0115 Transnational Dialogues in the Images of A Ilustração, 1884-1892

  • Arthur Valle (Author)
    Instituto de História da Arte, FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

    Arthur Valle teaches Art History at the Universidade Federal Rural in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He studied at the Universidade Federal in Rio de Janeiro and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Universidade Fluminense in Niterói, Brazil, and at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. Dr. Valle is a specialist in Brazilian art produced between 1890 and 1930, with a particular interest in artistic exchanges between Brazil and Portugal, Brazilian exhibition systems and artistic education. He has published in numerous journals and anthologies and is currently co-editor, with Camila Dazzi, of the electronic journal 19&20 (http://www.dezenovevinte.net/19e20/), dedicated to the study of Brazilian art of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Identifiers (Article)


A Ilustração, directed by the Portuguese Mariano Pina (1860-1899) and published between May 1884 and January 1892, was a Luso-Brazilian illustrated magazine that for most of its existence was edited and printed in Paris before being sent to its main target markets in Lisbon and Rio de Janeiro. The location of the magazine office in a city at the centre of Western intellectual life of that time enabled it to become a place of convergence and dialogue between agents and ideas from diverse nationalities. Through the analysis of some images published by A Ilustração, this article tries to shed light on the editorial and aesthetic policies of the magazine, characterized simultaneously by the assimilation of ideas coming from cultural centres like Paris and by the proposition of new ideas appropriate to the cultural realities of Portugal and Brazil.


A Ilustração (1884-1892), Illustrated magazines, Late 19th-century Portuguese Art, Late 19th-century Brazilian Art, Transnational artistic exchanges