0004 Zur Vorgeschichte des Dresdner Kupferstich-Kabinetts zwischen 1560 und 1738

  • Christien Melzer (Author)
    Dresden / München

    1998-2005 Student in History of Art, University of Dresden and Sorbonne III Paris; 2005-2007 Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden, Galerie Neue Meister Dresden; Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg; 2006-2009 PhD scholarship by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft at the international graduate college of the University of Dresden and École pratique des hautes études Paris. Dissertation: Von der Kunstkammer zum Kupferstich-Kabinett – Zur Frühgeschichte des Graphiksammelns in Dresden (1560-1738), Hildesheim 2010; 2010 Wolfgang-Ratjen-Preis for outstanding research in the field of the graphic arts, awarded for the dissertation; 2010-2012 Curatorial fellow at the Staatliche Bayerische Sammlungen und Museen in Munich (Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Graphische Sammlung, Staatsgemäldesammlungen).

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Though the Dresden Kupferstich-Kabinett was properly established only in 1720, the electoral Saxon Kunstkammer and library in Dresden included a collection of prints and drawings from their very beginnings in the mid-16th century. The article focuses on this early, and rarely discussed, history of the collection. From the Dresden holdings and hitherto unexamined sources, exemplary insights can be gained into scope, structure, aims, and accessibility of an early modern collection of art on paper. This throws light on issues in the history of science and of collecting art, on courtly representation, as well as on early modern discourses on art and order. In particular, it can be shown that the foundation of the Kupferstich-Kabinett in the early 18th century was the result of long and complex processes and developments, manifesting ever-evolving and constantly changing scientific taxonomies. Comparison of the Dresden collection with those in Munich, Ambras, Prag, and Paris, underscores the unparalleled continuity of its history.


Kupferstichkabinett, Kupferstich-Kabinett, Kunstkammer, Graphik, Zeichnung, Dresden, 1560-1738, Kurfürst von Sachsen, Sachsen, Raritätenkammer, Sammlungsgeschichte, Johann Heinrich von Heucher