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Occupation and social structure in modern Central Europe: some reflections on coding professions
[journal article]
The present article outlines some of the results of the systematic researches on Silesian population carried out since the end of the 1970s. It points out some demographic differences between the predominantly catholic Upper and the predominantly evangelical Lower Silesia. In Upper Silesia age at ma... view more
The present article outlines some of the results of the systematic researches on Silesian population carried out since the end of the 1970s. It points out some demographic differences between the predominantly catholic Upper and the predominantly evangelical Lower Silesia. In Upper Silesia age at marriage as well as the rates of prenuptial conceptions and illegitimacy were lower. Because couples married earlier there, the number of children was higher than in Lower Silesia. Similar differences can be observed between rich farmers and tenant farmers. Generally the social status was negatively correlated with the age at marriage and prenuptial conceptions. The household size was greater in the upper classes, and nuclear family households prevailed in the lower. In peasant households up to four generations lived under the same roof and in the districts of declining linen industry in general only two. Getting married usually involved the change of the social status.... view less
population; Central Europe; social structure; historical development; Silesia; occupation; social status
Social History, Historical Social Research
Methods and Techniques of Data Collection and Data Analysis, Statistical Methods, Computer Methods
descriptive study; historical
Document language
Publication Year
p. 10-19
Historical Social Research, 4 (1979) 3
Published Version; peer reviewed