Kathmandu: National Archives, Ms. no. 318; NGMPP DNA 3/85


An arjī re the emperor's order to destroy a Hindu temple after a Muslim boy was killed

1848 (VS 1904)

Published with kind permission of the National Archives, Kathmandu. Digitized from the NGMPP microfilm kept by the Staatsbibliothek Berlin.

A Muslim boy was killed by a Hindu and his blood spread over a Hindu deity, whereupon the emperor ordered Muslims to destroy the Hindu deity alongwith the temple. A report about the incident is followed by a request to the addressee for financial assistance.[ed. by Rajan Khatiwoda in collaboration with Christof Zotter and Rabi Acharya]

DOI / Zitierlink: https://doi.org/10.11588/diglit.34873  
URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-diglit-348734  
Metadaten: METS
IIIF Manifest: v2.1, v3.0

Zitierhinweis zu Documenta Nepalica, Religions- und rechtsgeschichtliche Quellen des vormodernen Nepal
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