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Rebels and parties: the impact of armed insurgency on representation in the Central African Republic
[journal article]
This paper analyses the declining importance of political parties in the Central African Republic (CAR). The country can be considered an extreme example of the lack of viability of a state in general, and democracy in particular. However, the quality of elections has exceeded the average in the sub... view more
This paper analyses the declining importance of political parties in the Central African Republic (CAR). The country can be considered an extreme example of the lack of viability of a state in general, and democracy in particular. However, the quality of elections has exceeded the average in the sub-region over a substantial time-span. Hopes for a democratic future only faded in recent years. The paper hypothesises that both political parties and rebel movements are failing to adequately represent (ethnoregional) interests, but that parties are suffering more in the course of the enduring war and the peace process. Patterns of elite behaviour are presented as the main explanation for the resulting crisis of representation, with international actors' preference for inclusionary power-sharing deals seen as the main aggravating factor.... view less
Central African Republic; party; democracy; election; political power; political conflict; peace negotiation; peace process; violence; political participation; ethnic group; representation of interests
Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture
Peace and Conflict Research, International Conflicts, Security Policy
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Innerstaatlicher Konflikt; Konfliktpartei/Konfliktbeteiligte; Verhältnis zwischen Gruppen/Institutionen
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Publication Year
p. 115-139
The Journal of Modern African Studies, 49 (2011) 1
Published Version; peer reviewed
Deposit Licence - No Redistribution, No Modifications
With the permission of the rights owner, this publication is under open access due to a (DFG-/German Research Foundation-funded) national or Alliance license.