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Women leading in education across the continents
Führend in der Bildung auf allen Kontinenten
[journal article]
"WissenschaftlerInnen aus der ganzen Welt gründeten 2007 auf einer Konferenz in Rom das Netzwerk Women Leading Education Across the Continents (WLE). Ziel war es, einen qualitativen und quantitativen Überblick über Frauen in Führungspositionen im Bildungssystem (Schul- und Hochschulwesen) zu erhalte... view more
"WissenschaftlerInnen aus der ganzen Welt gründeten 2007 auf einer Konferenz in Rom das Netzwerk Women Leading Education Across the Continents (WLE). Ziel war es, einen qualitativen und quantitativen Überblick über Frauen in Führungspositionen im Bildungssystem (Schul- und Hochschulwesen) zu erhalten. Das Netzwerk verfolgt mehrere Ziele: eine Datensammlung zu Frauen in Führungspositionen im Bildungswesen weltweit; die Untersuchung von Gründen, die das Erreichen einer Führungsposition erleichtern oder erschweren; eine Unterfütterung dieser Daten anhand einer Analyse der Biografien der WLE-Mitglieder; die Einflussnahme auf Forschung, Politik und Praxis mithilfe von Publikationen und einem Online-Gender-Audit." (Autorenreferat)... view less
"Scholars across the globe created the Women Leading in Education Across the Continents (WLE) group at a conference held in Rome in 2007. The goal was to fill a knowledge vacuum; an understanding of the status of women in educational leadership, in both basic and higher education, from both a qualit... view more
"Scholars across the globe created the Women Leading in Education Across the Continents (WLE) group at a conference held in Rome in 2007. The goal was to fill a knowledge vacuum; an understanding of the status of women in educational leadership, in both basic and higher education, from both a qualitative and quantitative view. The group emerged with the following goals: to gather data from an increasing number of countries across all continents regarding the number of women represented in positions of leadership in education; to describe issues that are either barriers or facilitators regarding the ability of women to attain the highest levels of educational leadership; to bring those issues to life through an analysis of the lives and stories of women within the group; to impact research, policy making and practice through publications and an online gender audit." (author's abstract)... view less
utility; research; discrimination; network; education; working group; education system; influence; executive position; research facility; practice; executive; survey; research documentation; woman; politics; biography; documentation; developing country
Women's Studies, Feminist Studies, Gender Studies
Document language
Publication Year
p. 134-142
GENDER - Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 2 (2010) 3
Published Version; reviewed