importantly, MME-based estimates of structural uncertainty can only be meaningful if the models involved differ substantially. Another more general limitation of ensembles is that the attainable estimate of uncertainty is inevitably incomplete, for example due to a limited number of suitable models and the requirement of each model to have its own set of—ideally standardized—parameters and initial values. Ensemble techniques therefore only quantify part of the total uncertainty in predictions (Krzysztofowicz 1999). In the context of ecological process-based modelling though, the integration of multiple models should not be viewed solely as an approach to improve our predictive devices, but also as an opportunity to compare alternative ecological structures, to challenge existing ecosystem conceptualizations, and to integrate across different (and often conflicting) paradigms (Ramin et al. 2012). Future research should also focus on the refinement of the weighting schemes and other performance standards to impartially synthesize the predictions of different models. Several interesting statistical post-processing methods presented in the field of ensemble weather forecasting will greatly benefit our attempts to develop weighting schemes suitable for the synthesis of multiple ecosystem models (Wilks 2002). Other outstanding challenges involve the development of ground rules for the features of the calibration and validation domain, the inclusion of penalties for model complexity that will allow building forecasts upon parsimonious models, and performance assessment that does not exclusively consider model endpoints but also examines the plausibility of the underlying ecosystem structures, i.e. biological rates, ecological processes or derived quantities (Arhonditsis and Brett 2004).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Example of a multi-model ensemble (MME). The shaded area shows the full width of predicting outcomes made by different models, the black line shows the mean of all models and the circles are the observations. Figure modified after Trolle et al. (2014) where the authors show that the prediction by the average model outcome is better than the prediction by individual models

Exploiting the diversity in fundamentally different approaches in aquatic ecosystem modelling

Finally, we could exploit the diversity in more fundamentally different model approaches, for example statistical- versus process-based models. The diversity in model approaches is the product of the numerous choices that can be made during model development, pursuing a certain trade-off between effort, model simplicity, realism, process details, boundary conditions, forcings and accuracy along various dimensions such as time and space (e.g. Weijerman et al. 2015). For example, minimal models aim to understand the response curve of ecosystems to disturbances, but they are generally too simple to allow for upscaling and process quantification. Complex models on the other hand can describe the cycling of nutrients through many compartments of an ecosystem as well as the flow of energy through the system. Therefore, they often allow for quantitative scenario evaluations, but their output is difficult to interpret as it is demanding to decipher the numerous interactions and feedback loops. More complexity also can be introduced by individual-based and trait-based models, which allow the inclusion of evolutionary processes. Thus, a higher diversity of model approaches permits addressing a higher number of different purposes, provided that they are sufficiently complementary. There is a great value in combining different modelling approaches, as insights gained by one model can be useful for the application of another, and we benefit from the strengths of different model types (Mooij et al. 2009). Combining modelling approaches helps to develop an integrative view on the functioning of aquatic systems and seems almost essential for the adaptive management of the source and sink functions of lake ecosystems, which require integrated thinking and decision support.

Evolving diversity in AEMs

We have explored and exploited diversity in AEMs. Before reflecting on possible future evolution of model diversity, it is interesting first to look back and see how the existing diversity came about.

A historical perspective on evolving diversity in AEMs

The field of AEMs started with great expectations when the first mainframe computers were installed at universities in the 1960s (Lavington 1975). But because of the adaptive nature of living systems, making predictive AEMs proved to be more difficult than predicting the trajectory of a rocket to the moon. This sparked the emergence of individual-based models sensu lato, including dynamic energy budget models (Kooijman 1993), structured population models (De Roos et al. 1992) and individual-based models sensu stricto (Mooij and Boersma 1996), that zoom in on a particular (group of) species in the ecosystem. In an opposite direction, minimal dynamical models of ecosystems zoomed out to detect dominant nonlinearities in ecosystem responses to external forcing (Scheffer et al. 2001). Renewed interest in large ecosystem models occurred in the past decades, not the least as a result of the increased and distributed computational power, but this time with the tendency to link the models with individual-based and trait-based approaches (DeAngelis and Mooij 2005) and compare their behaviour with minimal dynamical models (Mooij et al. 2009). In the past, region-specific questions have led to region-specific models; however, as a result of current globalization, the need for widely applicable models and models covering regional or continental aspects is rapidly increasing. The growing recognition of the importance anthropogenic stressors on ecosystems and the services provided by ecosystems asks for coupling of ecological models with socio-economics models (e.g. Downing et al. 2014). This can be realized by using output of one model as input for the other model, or run-time exchange of input and output between such models. The latter method is more complicated and only becomes necessary when there are strong feedbacks between ecology and socio-economics.

Arguments for reducing diversity

There are valid arguments why aquatic ecology as a whole could benefit from streamlining the diversity in AEMs. First, some formulations have been shown to be both less accurate and more complex than alternatives (Tian 2006). Second, some models are developed to answer one specific question and thus lose their functionality once this question has been addressed. It is likely that this kind of models has a high turnover rate, but such models could also be incorporated in large models as the results prove to be relevant. Finally, the presence of pseudo-diversity is an argument to reduce the number of models. For example, in climate studies, it has been shown that the performance of ensemble models significantly improved when pseudo-diversity was reduced (Knutti et al. 2013). Ideally, groups that work in parallel on similar models should have the incentives to join efforts, but these incentives are often not in place. Also at the level of the individual scientists, there seem to be few, if any, incentives to give up one’s own model, whereas there are many incentives to maintain it or even start yet another one. Only when the incentives that lead to fragmentation are overcome, or are outweighed by incentives to join forces, can we expect a healthy consolidation of the field to take place. Frameworks such as Delft3D-Delwaq (Deltares 2014), FABM (Bruggeman and Bolding 2014) and DATM (Mooij et al. 2014) facilitate this process, but also these frameworks have the risk to be duplicated, leading to yet another layer of fragmentation. The turnover rate of AEMs is hard to measure since publications on dropped models are rare, if they even exist. At the same time, the absence of publications on a specific model does not necessarily mean that a model became unused, as engineers, for example, might use the specific model on a daily basis without publishing the results. Furthermore, unlike extinct species that reduce biodiversity, ‘dead’ models can become ‘alive’ when a need for their existence emerges, thereby contributing again to model diversity.

Arguments for enlarging diversity

Because the field of aquatic ecosystem modelling can appear quite fragmented, arguments for enlarging diversity in AEMs are easily overlooked. Nevertheless, there should always be room for good ideas and new avenues. An interesting example is provided by minimal dynamical models. When these became prominent in the shallow lake literature about 25 years ago, they were met with considerable reservation and hardly perceived as a step forward. Nowadays, their ability to illustrate and communicate essential nonlinearity in the response of ecosystem (and many other dynamical systems) is broadly recognized (Scheffer et al. 2001). Another emerging approach with many applications in the aquatic domain is Dynamic Energy Budgets (DEB) (Kooijman 1993). The scope of current DEB models, however, is too limited to be qualified as ecosystem models as defined in this study.

Arguments for conserving diversity

With the first generation of aquatic ecosystem modellers about to retire, there can be serious concern about a loss of useful models and approaches, requiring active conservation effort by the community at large. Proper implementation of conservation schemes will help to prevent the proverbial ‘reinvention of the wheel’ (Mooij et al. 2010). Additionally, it can help future model developers to anticipate what models and formulations worked well and which did not. Obviously, this learning process is hampered at the lack of documentation of failures in the scientific literature. Conserving diversity would thus have a great educational value and would help understand the ‘genealogy’ of the existing models. Conservation of model diversity is important for science as well, as science builds on repetition which only can be complied with when code is conserved. However, model diversity conservation has to overcome ‘code rot’, which is the deterioration of software as a result of the ever evolving modelling environment, making the software invalid or unusable (Scherlis 1996). To prevent code rot, the code should be maintained. Another option is to conserve models in their purest mathematical form (e.g. like in the concept behind DATM, Mooij et al. 2010).

How to facilitate evolving diversity

One would like to have tools available and mechanisms in place that would allow diversity to evolve through a ‘natural selection’ of models. Natural selection is an emergent property of a system in which there is variation among agents; this variation is transferred to the offspring of the agents and has an impact on the survival of the agents. We have shown that there is ample diversity among AEMs, and there seems to be a healthy cross-fertilization of ideas leading to continued development of new versions and models. What may be hampering ‘natural selection’ among AEMs, however, are standardized methods to compare model ‘fitness’ within their niche and given the research question they address. Here, we point specifically to the research question since models might have a different purpose, and it only makes sense to compare the fitness of those models that are able to answer the same research question. To enhance selection and ‘gene transfer’, easy model accessibility is necessary in the first place. Easy accessibility not only includes freely available model software but also low time costs of, for instance, learning new modelling code or approaches. Additionally, data availability is very important for the improvement of models (Hipsey et al. 2015). As long as models are inaccessible, due to, for example, licence restrictions or inappropriate manuals, modellers will most likely choose the models in use by their colleagues (see Online Resource 2). These easily accessible models may not be the best suitable to answer their questions. Secondly, standard objective assessment criteria to calibrate and validate models are important (Refsgaard et al. 2005; Robson 2014b). These criteria are different for each modelling niche, as models that are suitable, for example, for forecasting of algal blooms require other criteria than models suitable for biodiversity assessments. It also implies providing a freely accessible set of data used as calibration or validation data (meteorology, hydrology, hydrodynamics, nutrient fluxes, etc.) of the models to be benchmarked. The application of the models to these common test data enables a direct comparison without interfering effects from differences in basin morphometry, hydrology, meteorology, and so on. The main idea behind this benchmarking is not to classify models into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ ones, but instead to characterize the dynamic behaviour and specific abilities of the separate models. Finally, we would like to point to the importance of the conservation and maintenance of expertise and experience for model evolution. Currently, project life cycles are generally short, and while mobility of people can help to spread models, the same mobility could lead to a local loss of expertise (Herrera et al. 2010; Parise et al. 2012).


How can biodiversity research help us to interpret model diversity?

One could see the myriad of model purposes as niches that shape model diversity. Like biodiversity, model diversity can be organized in taxonomic structures to classify models. Using Wikipedia as a reference, such a taxonomic study has been done already for programming languages and showed a phylogenetic tree with new programming languages emerging from different elements of earlier programming languages (Valverde and Solé 2015). A similar study for AEMs is intriguing, but is beyond this study. Our analysis revealed a large diversity in the models. We argue that to fully exploit the niche, the tools for analysis provided in each modelling framework should be used. If we divide the AEMs in specialists or generalists, the majority of the AEMs seem to be specialists that address the research question that led to their development but with little application beyond. This can be attributed to the fact that models are often locked within frameworks which obstruct communication and cross-fertilization between the models (Mooij et al. 2014). For the same reason, we could question whether there is enough competition between the models to enable survival of the fittest and thus competitive exclusion. At present, most models seem to have the fingerprints of the resource group it is developed in, as if they were species that evolved in their island-specific supported niche. This has the disadvantage of reinventing the wheel, but surely has its advantage as well since the independently evolved models can be used for comparison as in ensemble modelling.


Our analysis of exploring, exploiting and evolving diversity in AEMs leads us to three types of recommendations related to (1) availability, (2) standardization and (3) coupling of AEMs.

Availability of AEMs

With respect to the availability of AEMs, it is important to continue the current trend of open-source policies for AEM models, tools for analysis and data. This will increase the transparency of model structure, assumptions and approaches. Besides that, there is an urgent need for a public overview of existing AEMs. This could be a Wikipedia list, with links to relevant (online) documentation or similar initiatives. Such a list could be complemented with an overview of the forces and niches that created the existing diversity in AEMs. Once there is an overview of the niches in which models are designed, the suitability of models for other applications is better assessed. Documentation of the available AEMs will create awareness of the full width of approaches in AEMs to avoid tunnel vision. We should also actively preserve AEMs to learn from the past and thereby avoid reinventing the wheel but also to identify and prevent pseudo-diversity in AEMs.

Standardization of AEM practices

We recommend developing standardization in the documentation of AEMs [comparable with, e.g. ODD for IBMs, Grimm et al. (2006)], terminology to categorize AEMs and the methods to analyse AEMs. Standardization of documentation and terminology is desirable for the communication on the different available models. Standardization of methods for parametrization, comparison, calibration, testing, structuring, conversion and interpolation in AEMs will lead to a common practice in model analysis.

Linking AEMs

In our analysis, we compared models by their state variables, while additional diversity is hidden in the process formulations. Here, we recommend fulfilling the next step by comparing models by their process formulations. Currently, this step is a time-consuming and difficult task as a result of lack in the availability of model definitions. Perhaps this step will be possible in the future due to the emerging linking approaches such as DATM. And linking has more benefits. We advocate linking AEMs with models from other disciplines to answer questions that require a holistic approach. We recommend running AEMs in more than one spatial setting to gain more insight into the effects within the spatial context and suggest running a given AEM in multiple frameworks to use the full set of tools for analysis and advice of the user community. Finally, we recommend ensemble modelling with AEMs in order to use the best out of multiple models. For example, statistical- and process-based AEMs should be used side by side because they have complementary strengths.

We anticipate that increasing model availability, standardization of model documentation, and various forms of linking will lead to an evolving diversity of AEMs in which the better performing models out-compete the poorer performing models. Given the large number of model niches, however, there will always remain a great diversity in AEMs.


We can only speculate where the field of aquatic ecosystem modelling will be heading in the coming five to 10 years. We expect that many new developments will be triggered and enabled by general trends in science, technology and society. Here, we list 10 of these possible trends. (1) We expect that wikis (e.g. Wikipedia), where users can either retrieve information or contribute information through standardized web interfaces, will gain in importance for the documentation and distribution of AEMs. While we recognize the inherent lack of quality control, we highly value the ease of access, the community effort and dynamic nature of this approach (the name ‘wiki’ is derived from the Hawaiian word for ‘quick’). (2) We recognize initiatives to develop e-infrastructures for the implementation of AEMs and other environmental models where users of different levels of experience share easy and secure access to models and data according to their needs. (3) We envision that current trends in the mandatory storage of scientific data in repositories will be extended to model code. (4) We envision that online databases of model parameters will be developed and become an important resource for the development and improvement of AEMs. (5) We see a change from the way consultancy companies earn money with AEMs. Formerly, their business model was based on copyrights of model code. Now, we see a switch to a business model emerging that is based on expertise in applying open-source models. (6) We hope for a further integration of the development, analysis and application of AEMs in fundamental research and applied science. It will be a challenge to develop models of intermediate complexity that are simple enough to be thoroughly analysed, yet complex enough to be applicable in real-life cases. (7) We hope for a better coverage of the mutual interaction of ecosystem dynamics and biodiversity in AEMs. (8) We expect that the domain of model application (e.g. type of water, climate zone and stress factors) of AEMs will increase. In the end, this will allow for global analysis of aquatic ecosystems exposed to multiple stressors. (9) We envision the implementation of AEMs in apps that run in a local context (e.g. using GPS information) on a smartphone or tablet computer. (10) Finally, we expect that various forms of ensemble modelling will gain importance. Through a comparative evaluation of model performance, ensemble modelling can contribute to a ‘natural selection’ of AEMs within their niches that are defined by questions from society and science.

Text Box 1 Glossary of terms related to aquatic ecosystem modelling. This glossary can also be found in database format in Online Resource 1, Datasheet 1. For each term, an acronym and a description, followed by, in so far known to us, a Wikipedia page, a homepage or other relevant web pages and one or more key publications is given, using the following style: Term (Acronym): Definition of term (Wikipedia | Web page | Publication)