Business School Teachers’ Experiences with a Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Jaka Vadnjal Slovenia
  • Darinka Radoja Slovenia
Keywords: autism, business school, students, teachers, programme adaptation, parents


Autism has become an increasingly relevant topic in the research of neuroscience with the objective of enabling people with this condition to become equal opportunity members of the society; this includes an exploration of the benefits of the public education system. However, the science and knowledge in this field have thus far been limited, and the results of scientific findings have been very rare. The objective of the study was to explore primarily the first experiences of higher education teachers dealing with a student with an autism spectrum disorder. The aim was to learn lessons and contribute to some new understanding of special and adapted pedagogical approaches. The methodology of the study is qualitative, using (i) a case study as an objective of the researchers, and (ii) in-depth interviews with the twelve teachers about their experience with (for them) the new demanding assignment to teach a student with an autism spectrum disorder. The case study is about three years of undergraduate studies of a student with autism spectrum disorder who, in the end, obtained a bachelor’s degree in the field of business. The findings reveal that teachers generally viewed the experience as very positive and found teaching to be a challenge. For success, cooperation with experts and parents is crucial, but the education institution (of which all are stakeholders) could and should have done more. However, taking into account that the challenge is new, this study may contribute to some further development.


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How to Cite
Vadnjal, J., & Radoja, D. (2020). Business School Teachers’ Experiences with a Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 10(1), 167-189.