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Contribution of the media to promote cardiovascular health
Contribuição do meio midiático para a promoção da saúde cardiovascular
Contribución de los medios de comunicación para promover la salud cardiovascular
[journal article]
Objective: to analyze the contribution of the media for promoting cardiovascular health. Method: case study, qualitative, theoretically based on the method of Paulo Freire for reasoning and data analysis. The research was conducted using as a scenario the "Bem Estar" TV program of "Rede Globo", in t... view more
Objective: to analyze the contribution of the media for promoting cardiovascular health. Method: case study, qualitative, theoretically based on the method of Paulo Freire for reasoning and data analysis. The research was conducted using as a scenario the "Bem Estar" TV program of "Rede Globo", in the episodes whose thematic was cardiovascular disease. Results: there was a concern of the program to involve participants in the educational process, ensuring, in a mediated way, their involvement in the educational process. However, there are limitations to the adoption of a model of liberating education as proposed by Paulo Freire. Another finding was the absence of nursing professionals as collaborators. Conclusion: the study allowed the expansion of knowledge about a subject not explored by Nursing, reaffirming the importance of more qualified professionals related to participation in the educational act.... view less
heart disease; circulatory disease; health promotion; media; information; education; caregiver; audiovisual media; health education
Medical Sociology
Media Pedagogics
Document language
Publication Year
p. 2241-2253
Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online, 7 (2015) 2
Published Version; peer reviewed