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European/EU economic studies curricula
[journal article]
This paper is analysing one of the most dynamic fields of EU studies, the Economic Studies, which is, in the same time, a classic and a permanently new and changeable domain, offering a comprehensive coverage of European economic integration. This assertion is also confirmed by the fact that the EU ... view more
This paper is analysing one of the most dynamic fields of EU studies, the Economic Studies, which is, in the same time, a classic and a permanently new and changeable domain, offering a comprehensive coverage of European economic integration. This assertion is also confirmed by the fact that the EU Economic Studies come in second position in point of projects funded by Jean Monnet Action. The study takes into consideration three subfields of EU Economic Studies: European Economy, European Management, and Europe and Global Economy, tracing their evolution in twelve European countries. The curricular database of these subfields has been the support needed to seize the development of curricula in EU Economic Studies through internal elements contributing to its development - the dynamics of specializations, the role of mobility in various ways for crossing the disciplinary/transdisciplinary and national /transnational borders, or the role of NTIC in developing the curricula. Finally, it is the same curricular database that has helped us follow the EU Economic Studies curricula development depending on external stimuli: evolution of curricula according to the European agenda and its level of knowledge, and the impact of Jean Monnet Programme in developing the European Studies curricula in the field.... view less
research; EU; studies (academic); economics; university; curriculum; economic integration; promotional program
University Education
Curriculum, Teaching, Didactics
European Politics
Document language
Publication Year
p. 67-84
The Romanian Journal of International Relations and European Studies, 1 (2012) 1
Issue topic
Current problems in the development of the European and/or EU Studies Curriculum
Published Version; peer reviewed
Deposit Licence - No Redistribution, No Modifications