0032 Labyrinth – Fragments

Robert Morris and his Installation for ms² Łódź 2010

  • Maria Hussakowska-Szyszko (Author)
    Institute of the History of Art, Jagiellonian University, Krakow

    Postdoctoral degree in the history of modern art (2003). A long-time employee of the Institute of Art History at the Jagiellonian University (UJ), at the Modern Art Department (IHS). Since 2005 Chair of the Programme Board of the Course for Museum Curators at the IHS. Member of the Polish section of AICA. Chair of the Chapter of Experts of the Małopolska Foundation "Znaki czasu"; Chair of the Programme Board at the Museum of Photography in Krakow (since 2010). Partner  of the international programme Leonardo Lifelong Learning The world of art: models of education and cooperation in contemporary art.

    Author of the following books: Minimalizm w sztukach wizualnych. Demitologizacja pojęcia awangardy w amerykańskim środowisku artystycznym lat sześćdziesiątych, Institute of Art History UJ, Krakow 2003; Spadkobiercy Duchampa? Negacja sztuki w amerykańskim środowisku artystycznym, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Krakow 1984.

Identifiers (Article)


The installation by Robert Morris called Labyrinth, accompanying his monographic exhibition at the Museum of Art in Łódź, was one of his numerous works based on this theme. Besides the labyrinth itself, which belongs to forms most pregnant with meanings, at least two issues seem intriguing. The first is the dialogue of Minimalism with art of all eras, of which Morris is a brilliant exponent. The other issue is connected to the concept of site-specific art, developed by him in the 1960s and assuming a comprehensive analysis of a place, its history, its social, cultural and political environment, which justifies and anchors the work. The Łódź context forced the artist to change his strategy, but the work based on the (very rare in art history) pattern of a triangular labyrinth may be interpreted as an important element of Morris's Threading through a labyrinth. Tracing the changes in the Minimalist discourse of the recent decades I focus on a few interpretative lines, connected with the functioning of the "labyrinth" as a structure, I find some analogies between pattern repetitions by writers from the Oulipo group and the activities of Robert Morris.


Robert Morris, labyrinth, minimalism, Museum of Art in Łódź, visual art