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Opportunities for project financing in the development of the country's infrastructure
[journal article]
The article considers project financing as an investment tool for financing infrastructure projects since recently this approach is quite relevant in Russia. The analysis revealed both the strengths for the development of project financing and the factors constraining its application. In the researc... view more
The article considers project financing as an investment tool for financing infrastructure projects since recently this approach is quite relevant in Russia. The analysis revealed both the strengths for the development of project financing and the factors constraining its application. In the research, the author identified some problems connected with the participants of project financing as well as with the use of debt instruments. In project financing, the key role is played by the generated cash flow. An important condition for its compliance with forecast parameters is not only the improvement of the corporate management system but also the creation of a satisfactory system for monitoring and operational control over the implementation of projects through the optimization of all processes. It is also important to improve the system of benefits and guarantees for investment projects using project financing The article formulates measures, the adoption of which can contribute to wider and more effective use of project financing for implementing infrastructure projects.... view less
infrastructure; investment; public private partnership; corporate governance; investment policy; Russia
Economic Policy
Free Keywords
project financing
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Publication Year
p. 36-42
Public Administration, 23 (2021) 4
Published Version; reviewed
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