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Bewegungsformen und Bestimmungsfaktoren transnationaler und interner Migration in den deutschen Nordostgebieten vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg: Entwurf eines heuristischen Modells [1979/2005]
Analysing transnational and internal migration in the German Northeast before World War I: Outlining a heuristic concept
[journal article]
During the secular change of Prussia from an agrarian state with uprising industries towards an industrial state with a strong and stable agrarian sector, transnational and internal mobility became mass phenomena in the German Northeast before World War I. Regional differences aside, the most import... view more
During the secular change of Prussia from an agrarian state with uprising industries towards an industrial state with a strong and stable agrarian sector, transnational and internal mobility became mass phenomena in the German Northeast before World War I. Regional differences aside, the most important components of this mobility were overseas emigration and remigration, continental immigration, primarily from middle-east and south-east Europe, as well as several forms of internal migration. Thereby we have to distinguish between permanent and temporary migrations, between migrations within the same economic sector (intra-sectoral migrations, e.g. within the agrarian sector), and migrations across sectors (inter-sectoral migrations, e.g. from the agrarian towards the industrial sector). Driven by partly comparable and partly different motivations, this mobility shaped more or less long-lasting migration traditions within a highly complex migration system.... view less
emigration; decision; primary sector; east-west migration; secondary sector; labor market; industrial nation; agriculture; international migration; motive; migration; heuristics; Prussia; immigration; German Reich; migration research
Social History, Historical Social Research
Migration, Sociology of Migration
Free Keywords
Imperial Germany before WWI; mass migration movements; overseas emigration and remigration; transnational and internal migration; intra- and intersectoral migration; migration system
Document language
Publication Year
p. 145-164
Historical Social Research, Supplement (2018) 30
Issue topic
Historische Migrationsforschung / Historical Migration Research
Published Version; peer reviewed