Lebensdauerspektroskopie metallischer Defekte in Silicium und Analyse monokristalliner Materialalternativen

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Diez, Stephan
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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Lifetime spectroscopy of metallic defects in silicon and analysis of monocrystalline material alternatives
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This work was motivated by the large impact of the electrical material quality on the performance of crystalline silicon solar cells. The material quality is determined by electrically active defects in silicon. A main objective of this work was developing and improving analysing methods based on lifetime spectroscopy to increase and further complete the knowledge of electrically active metallic defects in silicon. In particular, the temperature and injection-dependent charge carrier lifetime has been investigated to determine the characteristics of metallic point defects. The spectroscopic potential of this method has been investigated and compared to other analysing methods. Additional studies were performed in correlation with the metastable boron-oxygen defect complex in boron doped monocrystalline silicon crystals. The large photovoltaic market share of Czochralski-silicon causes the economic importance of the light-induced degradation losses due to this defect. Against this background investigations were performed within the present work regarding monocrystalline silicon material alternatives to avoid light-induced degradation losses. Cell efficiency degradation could be avoided by the use of gallium doping. Nevertheless, although optimised high temperature process steps were used the oxygen contamination of the silicon played a key role regarding the achieved efficiencies. In addition float-zone silicon crystals with a small amount of oxygen contamination were investigated. This material was crystallised with a special process which is potentially suitable to significantly reduce the float-zone material price. In summary, application of the investigated materials for cell processing is a very promising alternative to increase the cell efficiency which is stable under illumination.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Die vorliegende Arbeit steht in Zusammenhang mit der großen Bedeutung der elektrischen Materialqualität für die Leistung von kristallinen Silicium-Solarzellen. Diese wird durch elektrisch aktive Störstellen in Silicium bestimmt. Ein wesentliches Ziel der Arbeit bestand im Aufbau und der Weiterentwicklung lebensdauerspektroskopischer Analysemethoden zur weiteren Komplettierung des Verständnisses elektrisch aktiver metallischer Störstellen. Zur Bestimmung der charakteristischen Defekteigenschaften von metallischen Punktdefekten wurden insbesondere temperatur- und injektionsabhängige Ladungsträgerlebensdauerwerte untersucht. Hierbei wurde das spektroskopische Potential dieser Charakterisierungsmethode untersucht und mit anderen Analyseverfahren verglichen. Weiterhin wurden Untersuchungen durchgeführt, welche in Zusammenhang mit dem metastabilen Bor-Sauerstoff-Defektkomplex in bordotierten monokristallinen Siliciumkristallen stehen. Aufgrund des hohen Photovoltaikmarktanteils von Czochralski-Silicium haben die durch diesen Defekt bedingten lichtinduzierten Degradationsverluste große wirtschaftliche Bedeutung erlangt. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit Untersuchungen von alternativen monokristallinen Siliciummaterialien durchgeführt. Das Ziel bestand hierbei in der Vermeidung lichtinduzierter Degradationsverluste. Obwohl derartige Verluste auf Zellebene durch die Wahl von Gallium als Dotierstoff umgangen werden konnten, stellte sich trotz Anwendung optimierter Hochtemperaturprozessschritte die Sauerstoffverunreinigung des Materials als entscheidendes Kriterium für die erreichbaren Zellwirkungsgrade heraus. Zudem wurden mittels spezieller Zuchtverfahren zur Kostenreduktion hergestellte sauerstoffarme Float-Zone-Siliciumkristalle charakterisiert. Die Anwendung der untersuchten Materialalternativen stellt zusammenfassend eine vielversprechende Möglichkeit zur Erhöhung der beleuchtungsstabilen Solarzellenleistung dar.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
530 Physik
Degradation, silicon, carrier lifetime, defect, solar cell, recombination
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690DIEZ, Stephan, 2009. Lebensdauerspektroskopie metallischer Defekte in Silicium und Analyse monokristalliner Materialalternativen [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Lebensdauerspektroskopie metallischer Defekte in Silicium und Analyse monokristalliner Materialalternativen},
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    <dcterms:title>Lebensdauerspektroskopie metallischer Defekte in Silicium und Analyse monokristalliner Materialalternativen</dcterms:title>
    <dcterms:alternative>Lifetime spectroscopy of metallic defects in silicon and analysis of monocrystalline material alternatives</dcterms:alternative>
    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">This work was motivated by the large impact of the electrical material quality on the performance of crystalline silicon solar cells. The material quality is determined by electrically active defects in silicon. A main objective of this work was developing and improving analysing methods based on lifetime spectroscopy to increase and further complete the knowledge of electrically active metallic defects in silicon. In particular, the temperature and injection-dependent charge carrier lifetime has been investigated to determine the characteristics of metallic point defects. The spectroscopic potential of this method has been investigated and compared to other analysing methods. Additional studies were performed in correlation with the metastable boron-oxygen defect complex in boron doped monocrystalline silicon crystals. The large photovoltaic market share of Czochralski-silicon causes the economic importance of the light-induced degradation losses due to this defect. Against this background investigations were performed within the present work regarding monocrystalline silicon material alternatives to avoid light-induced degradation losses. Cell efficiency degradation could be avoided by the use of gallium doping. Nevertheless, although optimised high temperature process steps were used the oxygen contamination of the silicon played a key role regarding the achieved efficiencies. In addition float-zone silicon crystals with a small amount of oxygen contamination were investigated. This material was crystallised with a special process which is potentially suitable to significantly reduce the float-zone material price. In summary, application of the investigated materials for cell processing is a very promising alternative to increase the cell efficiency which is stable under illumination.</dcterms:abstract>
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
June 26, 2009
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