The Effect of Mental Training on Precision Tasks in Tennis and Soccer : a Study on Educational Technology

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Conclusion: The results of this study point to some theoretical and practical conclusions. From a theoretical point of view, the study showed a mental training resulted in a highly significant improvement on tennis serving precision, while for soccer penalty kicking the effect of mental training on precision was only marginally significant. This partly confirms the hypothesis. These results seem to be very logical, in tennis each point must start with a serve, but in soccer, the whole match may not have any penalty kicks at all.
Another theoretical result of the research is that, self-confidence seems to have an impact on improving performance when the athlete has more control over his movements, such as in closed skills. Additionally in tennis, the difference in TPT pre- and post-test results showed the level of improvement among the women in the study was larger than the improvement among the men, although this was only marginally significant. Perhaps a difference in the concentration and motivation of the women results in much faster or more effective learning than the men. In fact, there are no studies related to this area that have been found. It would also be interesting to study whether there are gender differences in motivation and the implementation of mental training, and if these produce different effects on performance. Furthermore, in both tennis and soccer, our findings may have resulted from more advanced players being in the habit of trying harder for accuracy; while younger players focus more on speed. From a practical standpoint, coaches and psychologists need to be aware of the specific demands for each sport, and incorporate imagery intervention during the preparatory and competitive periods of the season. The coaches and psychologists need to be aware of all available models of imagery intervention, their specific use, and increase mental skills training resources (audio and video). This is so they can more effectively help athletes improve their performance, monitor their pre-competitive anxiety and increase their levels self-confidence.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Zusammenfassung: Ziel dieser Studie war die Überprüfung einer Verbesserung der Präzision von Freistößen im Fußball und Aufschlägen im Tennis als geschlossene Lernaufgaben durch mentales Training. Die potentiellen Variablen und deren Einfluss auf die Effizienz des mentalen Trainings werden in dieser Studie aufgezeigt. Zu diesen Variablen gehört die Vorstellungsfähigkeit, das Bekenntnis zur Studie, somatische Angst, Besorgnis und Zuversicht, Konzentrationsvermögen, Geschlecht und Alter. Der experimentelle Aufbau der Studie bestand aus einem Vor- und Nachtest und einer Kontrollgruppe. Die Daten wurden anhand von 60 (38 Männer, 22 Frauen) Amateurathleten auf einem hohen Tennislevel im Alter zwischen 12 und 35 Jahren in Deutschland und 54 (Männern) Fußballathleten der dritte Liga im Alter zwischen 14 und 22 Jahren in Deutschland ermittelt. Alle Teilnehmer waren in Tennis und Fußballverbänden Baden-Württembergs in Deutschland registriert. Die Tennis- und Fußballteilnehmer füllten jeweils einen Fragebogen aus und wurden in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt: Die Interventionsgruppe (IG) erhielt Technikübungen und mentales Training. Die Kontrollgruppe (CG) erhielt nur technisches Training (normales Training) über den gleichen Zeitraum. Analyse der Kovarianz zeigte eine hohe signifikante Verbesserung im Falle des mentalen Training für die Präzision des Aufschlages, während der Effekt beim Fußball-Strafstoß nur geringfügig signifikant war (p=.059). Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Selbstbewusstsein scheinbar eine Auswirkung auf die Leistungssteigerung zeigt, wenn der Athlet mehr Kontrolle über seine Bewegung hat, wie im Falle der geschlossenen Lernaufgaben. Des Weiteren könnte dieser Effekt durch erfahrenere Spieler herbeigeführt worden sein, da diese schon mit hohen Geschwindigkeiten schlagen bzw. schießen und eher die Genauigkeit trainieren, während jüngere Spieler mehr auf Geschwindigkeit fokussieren. Zusätzlich ist eine nichtsignifikante Wechselwirkung zwischen Zeit und Geschlecht erkennbar, eine Tendenz zeigt aber, dass die Präzisionsverbesserung der Frauen höher war als die der Männer. Es gibt keinen signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen Vorstellungsvermögen, Bekenntnis, somatischer Angst, Besorgnis und Konzentrationsvermögen.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
796 Sport
Tennis, Soccer, Mental Training, Imagery, Serve, Penalty Kick
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690HEGAZY, Khaled, 2012. The Effect of Mental Training on Precision Tasks in Tennis and Soccer : a Study on Educational Technology [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={The Effect of Mental Training on Precision Tasks in Tennis and Soccer : a Study on Educational Technology},
  author={Hegazy, Khaled},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">Conclusion: The results of this study point to some theoretical and practical conclusions. From a theoretical point of view, the study showed a mental training resulted in a highly significant improvement on tennis serving precision, while for soccer penalty kicking the effect of mental training on precision was only marginally significant. This partly confirms the hypothesis. These results seem to be very logical, in tennis each point must start with a serve, but in soccer, the whole match may not have any penalty kicks at all.&lt;br /&gt;Another theoretical result of the research is that, self-confidence seems to have an impact on improving performance when the athlete has more control over his movements, such as in closed skills. Additionally in tennis, the difference in TPT pre- and post-test results showed the level of improvement among the women in the study was larger than the improvement among the men, although this was only marginally significant. Perhaps a difference in the concentration and motivation of the women results in much faster or more effective learning than the men. In fact, there are no studies related to this area that have been found. It would also be interesting to study whether there are gender differences in motivation and the implementation of mental training, and if these produce different effects on performance. Furthermore, in both tennis and soccer, our findings may have resulted from more advanced players being in the habit of trying harder for accuracy; while younger players focus more on speed. From a practical standpoint, coaches and psychologists need to be aware of the specific demands for each sport, and incorporate imagery intervention during the preparatory and competitive periods of the season. The coaches and psychologists need to be aware of all available models of imagery intervention, their specific use, and increase mental skills training resources (audio and video). This is so they can more effectively help athletes improve their performance, monitor their pre-competitive anxiety and increase their levels self-confidence.</dcterms:abstract>
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Interner Vermerk
URL der Originalveröffentl.
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
May 31, 2012
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