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Artă în spațiul public sau artă pentru sine: ipostaze ale artistului Ion Grigorescu în epoca comunistă și posttotalitară
Art in the public space or art for oneself: hypostases of the artist Ion Grigorescu during communism and the post-totalitarian period
[journal article]
This article discusses the case of Ion Grigorescu, and of his ambiguous relationship with the communist regime, which he registered through a form of "documentary realism". Through his "realgrams" Grigorescu documented real life experiences in an innovatory approach to the majority of Romanian artis... view more
This article discusses the case of Ion Grigorescu, and of his ambiguous relationship with the communist regime, which he registered through a form of "documentary realism". Through his "realgrams" Grigorescu documented real life experiences in an innovatory approach to the majority of Romanian artists of the time using photographs of his everyday environment, and being inspired by his social and political context. Grigorescu is thus an artist committed to the public space and assuming a critical stance without it being discursive, pedant or moralizing. The approach of this study is descriptive, based on the artists' artworks and self-descriptions, and seeking to situate Grigorescu's approach in the context of the communist regime and its transformation after 1990 into a democratic regime. The conclusions show that Grigorescu's artworks are anti-system, criticizing any establishment, no matter in which regime he finds himself. His contestation is specific to a committed artist that chooses to express his freedom of expression beyond his own studio.... view less
socialism; film; subversion; Romania; art; the public; artist; criticism; documentation; realism; political regime; cultural policy; opposition; photography
Cultural Sociology, Sociology of Art, Sociology of Literature
Document language
Romanian, Moldavian, Moldovan
Publication Year
p. 399-415
Studia Politica: Romanian Political Science Review, 17 (2017) 3
Published Version; peer reviewed
Creative Commons - Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 1.0