Locked In. Interactions with the Criminal Justice and Child Welfare Systems for LGBTQ Youth, YMSM, and YWSW Who Engage in Survival Sex

DSpace Repositorium (Manakin basiert)


Zitierfähiger Link (URI): http://hdl.handle.net/10900/67187
Dokumentart: Verschiedenartige Texte
Erscheinungsdatum: 2015-09
Sprache: Englisch
Fakultät: Kriminologisches Repository
Fachbereich: Kriminologie
DDC-Klassifikation: 360 - Soziale Probleme, Sozialdienste, Versicherungen
Schlagworte: Strafrechtspflege , Wohlfahrt , Kind , Jugend , Homosexualität , Transsexueller , Transgender , Bisexualität , Prostitution, New York, NY , Bericht
Freie Schlagwörter:
Child Welfare System
Survival Sex
Zur Langanzeige


In 2011, researchers from the Urban Institute launched a three-year study of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning (LGBTQ) youth; young men who have sex with men (YMSM); and young women who have sex with women (YWSW) engaged in survival sex in New York City. Working in partnership with the New York City–based organization Streetwise and Safe (SAS), researchers trained youth leaders to conduct in-depth interviews with a total of 283 youth who engaged in survival sex in New York City and self-identified as LGBTQ, YMSM, or YWSW. In February 2015, we released the first report in this series, which focused specifically on the experiences and needs of youth engaging in survival sex. In this report, we focus on the youths’ interactions with juvenile and criminal justice systems, in addition to the child welfare system, from the perspectives of both the youths and stakeholders involved in these systems. Locked In features data collected from youth respondents about their experiences of arrest and court involvement, in combination with in-depth interviews with 68 criminal justice, child welfare, and youth-serving professionals across 28 organizations.

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