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Technological Environmental Innovations (TEIs) in a chain-analytical and life-cycle-analytical perspective
[working paper]
"This paper is based on an empirical survey of technological environmental innovations (TEIs), i.e. new products, processes and practices that come with benign environmental effects. The survey is based on product chain analysis and innovation life cycle analysis. It turns out that most TEIs occur u... view more
"This paper is based on an empirical survey of technological environmental innovations (TEIs), i.e. new products, processes and practices that come with benign environmental effects. The survey is based on product chain analysis and innovation life cycle analysis. It turns out that most TEIs occur upstream rather than downstream, i.e. chain-upwards in the beginning rather than in the end of product chains, and in early stages of technology or product development rather than in later, more mature stages. There are conclusions to be drawn for 'upstreaming' environmental activities and for focusing environmental policy upon innovation." (author's abstract)... view less
innovation; analysis; life cycle; environmental policy; environment; environmental factors; innovation policy
Ecology, Environment
Sociology of Science, Sociology of Technology, Research on Science and Technology
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Publication Year
15 p.
Deposit Licence - No Redistribution, No Modifications
Data providerThis metadata entry was indexed by the Special Subject Collection Social Sciences, USB Cologne