Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 5 : Results from Methodological Experiments

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Burton, Jonathan
Cullinane, Carl
Delavande, Adeline
Fumagelli, Laura
Iacovou, Maria
Kaminska, Olena
Lynn, Peter
Mathews, Paul
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Bibliografische Daten
Understanding Society Working Paper Series;2013-06
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Angaben zur Forschungsförderung
Open Access-Veröffentlichung
Open Access Green
Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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Titel in einer weiteren Sprache
Working Paper/Technical Report
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The Understanding Society survey includes what is known as an ‘Innovation Panel’ sample (IP). This sample of originally 1500 households is used to test different methods for conducting longitudinal surveys in order to produce the highest quality data. The results from the Innovation Panel provide evidence about the best way to conduct a longitudinal survey which is of relevance for all survey practitioners as well as influencing decisions made about how to conduct Understanding Society. This paper reports the experiments with the mixedmode design and early results of the methodological tests carried out at wave 5 of the Innovation Panel in the spring of 2012. IP5 was the second mixed-mode wave of the Innovation Panel. IP2 had experimented with telephone interviewing in addition to face-to-face personal interviewing. IP5 uses a design in which a random set of households are allocated to a sequential mixed-mode design. The adults in these households were first approached by letter and email where possible and asked to complete their interview on-line. Those who did not respond on-line were then followed up by face-to-face interviewers. The remaining third of households were issued directly to faceto- face interviewers. The methodological tests included an experiment testing the effects of different incentives offered to respondents in advance of fieldwork on response rates, the use of ‘persuasive’ text in advance letters and the day of mailing of the advance materials. Further tests within the interview examined subjective expectations about the returns to university education, the implicit comparison group when asking questions about satisfaction, the effect of different wording in questions employing dependent interviewing, asking about mode preference, using vignettes to measure partnership satisfaction with the division of housework and the context effects of close social network reporting on childbearing intentions.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
Fachgebiet (DDC)
300 Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690AUSPURG, Katrin, Jonathan BURTON, Carl CULLINANE, Adeline DELAVANDE, Laura FUMAGELLI, Maria IACOVOU, Annette JÄCKLE, Olena KAMINSKA, Peter LYNN, Paul MATHEWS, Gerry NICOLAAS, Cheti NICOLETTI, Cong YE, Basit ZAFAR, 2013. Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 5 : Results from Methodological Experiments
  series={Understanding Society Working Paper Series;2013-06},
  title={Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 5 : Results from Methodological Experiments},
  author={Auspurg, Katrin and Burton, Jonathan and Cullinane, Carl and Delavande, Adeline and Fumagelli, Laura and Iacovou, Maria and Jäckle, Annette and Kaminska, Olena and Lynn, Peter and Mathews, Paul and Nicolaas, Gerry and Nicoletti, Cheti and Ye, Cong and Zafar, Basit}
    xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#" > 
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    <dcterms:title>Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 5 : Results from Methodological Experiments</dcterms:title>
    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">The Understanding Society survey includes what is known as an ‘Innovation Panel’ sample (IP). This sample of originally 1500 households is used to test different methods for conducting longitudinal surveys in order to produce the highest quality data. The results from the Innovation Panel provide evidence about the best way to conduct a longitudinal survey which is of relevance for all survey practitioners as well as influencing decisions made about how to conduct Understanding Society. This paper reports the experiments with the mixedmode design and early results of the methodological tests carried out at wave 5 of the Innovation Panel in the spring of 2012. IP5 was the second mixed-mode wave of the Innovation Panel. IP2 had experimented with telephone interviewing in addition to face-to-face personal interviewing. IP5 uses a design in which a random set of households are allocated to a sequential mixed-mode design. The adults in these households were first approached by letter and email where possible and asked to complete their interview on-line. Those who did not respond on-line were then followed up by face-to-face interviewers. The remaining third of households were issued directly to faceto- face interviewers. The methodological tests included an experiment testing the effects of different incentives offered to respondents in advance of fieldwork on response rates, the use of ‘persuasive’ text in advance letters and the day of mailing of the advance materials. Further tests within the interview examined subjective expectations about the returns to university education, the implicit comparison group when asking questions about satisfaction, the effect of different wording in questions employing dependent interviewing, asking about mode preference, using vignettes to measure partnership satisfaction with the division of housework and the context effects of close social network reporting on childbearing intentions.</dcterms:abstract>
    <dc:contributor>Burton, Jonathan</dc:contributor>
    <dc:creator>Iacovou, Maria</dc:creator>
    <dc:creator>Burton, Jonathan</dc:creator>
    <dc:creator>Zafar, Basit</dc:creator>
    <dc:date rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime">2014-03-15T15:19:35Z</dc:date>
    <dc:creator>Nicoletti, Cheti</dc:creator>
    <dc:contributor>Ye, Cong</dc:contributor>
    <dc:creator>Fumagelli, Laura</dc:creator>
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    <dc:creator>Auspurg, Katrin</dc:creator>
    <dc:contributor>Auspurg, Katrin</dc:contributor>
    <dc:contributor>Lynn, Peter</dc:contributor>
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    <dc:creator>Mathews, Paul</dc:creator>
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    <dc:contributor>Fumagelli, Laura</dc:contributor>
    <dc:creator>Cullinane, Carl</dc:creator>
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    <dc:contributor>Kaminska, Olena</dc:contributor>
    <dc:creator>Kaminska, Olena</dc:creator>
    <dc:creator>Delavande, Adeline</dc:creator>
    <dc:creator>Jäckle, Annette</dc:creator>
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    <dc:creator>Nicolaas, Gerry</dc:creator>
    <dspace:hasBitstream rdf:resource="https://kops.uni-konstanz.de/bitstream/123456789/26763/2/Auspurg_267631.pdf"/>
    <dc:contributor>Cullinane, Carl</dc:contributor>
    <dc:creator>Lynn, Peter</dc:creator>
    <dc:contributor>Mathews, Paul</dc:contributor>
    <dc:contributor>Nicoletti, Cheti</dc:contributor>
    <dcterms:available rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime">2014-03-15T15:19:35Z</dcterms:available>
    <dc:contributor>Iacovou, Maria</dc:contributor>
    <dc:contributor>Jäckle, Annette</dc:contributor>
    <dc:creator>Ye, Cong</dc:creator>
    <dcterms:hasPart rdf:resource="https://kops.uni-konstanz.de/bitstream/123456789/26763/2/Auspurg_267631.pdf"/>
    <dc:contributor>Nicolaas, Gerry</dc:contributor>
    <dc:contributor>Delavande, Adeline</dc:contributor>
    <dc:contributor>Zafar, Basit</dc:contributor>
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