Regulation of the Calvin cycle in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum

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Phaeodactylum tricornutum is an important model organism for diatoms, one of the prevalent phytoplankton on earth. Diatoms are unicellular, eukaryotic and photoautotrophic microalgae, which contribute greatly to the global carbon cycle efficiently transforming CO2 into carbon compounds via the Calvin cycle pathway. There is strong evidence that the regulation of the Calvin cycle in diatoms is different to what is known for higher plants and green algae and that especially blue light receptors of the aureochrome (AUREO) type may play an important role in the cellular responses for photosynthesis and carbon fixation.

Thus, in this doctoral thesis the regulatory mechanisms involved in the Calvin cycle control were investigated and secondly the novel blue light receptors called aureochromes were characterised. To this end a comprehensive expression analysis of the putative pacemaker enzymes of the Calvin cycle, as deduced from the higher plant enzyme redox regulation, and plastidic thioredoxins was performed. The expression of these enzymes, namely the plastidic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAP C1), the phosphoribulokinase (PRK), the Ribulose-1,5-bisposhphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) and the plastdic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatases (FBP) was monitored at transcript and protein levels over time in two conditions, once a simulated day night cycle and once after transfer into complete darkness. This setup allows the differentiation between circadian and light dependent effects on the transcript levels. In the context of this expression analysis a set of endogenous reference genes for diatoms stably expressed independent of time and light was identified, namely the genes for hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT), ribosomal protein S1 (RPS)and TATA-box binding protein (TBP). The expression analysis revealed concerted expression patterns for most investigated Calvin cycle genes and thioredoxins respectively. While most transcriptional relative changes were weak to moderate, the genes for the GAP C1 and PRK were drastically regulated at the transcript level in P. tricornutum during the day. Interestingly both enzymes are usually posttranslationally co-regulated by redox interactions with the CP12 protein in the green lineage, a mechanism apparently missing in most diatoms due to missing genes for CP12. This could indicate that this missing redox regulation may be compensated in part by the strong transcriptional regulation of these genes. The analysis of the corresponding protein levels were in accordance to the transcript level expectations in case of PRK but different in case of GAP C1. The protein data on GAP C1 is inconsistent but it likely indicates a high protein level at all times and thus a light independent functionality for GAP C1. FBPs are the only known Calvin cycle enzyme to be putatively redox regulated in diatoms. In preparation for future research and analysis of this regulation an enzymatic assay for FBP activity was established and intein overexpression constructs for two FBP isoforms were generated.

In this thesis first indications for an involvement of the blue light receptor aureochromes in the Calvin cycle regulation are described: the screening for homologous regions to the DNA recognition site described for AUREO1 of Vaucheria frigida revealed potential gene regulatory regions in the genes of GAP C1 and PRK. For the characterisation of AUREOs in P. tricornutum peptide antibodies against AUREO1a, 1b and 2 were designed and generated. The antiserum against AUREO1a was thoroughly tested and verified. AUREOs are putatively acting as blue light sensing transcription factors, due to their blue light sensing LOV (light, oxygen, voltage) and DNA binding bZIP (basic leucine zipper) domains. In this thesis the nuclear localisation for three AUREOs was verified by the expression of the respective full length GFP fusion proteins in P. tricornutum and their analysis via laser scanning microscopy, which supports functionality as transcription factors. An RNA interference (RNAi) silencing construct for the AUREO1a gene was generated and transformed into P. tricornutum. For two strains a clear down regulation of AUREO1a could be demonstrated and these strains were thoroughly physiologically investigated. Interestingly against expectations the AUREO1a knockdown not only affected the light dependent physiological response of blue light acclimated cells but also of cells acclimated to red light. Under both conditions the mutant strains exhibited a hyper response to light reacting similar to acclimating to light stress: a decreased Chlorophyll a content, the maximum photosynthesis rates were increased, as was their potential for non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). This supports a photoacclimation inhibiting function of AUREO1a, which is released by blue light, and putative interaction with red light sensing pathways.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Diatomeen sind einzellige, eukaryotische und photoautotrophe Mikroalgen, die bedeutend zum globalen Kohlenstoffzyklus beitragen, indem sie effizient über den Calvin Zyklus Stoffwechselweg CO2 in Kohlenstoffverbindungen umwandeln. Es gibt starke Hinweise darauf, daß die Regulation des Calvin Zyklus in Diatomeen unterschiedlich zu dem ist, was für höheren Pflanzen und Grünalgen bekannt ist, und daß speziell Blaulichtrezeptoren des Aureochrom (AUREO) Typs eine wichtige Rolle für zelluläre Antworten in der Photosynthese und Kohlenstoffixierung spielen.

Daher wurden in dieser Dissertation die regulatorischen Mechanismen, die an der Kontrolle des Calvin Zyklus beteiligt sind, untersucht und weiterhin die neuartigen Blaulichtrezeptoren , die Aureochrome genannt werden, charakterisiert. Zu diesem Zweck wurden umfassende Expressionsanalysen der putativen Schrittmacherenzyme des Calvin Zyklus, wie sie aus der Enzym-Redoxregulation höheren Pflanzen abgeleitet wurden, und der plastidären Thioredoxine durchgeführt. Die Expression dieser Enzyme, nämlich der plastidären Glycerinaldehyd-3-Phosphat Dehydrogenase (GAP C1), der Ribulose-5-phosphat-Kinase (PRK), der Ribulose-1,5-Bisphosphat Carboxylase/Oxygenase (RuBisCO) und der plastidären Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphatasen (FBP), wurde über Zeit in zwei Konditionen, einmal einem simulierten Tag/Nacht Rhythmus und einmal nach Transfer in absolute Dunkelheit, auf Transkript- und Proteinebene verfolgt. Diese Wahl der Bedingungen erlaubt die Unterscheidung zwischen zirkadianen und lichtabhängigen Effekten auf der Transkriptebene.

Im Zusammenhang mit dieser Expressionsstudie wurde ein Satz von endogenen Referenz Genen für Diatomeen, die zeit- und lichtunabhängig stabil exprimiert werden, identifiziert, nämlich die Gene für die Hypoxanthin-Guanin Phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT), das ribosomale Protein S1 (RPS) und das TATA-Box bindende Protein (TBP). Die Expressionsanalyse zeigt konzertierte Expressionsmuster für die meisten, der betrachteten Calvin Zyklus und ebenso der Thioredoxin Gene. Während der Großteil der transkriptionalen relativen Änderungen schwach bis moderat waren, wurden in P. tricornutum die Gene für die GAP C1 und PRK auf der Transkriptebene über den Tag drastisch reguliert.
Interessanterweise werden beide Enzyme typischerweise in höheren Pflanzen und Grünalgen über Redoxwechselwirkungen mit dem CP12 Protein posttranslational gemeinsam reguliert, einem Mechanismus, der scheinbar in den meisten Diatomeen fehlt, bedingt durch das Fehlen von Genen für CP12. Dies könnte bedeuten, daß möglicherweise diese fehlende Redoxregulation in Diatomeen zum Teil durch die starke trankriptionale Regulation dieser Gene kompensiert wird. Die Analyse der entsprechenden Proteinmengen waren im Falle der PRK übereinstimmend zu den durch die Transkriptmengen geschaffenen Erwartungen, aber abweichend im Falle der GAP C1. Die Proteindaten zu GAP C1 sind inkonsistent, aber dies weist wahrscheinlich auf hohe Proteinmengen zu jedem Zeitpunkt und damit einer lichtunabhängigen Funktionalität der GAP C1 hin.

FBPn sind die einzigen bekannten Calvin Zyklus Enzyme in Diatomeen, die voraussichtlich redoxreguliert sind. In Vorbereitung für zukünftige Forschung und Analyse einer solchen Regulation wurde ein enzymatisches Untersuchungsverfahren für FBP Aktivität etabliert und Intein-Überexpressionskonstrukte für zwei FBP Isoformen generiert.

In dieser Dissertationsarbeit werden erste Hinweise auf eine Beteiligung der Aureochrom Blaulichtrezeptoren in der Regulation des Calvin Zyklus beschrieben: die Suche nach Regionen, die homolog zu dem DNS bindenden Erkennungsmotiv, welches für AUREO1 von Vaucheria frigida beschrieben wurde, offenbarte potentielle genregulatorische Regionen in den Genen für GAP C1 und PRK. Für die Charakterisierung der Aureochrome in P. tricornutum wurden Peptidantikörper gegen AUREO1a, 1b und 2 entworfen und generiert.

Das Antiserum gegen AUREO1a wurde eingehend getestet und verifiziert. Aureochrome fungieren mutmaßlich als Blaulicht sensitive Transkriptionsfaktoren, bedingt durch ihre Blaulicht wahrnehmende LOV (light, oxygen, voltage) und DNS bindende bZIP (basischer Leucin Zipper) Domänen. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die nukleäre Lokalisation für drei Aureochrome über die Expression von entsprechenden Vollängen GFP Fusionsproteinen und deren Analyse mittels Laserrastermikroskopie verifiziert, was eine Funktionalität als Transkriptionsfaktoren unterstützt. Ein RNA-Interferenz (RNAi) Konstrukt, welches gegen das AUREO1a Gen gerichtet ist, wurde generiert und in P. tricornutum transformiert. Für zwei Stämme wurde eine klare Herabregulation des AUREO1a Proteins demonstriert und diese Stämme wurden umfassend physiologisch untersucht.

Interessanterweise beeinflußte entgegen der Erwartung die AUREO1a Herabregulation nicht nur die lichtabhängige physiologische Antwort von blaulichtakklimatisierten Zellen, sondern auch von Zellen, die an Rotlicht akklimatisiert waren. Unter beiden Bedingungen wiesen die Mutantenstämme eine hypersensitive Antwort auf Licht auf, ähnlich der Akklimatisierung zu Lichtstreß: ein verringerter Chlorophyll a Gehalt, die maximale Photosyntheseraten waren erhöht, wie auch ihr Potential für nicht-photochemisches Quenching (NPQ). Dies unterstützt für AUREO1a eine Photoakklimation inhibierende Funktion, welche durch Blaulicht gelöst wird, und eine putative Wechselwirkung mit Rotlicht wahrnehmenden Signalwegen. Phaeodactylum tricornutum ist ein wichtiger Modellorganismus der Diatomeen, eines der vorherrschenden Phytoplanktone der Erde.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
570 Biowissenschaften, Biologie
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690SACHSE, Matthias, 2013. Regulation of the Calvin cycle in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Regulation of the Calvin cycle in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum},
  author={Sachse, Matthias},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">Phaeodactylum tricornutum is an important model organism for diatoms, one of the prevalent phytoplankton on earth. Diatoms are unicellular, eukaryotic and photoautotrophic microalgae, which contribute greatly to the global carbon cycle efficiently transforming CO2 into carbon compounds via the Calvin cycle pathway. There is strong evidence that the regulation of the Calvin cycle in diatoms is different to what is known for higher plants and green algae and that especially blue light receptors of the aureochrome (AUREO) type may play an important role in the cellular responses for photosynthesis and carbon fixation.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Thus, in this doctoral thesis the regulatory mechanisms involved in the Calvin cycle control were investigated and secondly the novel blue light receptors called aureochromes were characterised. To this end a comprehensive expression analysis of the putative pacemaker enzymes of the Calvin cycle, as deduced from the higher plant enzyme redox regulation, and plastidic thioredoxins was performed. The expression of these enzymes, namely the plastidic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAP C1), the phosphoribulokinase (PRK), the Ribulose-1,5-bisposhphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) and the plastdic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatases (FBP) was monitored at transcript and protein levels over time in two conditions, once a simulated day night cycle and once after transfer into complete darkness. This setup allows the differentiation between circadian and light dependent effects on the transcript levels. In the context of this expression analysis a set of endogenous reference genes for diatoms stably expressed independent of time and light was identified, namely the genes for hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT), ribosomal protein S1 (RPS)and TATA-box binding protein (TBP). The expression analysis revealed concerted expression patterns for most investigated Calvin cycle genes and thioredoxins respectively. While most transcriptional relative changes were weak to moderate, the genes for the GAP C1 and PRK were drastically regulated at the transcript level in P. tricornutum during the day. Interestingly both enzymes are usually posttranslationally co-regulated by redox interactions with the CP12 protein in the green lineage, a mechanism apparently missing in most diatoms due to missing genes for CP12. This could indicate that this missing redox regulation may be compensated in part by the strong transcriptional regulation of these genes. The analysis of the corresponding protein levels were in accordance to the transcript level expectations in case of PRK but different in case of GAP C1. The protein data on GAP C1 is inconsistent but it likely indicates a high protein level at all times and thus a light independent functionality for GAP C1. FBPs are the only known Calvin cycle enzyme to be putatively redox regulated in diatoms. In preparation for future research and analysis of this regulation an enzymatic assay for FBP activity was established and intein overexpression constructs for two FBP isoforms were generated.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In this thesis first indications for an involvement of the blue light receptor aureochromes in the Calvin cycle regulation are described: the screening for homologous regions to the DNA recognition site described for AUREO1 of Vaucheria frigida revealed potential gene regulatory regions in the genes of GAP C1 and PRK. For the characterisation of AUREOs in P. tricornutum peptide antibodies against AUREO1a, 1b and 2 were designed and generated. The antiserum against AUREO1a was thoroughly tested and verified. AUREOs are putatively acting as blue light sensing transcription factors, due to their blue light sensing LOV (light, oxygen, voltage) and DNA binding bZIP (basic leucine zipper) domains. In this thesis the nuclear localisation for three AUREOs was verified by the expression of the respective full length GFP fusion proteins in P. tricornutum and their analysis via laser scanning microscopy, which supports functionality as transcription factors. An RNA interference (RNAi) silencing construct for the AUREO1a gene was generated and transformed into P. tricornutum. For two strains a clear down regulation of AUREO1a could be demonstrated and these strains were thoroughly physiologically investigated. Interestingly against expectations the AUREO1a knockdown not only affected the light dependent physiological response of blue light acclimated cells but also of cells acclimated to red light. Under both conditions the mutant strains exhibited a hyper response to light reacting similar to acclimating to light stress: a decreased Chlorophyll a content, the maximum photosynthesis rates were increased, as was their potential for non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). This supports a photoacclimation inhibiting function of AUREO1a, which is released by blue light, and putative interaction with red light sensing pathways.</dcterms:abstract>
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URL der Originalveröffentl.
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
December 20, 2013
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