Temporalities and Materialities. Introduction to the Thematic Issue on Time and Discourse


  • Kati Hannken-Illjes Freie Universität Berlin




time, discourse, rhythm, materiality


Introducing the thematic issue on time and discourse, this paper briefly shows how the problematization of time leads to an understanding of time as a multiplicity of coexisting temporalities rather than a continuous, even stream and suggests "rhythm" as one metaphor to grasp this multiplicity. Further on, the paper shows how by understanding time in discourse in the sense of times, the contributions to this issue, although coming from quite diverse disciplinary backgrounds, meet in methodologies that combine ethnography, science and technology studies, and laboratory studies. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0701299


Author Biography

Kati Hannken-Illjes, Freie Universität Berlin

Kati HANNKEN-ILLJES is a member of the Emmy-Noether Group "Comparative Microsociology of Criminal Proceedings" at the Freie Universität Berlin. Her disciplinary background is in speech and communication studies. She received her PhD for a work on argumentative competence. Her interests are in rhetoric, narrative theory and argumentation studies. Her research focuses on the intersections between narration and argumentation and the role of argumentation in criminal proceedings.



How to Cite

Hannken-Illjes, K. (2007). Temporalities and Materialities. Introduction to the Thematic Issue on Time and Discourse. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-8.1.199



Thematic Issue