Figurations in Everyday-life—A Research Program for Cultural Psychology


  • Herbert Fitzek Universität Köln



figuration, everyday-life, cultural psychology, Gestalt Psychology, depth interview, qualitative research, present-day culture


With the term "figurations in everyday-life" we discuss a psychological view on behavior as derived from cultural patterns more than from individual traits. Developing methods of Gestalt and depth psychology makes it possible to break up self-evident clichés and characterize some basic configurations of everyday-life. Within a research project at the Cologne university we have explored different trends of modern life by means of depth interviews and their psychological description and reconstruction: "Girly" cultures, "soap operas", the "fitness"-cult, "Sunday neurosis", educational cultures and the like. We not only found a schedule of modern ways of living, but were also able to delineate a scheme of present-day culture as a whole. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs000289


Author Biography

Herbert Fitzek, Universität Köln

Herbert FITZEK; Discipline: Psychology; Main research fields: Cultural Psychology, Gestalt Psychology, qualitative methods, History of Psychology



How to Cite

Fitzek, H. (2000). Figurations in Everyday-life—A Research Program for Cultural Psychology. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1(2).