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Bangladesh's Upcoming Election: A Litmus Test for Democracy
[working paper]
Corporate Editor
German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) - Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien, Institut für Asien-Studien
Bangladesh is on the precipice of another controversial national election, to be held on 7 January 2024. The last two elections, held in 2014 and 2018, were marred by allegations of electoral fraud but provided resounding victory for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's party. During her 14-year rule, Ban... view more
Bangladesh is on the precipice of another controversial national election, to be held on 7 January 2024. The last two elections, held in 2014 and 2018, were marred by allegations of electoral fraud but provided resounding victory for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's party. During her 14-year rule, Bangladesh has seen impressive economic growth, yet its democratic standards have declined steeply. Bangladesh is facing a political stalemate over the administration of the election. The government has rejected the opposition’s demand for the reinstatement of the neutral caretaker government system that had overseen elections between 1991 and 2008. In response, the opposition is boycotting the polls. Hasina is also under considerable international pressure, especially from the United States, to ensure free, fair, and inclusive elections. However, the government appears determined to administer another one-sided election - which would consolidate Bangladesh's turn towards authoritarianism. Popular discontent related to the rising cost of living and economic mismanagement is providing momentum to anti-government sentiment domestically. Violent confrontations between opposition activists and ruling-party members, especially in the case of a rigged election, could destabilise the country in the post-election period.... view less
Bangladesh; election; democracy; domestic policy; protest; opposition; violence; propensity to violence; socioeconomic development; authoritarian system; development; perspective; South Asia
Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture
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Innenpolitische Lage/Entwicklung; Politischer Protest; Gesellschaftliche/Politische Opposition; Politisch motivierte Gewaltanwendung; Autoritäre Herrschaft; Entwicklungsperspektive und- tendenz
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8 p.
GIGA Focus Asien, 7
Published Version; reviewed