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Selektiver Schutz: das humanitäre Aufnahmeprogramm für syrische Flüchtlinge in Deutschland
Deserving protection: the selective process of humanitarian admission for Syrian refugees in Germany
[journal article]
The often praised temporary humanitarian admission programme through which Germany grants two year residence permits to Syrian refugees in Syria and its neighbouring countries Egypt and Libya, uses several criteria, such as family and other ties to Germany, vulnerability, and useful skills for the r... view more
The often praised temporary humanitarian admission programme through which Germany grants two year residence permits to Syrian refugees in Syria and its neighbouring countries Egypt and Libya, uses several criteria, such as family and other ties to Germany, vulnerability, and useful skills for the reconstruction of Syria, in its admission selection process. This paper argues that these criteria and the temporary character of the programme allow the German state to carefully select refugees in order to minimize its legal and economic responsibilities towards them. Though some aspects of the programme facilitate the application process and economic integration of refugees and encourage a more flexible approach taking into account transnational ties and mobile solutions, the programme also risks enabling tendencies in the global refugee regime which could lead to a reduction of assumed responsibility among Northern states and to more inequality among states and refugees.... view less
Syria; refugee; Federal Republic of Germany; refugee law; residence permit; humanitarianism; migrant; policy on refugees; asylum policy; migration; mobility
Migration, Sociology of Migration
Free Keywords
humanitarian admission; temporary protection; durable solutions; burden sharing; migrant-refugee dichotomy; transnationalism; repatriation; humanitäre Aufnahme; temporärer Schutz; dauerhafte Lösungen; Lastenteilung; Migrant-Flüchtlings-Dichotomie; Rückführung
Document language
Publication Year
p. 212-234
PERIPHERIE - Politik, Ökonomie, Kultur, 35 (2015) 2
Issue topic
Dis-Placement: Flüchtlinge zwischen Orten
Published Version; peer reviewed