Conference Essay: Public and Private Narratives


  • Vanessa May University of Leeds



narrative, narrative analysis, qualitat­ive methods


This essay examines a conference on narrative. The field of narrative studies is by nature interdisciplinary, which leads to certain strengths and weaknesses, both of which were evident during the conference. On the one hand, as a result of the myriad approaches to and definitions of narrative and narrative analysis, the conference perhaps lacked a sense of coherence. However, the conference showed that overriding this weak­ness in narrative studies is the fruitful cross-fertilization that can occur when a field is truly interdisciplinary. Thus, concepts and theories can and do travel from one discipline to another, gaining new meaning and providing new insight on the way. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0401192


Author Biography

Vanessa May, University of Leeds

Vanessa MAY is Research Fellow at the Centre for Research on Family, Kinship and Childhood at the University of Leeds. Her research interests include lone motherhood, post-separation/divorce family life and family law, as well as narrative and biographical research methods. She is currently working on a research project on contact and residence disputes in court.




How to Cite

May, V. (2004). Conference Essay: Public and Private Narratives. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 5(1).