Conference Essay: Interiors and Exteriors in Discourse Analysis and the Sociology of Science


  • Elke Fein Universität Freiburg
  • Marie-laure Florea Université Lyon II



discourse analysis, Foucault, (post-) structuralism, sociology of knowledge


The following report summarizes the discussions and a number of the central substantive points put forward by the participants of the Franco-German workshop—held in Paris during the summer of 2005—on recent developments and future perspectives of discourse related research in France and Germany. Discourse analysis in France can be traced back to structuralist theorizing as it has developed inside linguistics since SAUSSURE and further elaborated by theorists such as FOUCAULT, DERRIDA, ALTHUSSER and LACAN. Currently, the field is characterized by well established linguistic research networks and methodologies. Discourse analysis in Germany, in contrast, gained academic status only in the 1990s, and this was the case mainly in social science disciplines. Against this background, the workshop not only shed light on the respective underlying assumptions of German qualitative social science and the "French School" of discourse analysis, it also theoretically located and methodologically systematized the existed "pool of tools." The workshop thereby helped to clarify the contours of the field of discourse analysis from the perspectives of the respective target groups on both sides of the Rhine. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0701222


Author Biographies

Elke Fein, Universität Freiburg

Elke FEIN ist Sozial- und Politikwissenschaftlerin an der Universität Freiburg i. Brsg. und lehrt dort Neuere Osteuropäische Geschichte und Politische Theorie. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Systemwechsel- und Transformationsforschung (v.a. kulturelle und symbolische Dimensionen der Transformation), Geschichtspolitik und Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung insbesondere in Russland und Osteuropa, Theorien kultureller Entwicklung, qualitative und interpretative sozialwissenschaftliche Methoden und Diskursanalyse.

Marie-laure Florea, Université Lyon II

Marie-laure FLOREA ist Doktorandin der Sprachwissenschaft am Laboratoire ICAR sowie Tutorin und Dozentin in Sprachwissenschaft (Pragmatik und Medienanalyse) an der Universität Lyon II. Ihre Dissertation untersucht Nachrufe in der zeitgenössischen französischen Presse mithilfe einer diskursanalytischen Methodik.



How to Cite

Fein, E., & Florea, M.- laure. (2007). Conference Essay: Interiors and Exteriors in Discourse Analysis and the Sociology of Science. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 8(1).



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