Ecophysiology of mixotrophic flagellates

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Mixotrophy in algae is a type of nutrition situated between the metabolic modes of photoautotrophy (building biomass from inorganic molecules via photosynthesis) and chemoheterotrophy (building biomass from organic substances via uptake of food). Mixotrophic chrysophytes are a group of flagellate protists prospering during re-oligotrophication of Lake Constance. However, little is known about metabolic pathways of chrysophytes. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the physiological and molecular regulation of carbon metabolism in mixotrophic chrysophytes.

As a first step comparative physiological analyses of nutritionally diverse chrysophytes were conducted. A particle analyser was shown to be a helpful tool to monitor chrysophyte cultures for bacterial contaminations, to perform cell counts and to detect changes in mean cell size, total cell biovolume and size distribution of the unicellular protists. Growth experiments under different light regimes and with different carbon sources demonstrated that Poteriospumella lacustris and the mixotrophic Poterioochromonas malhamensis could strive under chemoheterotrophic conditions. Both strains were not growing photoautotrophically, however, Poterioochromonas malhamensis showed some photosynthetic activity and was able to survive longer when kept in the light. Similar to the photoautotrophic diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, which served as a reference strain, the photoautototrophic strain Mallomonas annulata and the mixotrophic chrysophyte Dinobryon divergens showed light limited growth when kept in inorganic media. Even though Dinobryon divergens consumed living bacteria, it did not grow in the dark in the presence of bacteria. Due to the relevant differences in general nutritional preferences between the two mixotrophic strains Poterioochromonas malhamensis and Dinobryon divergens, we propose that during re-oligotrophication, Dinobryon divergens might primarily compete with photoautotrophic algae while Poterioochromonas malhamensis presumably mainly competes with chemoheterotrophic organisms and that they, thus, may colonize different vertical layers of the water column.

In a second step Mallomonas annulata, Dinobryon divergens, Poterioochromonas malhamensis and Poteriospumella lacustris were grown under suitable culturing conditions according to the comparative physiological studies and transcriptomic analyses and comparisons were performed applying a 454-sequencing approach. A total of 213,361 contigs with an average length of 611 nucleotides were annotated and functionally sorted using BLAST2GO. The transcripts of the pathways of glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, Calvin Cycle, photorespiration and urea cycle were expressed in the photoautotrophic and both mixotrophic chrysophytes. Many metabolic parallels regarding primary carbon metabolism were found between Mallomonas annulata and the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. However, the two mixotrophic strains differed from Mallomonas annulata by the absence of transcripts for putative key enzymes involved in the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway and carboxylating reactions localized in the plastid. These enzymes are important for photoautotrophic performance. A set of glycolytic transcripts of the heterotrophic chrysophyte was found to be targeted to the plastid targeted. This represents a first hint for metabolic activity in the colourless, non-photosynthetic plastid of Poteriospumella lacustris. Altogether this study lays a profound base for expression analyses of metabolic pathways of chrysophytes and further molecular studies.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Mixotrophe Algen kombinieren Photoautotropie mit Chemoheterotrophie, also den photosynthetischen Biomasseaufbau aus Kohlenstoffdioxid mit dem Biomasseaufbau aus aufgenommenen organischen Substanzen. Mixotrophe Chrysophyten sind Flagellaten, die im Bodensee im Zuge der Reoligotrophierung besonders gut gedeihen, jedoch ist wenig über ihre Stoffwechselwege bekannt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war, die Regulation des Kohlenstoffmetabolismus mixotropher Chrysophyten auf physiologischer und molekularbiologischer Ebene zu untersuchen.

Es wurden Chrysophyten unterschiedlicher Ernährungsweise miteinander verglichen. Dabei wurde gezeigt, dass ein Partikelzähler geeignet ist, um bakterielle Kontaminationen in allen untersuchten Chrysophytenkulturen zu detektieren, Zellzählungen durchzuführen und Veränderungen in der Durchschnittszellgröße, dem Gesamtzellvolumen und der Größenverteilung der einzelligen Protisten zu untersuchen. In Wachstumsexperimenten unter verschiedenen Lichtbedingungen und mit unterschiedlichen Kohlenstoffquellen wurde demonstriert, dass die heterotrophe Chrysophyte Poteriospumella lacustris und der mixotrophe Stamm Poterioochromonas malhamensis unter chemoheterotrophen Bedingungen gedeihen. Beide Chrysophyten wuchsen nicht photoautotroph, dennoch zeigte Poterioochromonas malhamensis photosynthetische Aktivität und überlebte mit Licht länger als im Dunklen. Die photoautotrophe Chrysophyte Mallomonas annulata und der mixotrophe Stamm Dinobryon divergens waren beim Wachstum in anorganischem Medium lichtlimitiert. In dieser Eigenschaft waren sie vergleichbar mit der photoautotrophen Diatomee Phaeodactylum tricornutum, die als Referenzstamm diente. Dinobryon divergens wuchs in der Gegenwart von Bakterien im Licht aber nicht im Dunklen. Aufgrund der deutlichen Unterschiede in der Ernährungspräferenz der zwei mixotrophen Chrysophyten Poterioochromonas malhamensis und Dinobryon divergens konkurriert Dinobryon divergens wahrscheinlich hauptsächlich mit photoautotrophen und Poteriospumella lacustris mit heterotrophen Einzellern. Folglich würden diese beiden mixotrophen Stämme vermutlich unterschiedliche vertikale Schichten der Wassersäule besiedeln.

Basierend auf den vergleichenden physiologischen Studien wurden die vier unterschiedlichen Chrysophytenstämme unter geeigneten Wachstumsbedingungen kultiviert und Transkriptomanalysen mit Hilfe eines 454-Sequenzierungsansatzes durchgeführt. Insgesamt wurden 213.361 contigs mit einer Durchschnittslänge von 611 Nukleotiden mit BLAST2GO annotiert und funktionell sortiert. Transkripte aus Glykolyse, Gluconeogenese, Calvin Zyklus, Photorespiration und Harnstoffzyklus wurden sowohl von der photoautotrophen als auch von beiden mixotrophen Chrysophyten exprimiert. Es wurden viele metabolische Parallelen zwischen Mallomonas annulata und Phaeodactylum tricornutum gefunden. Die beiden mixotrophen Stämme unterschieden sich von Mallomonas annulata durch die Abwesenheit wichtiger Transkripte für die photoautotrophe Lebensweise wie etwa die der Schlüsselenzyme des oxidativen Pentosephosphatweges und der carboxylierenden Enzyme im Plastiden. Einige plastidäre glykolytische Transkripte wurden für Poteriospumella lacustris gefunden und stellen den ersten Hinweis auf metabolische Aktivität in dem farblosen, nicht photosynthetischen Plastiden dieses Protisten dar. Insgesamt wurde eine breite Basis für Expressionsanalysen der Stoffwechselwege von Chrysophyten und für weitere vergleichende molekulare und physiologische Studien gebildet.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
570 Biowissenschaften, Biologie
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690ROTTBERGER, Julia, 2013. Ecophysiology of mixotrophic flagellates [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Ecophysiology of mixotrophic flagellates},
  author={Rottberger, Julia},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">Mixotrophy in algae is a type of nutrition situated between the metabolic modes of photoautotrophy (building biomass from inorganic molecules via photosynthesis) and chemoheterotrophy (building biomass from organic substances via uptake of food). Mixotrophic chrysophytes are a group of flagellate protists prospering during re-oligotrophication of Lake Constance. However, little is known about metabolic pathways of chrysophytes. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the physiological and molecular regulation of carbon metabolism in mixotrophic chrysophytes.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;As a first step comparative physiological analyses of nutritionally diverse chrysophytes were conducted. A particle analyser was shown to be a helpful tool to monitor chrysophyte cultures for bacterial contaminations, to perform cell counts and to detect changes in mean cell size, total cell biovolume and size distribution of the unicellular protists. Growth experiments under different light regimes and with different carbon sources demonstrated that Poteriospumella lacustris and the mixotrophic Poterioochromonas malhamensis could strive under chemoheterotrophic conditions. Both strains were not growing photoautotrophically, however, Poterioochromonas malhamensis showed some photosynthetic activity and was able to survive longer when kept in the light. Similar to the photoautotrophic diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, which served as a reference strain, the photoautototrophic strain Mallomonas annulata and the mixotrophic chrysophyte Dinobryon divergens showed light limited growth when kept in inorganic media. Even though Dinobryon divergens consumed living bacteria, it did not grow in the dark in the presence of bacteria. Due to the relevant differences in general nutritional preferences between the two mixotrophic strains Poterioochromonas malhamensis and Dinobryon divergens, we propose that during re-oligotrophication, Dinobryon divergens might primarily compete with photoautotrophic algae while Poterioochromonas malhamensis presumably mainly competes with chemoheterotrophic organisms and that they, thus, may colonize different vertical layers of the water column.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In a second step Mallomonas annulata, Dinobryon divergens, Poterioochromonas malhamensis and Poteriospumella lacustris were grown under suitable culturing conditions according to the comparative physiological studies and transcriptomic analyses and comparisons were performed applying a 454-sequencing approach. A total of 213,361 contigs with an average length of 611 nucleotides were annotated and functionally sorted using BLAST2GO. The transcripts of the pathways of glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, Calvin Cycle, photorespiration and urea cycle were expressed in the photoautotrophic and both mixotrophic chrysophytes. Many metabolic parallels regarding primary carbon metabolism were found between Mallomonas annulata and the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. However, the two mixotrophic strains differed from Mallomonas annulata by the absence of transcripts for putative key enzymes involved in the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway and carboxylating reactions localized in the plastid. These enzymes are important for photoautotrophic performance. A set of glycolytic transcripts of the heterotrophic chrysophyte was found to be targeted to the plastid targeted. This represents a first hint for metabolic activity in the colourless, non-photosynthetic plastid of Poteriospumella lacustris. Altogether this study lays a profound base for expression analyses of metabolic pathways of chrysophytes and further molecular studies.</dcterms:abstract>
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URL der Originalveröffentl.
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
October 21, 2013
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