Migration and translocal learning

Poles in Reykjavik





translocal learning, migration, place, Iceland


The paper analyses learning from the perspective of migration. It is based on a qualitative study of Polish first-generation migrants in Iceland. The theoretical framework adopted is translocal learning and learning from places – which joins the perspective of social learning with learning from the environment. The empirical material was used to construct eight categories showing translocal learning outcomes: practical skills, communicative competences, analytic competence, assimilation of values, selfconfidence, independence, living with uncertainty and mobility skills. The findings show that translocal learning has a critical potential of challenging the dominant ideology. Some of the learning outcomes help migrants in further migration Finally, I suggest a new concept for future research – translocal pedagogy.


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Author Biography

Malgorzata Karolina Zielińska, University of Gdansk

PhD, independent researcher


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How to Cite

Zielińska, M. K. (2019). Migration and translocal learning: Poles in Reykjavik. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 10(1), 13–27. https://doi.org/10.3384/rela.2000-7426.OJS296



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