Protein Targeting into Diatom Plastids

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Proteinimport in Plastiden von Kieselalgen
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Diatoms, like many other algal groups, evolved by secondary endocytobiosis, the uptake of a eukaryotic alga into a eukaryotic host cell and the subsequent reduction and specialisation to a “complex” plastid. Comparable to the evolution of primary plastids, targeting mechanisms had to be developed to reimport preproteins into the plastid. Seven putative subunits of the translocons at the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts (Tic) are encoded in the genome of the diatoms Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Thalassiosira pseudonana. Fusion proteins of Tic presequences or full length fusions to GFP show that the investigated Tics are plastid associated. Fusion proteins consisting of bipartite plastid targeting presequences from various algal groups show that they are also functional when heterologously expressed as GFP fusion proteins in the diatom P. tricornutum. Interestingly, also the modified signal peptide of a carbonic anhydrase from Arabidopsis thaliana, which apparently is targeted to A. thaliana plastids via the endoplasmic reticulum, is able to direct GFP into P. tricornutum plastids. This indicates that a conserved transport route is used for protein import into all secondary plastids, and that this route might be related to the signal peptide dependent route to plastids of higher plants. Colocalisation analyses suggest that native and artificial presequences from diatoms lead to an accumulation of GFP in a “blob”-like structure and that this structure is identical in both cases. At the moment, several models for the import of proteins into the “complex” plastids of diatoms are discussed. The models differ in the way they explain transport from the CER into the interenvelope space (ies). In the “pore model” it is proposed that a connection between the CER lumen and the ies might route nucleus encoded proteins across the periplastidic space. With the aid of a self-assembling GFP system we could show that proteins cannot reach the ies from the CER on a direct way. Furthermore from these results it can be concluded that nucleus-encoded plastid proteins from diatoms pass the four plastid envelope membranes via translocators and not via pores or vesicles which are also proposed.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Kieselalgen sind wie eine Reihe weiterer Algengruppen durch sekundäre Endocytobiose entstanden, bei der eukaryotische Algen von eukaryotischen Wirtszellen aufgenommen und anschließend zu „komplexen“ Plastiden reduziert und spezialisiert wurden. Vergleichbar mit der Entstehung primärer Plastiden mussten dabei Transportmechanismen entwickelt werden, um Präproteine zurück in die Plastide zu transportieren. Sieben putative Untereinheiten der Translokatoren der inneren Chloroplastenmembran (Tic) sind in den Genomen der Kieselalgen Phaeodactylum tricornutum und Thalassiosira pseudonana kodiert. Fusionsproteine mit Tic-Präsequenzen oder Volllängen- Fusionsproteine mit GFP zeigen, dass die untersuchten Tic-Komponenten plastidenassoziiert sind. Mit Hilfe weiterer in vivo-, in vitro- und in silico-Studien, konnten wir die einzelnen Tic-Komponenten aus P. tricornutum genauer charakterisieren. Wir konnten weiterhin zeigen, dass zweigeteilte Präsequenzen aus unterschiedlichen Algengruppen in der Kieselalge P. tricornutum funktionell sind, wenn sie heterolog als GFP Fusionsproteine exprimiert werden. Interessanterweise ermöglichte auch ein modifiziertes Signal-Peptid einer Carboanhydrase aus Arabidopsis thaliana, welche vermutlich über das Endoplasmatische-Reticulum in die Chloroplasten von A. thaliana transportiert wird, den GFP-Import in P. tricornutum-Plastiden. Das deutet auf einen konservierten Weg für den Proteinimport in sekundäre Plastiden, der mit dem Signal- Peptid-abhängigen Importweg in die Chloroplasten höherer Pflanzen verwandt ist. Colokalisations-Analysen zeigen, dass natürliche und künstliche Kieselalgen Präsequenzen zur Akkumulation von GFP in einer als „blob“-artig bezeichneten Struktur führen, und dass diese Struktur in beiden Fällen identisch ist. Im Moment stehen mehrere Modelle zum Proteinimport in die „komplexen“ Plastiden von Kieselalgen zur Diskussion, welche sich in der Art und Weise unterscheiden, wie sie den Transport über das CER-Lumen in den Zwischenmembranraum beschreiben. Das Poren Model versucht dies über den Transport durch eine Verbindung zwischen dem CER und dem Zwischenmembranraum zu erklären. Mit Hilfe des selbstassemblierenden GFP Systems konnten wir zeigen, dass Proteine offenbar nicht auf direktem Wege vom CER in den Zwischenmembranraum gelangen können. Weiterhin kann man aus diesen Ergebnissen schlussfolgern, dass kernkodierte Plastiden- Proteine aus Kieselalgen, mit Hilfe von Translokatoren über die vier Plastiden- Hüllmembranen transportiert werden und nicht über die ebenfalls diskutierten Vesikel oder Poren.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
570 Biowissenschaften, Biologie
Kieselalge, Plastid
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690VUGRINEC, Sascha, 2011. Protein Targeting into Diatom Plastids [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Protein Targeting into Diatom Plastids},
  author={Vugrinec, Sascha},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">Diatoms, like many other algal groups, evolved by secondary endocytobiosis, the uptake of a eukaryotic alga into a eukaryotic host cell and the subsequent reduction and specialisation to a “complex” plastid. Comparable to the evolution of primary plastids, targeting mechanisms had to be developed to reimport preproteins into the plastid. Seven putative subunits of the translocons at the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts (Tic) are encoded in the genome of the diatoms Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Thalassiosira pseudonana. Fusion proteins of Tic presequences or full length fusions to GFP show that the investigated Tics are plastid associated. Fusion proteins consisting of bipartite plastid targeting presequences from various algal groups show that they are also functional when heterologously expressed as GFP fusion proteins in the diatom P. tricornutum. Interestingly, also the modified signal peptide of a carbonic anhydrase from Arabidopsis thaliana, which apparently is targeted to A. thaliana plastids via the endoplasmic reticulum, is able to direct GFP into P. tricornutum plastids. This indicates that a conserved transport route is used for protein import into all secondary plastids, and that this route might be related to the signal peptide dependent route to plastids of higher plants. Colocalisation analyses suggest that native and artificial presequences from diatoms lead to an accumulation of GFP in a “blob”-like structure and that this structure is identical in both cases. At the moment, several models for the import of proteins into the “complex” plastids of diatoms are discussed. The models differ in the way they explain transport from the CER into the interenvelope space (ies). In the “pore model” it is proposed that a connection between the CER lumen and the ies might route nucleus encoded proteins across the periplastidic space. With the aid of a self-assembling GFP system we could show that proteins cannot reach the ies from the CER on a direct way. Furthermore from these results it can be concluded that nucleus-encoded plastid proteins from diatoms pass the four plastid envelope membranes via translocators and not via pores or vesicles which are also proposed.</dcterms:abstract>
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    <dc:contributor>Vugrinec, Sascha</dc:contributor>
    <dcterms:title>Protein Targeting into Diatom Plastids</dcterms:title>
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
March 24, 2011
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