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Conceptualising global cultural transformation: developing deep institutional scenarios for whole of society change
[journal article]
This paper aims to contribute to current efforts to improve methodologies to find more ambitious and integrated strategies to jointly pursue the Paris climate target and other Sustainable Development Goals. It suggests a means of further expanding the underlying societal perspectives in scenarios mo... view more
This paper aims to contribute to current efforts to improve methodologies to find more ambitious and integrated strategies to jointly pursue the Paris climate target and other Sustainable Development Goals. It suggests a means of further expanding the underlying societal perspectives in scenarios modelling through a model of deep institutional innovation for sustainability and human development (DIIS), which aims to reframe the narrative from sociotechnical transition to deep global cultural transformation. The paper posits the need for capturing irreversible transformation change through a fundamental reimagining of the key social institutions that together comprise contemporary societies. To illustrate the application of the DIIS framing to pathway scenarios an indicative scenario is offered to indicate the radical global cultural changes required to move to pathways capable of bringing about greater sustainability and human flourishing.... view less
world; climate change; climate policy; climate protection; international agreement; sustainable development; cultural change; ethics
Ecology, Environment
International Relations, International Politics, Foreign Affairs, Development Policy
Free Keywords
global; internationales Umweltschutzabkommen; Pariser Abkommen (2015-12-12); politische Kommunikation; Narrativ (Politik)
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Publication Year
p. 1-9
Environmental Research Letters, 19 (2024) 9
Published Version; peer reviewed