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Non-Deceptive Placebos Can Promote Acts of Kindness: A Randomized Controlled Trial
[journal article]
Placebos have often been used to reduce emotional distress but rarely to increase positive feelings. The present study investigated whether a placebo can promote acts of kindness (AoKs) that are associated with emotional well-being. A total of 160 university students were asked to perform an AoK dai... view more
Placebos have often been used to reduce emotional distress but rarely to increase positive feelings. The present study investigated whether a placebo can promote acts of kindness (AoKs) that are associated with emotional well-being. A total of 160 university students were asked to perform an AoK daily for one week. They evaluated their emotional state (feelings of pleasantness, arousal, satisfaction) directly before and after the AoKs. This was monitored via a smartphone app. One group performed each AoK after taking a non-deceptive placebo; the other group received no placebo. Before and after the one-week program, the participants completed three questionnaires that assessed satisfaction with life, positive/negative affect, and flourishing. The participants reported higher pleasantness directly after engaging in an AoK and more satisfaction with life after the program. The motivation to carry out AoKs decreased strongly over the week. However, placebo receivers completed more AoKs than the no-placebo group. The results indicate that placebo treatment can promote the performance of acts of kindness.... view less
emotionality; psychophysical stress; emotion; satisfaction with life; well-being; action; questionnaire; random sample; altruistic behavior
Social Psychology
Psychological Disorders, Mental Health Treatment and Prevention
Free Keywords
non-deceptive placebo; open-label-placebo; acts of kindness; pleasantness; Positive and Negative Affect Schedule PANAS; Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS); ZIS 242; ZIS 147
Document language
Publication Year
p. 1-9
Behavioral Sciences, 13 (2023) 9
Published Version; peer reviewed