Secondary Qualitative Analysis of Interviews. A Method Used for Gaining Insight Into the Work/Life Balance of Middle Managers in Germany


  • Petra Notz Institut für berufliche Bildung, Arbeitsmarkt- und Sozialpolitik (INBAS) Offenbach



qualitative data, secondary analysis, interviews, managers


This paper outlines a secondary analysis of interviews from an application-oriented perspective. We conducted secondary analysis in a project focusing on "work/life balance of managers". The original data came from a study that investigated "interest orientations of middle managers", in which the author was directly involved in. This paper describes the methodological steps as well as the benefits and limitations that were faced by the application of this approach. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0501347


Author Biography

Petra Notz, Institut für berufliche Bildung, Arbeitsmarkt- und Sozialpolitik (INBAS) Offenbach

The research described in this article was conducted at the "Research Institute of Work, Technique and Culture" in Tübingen, of which the Petra NOTZ was scientific employee for many years. Her research interests are in the area of sociology of management, gender issues and vocational education. She has been working at the Institute of vocational education, labour market policy and social policy" in Offenbach since 2004.



How to Cite

Notz, P. (2005). Secondary Qualitative Analysis of Interviews. A Method Used for Gaining Insight Into the Work/Life Balance of Middle Managers in Germany. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 6(1).



Approaches to Re-use: Asking New Questions of Old Data