Analyse des allochthon eingetragenen Fluß-Sestons und der autochthonen Primärproduzenten in der Nahrungskette des Bodensees mit Hilfe stabiler (15N, 13C) Isotope

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Fuentes González, Norka
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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Analysis of allochthonous river seston and autochthonous primary producers in the food webs of Lake Constance, with stable (15N, 13C) isotopes
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The aim of this study was to obtain information on the importance of allochthonous versus autochtonous sources of nutrition for benthic communities of littoral and profundal sites of Lake Constance (Upper lake) on the basis of the content of stable isotopes (13C, 15N). For this purpose, isotope signatures of different potential sources and of consuments were analyzed during one vegetation period at two profundal and two littoral stations. These stations differed strongly in the respective impact of allochthous supply (close and remote to river inflows).
The obtained 13C-values (average -28 ) suggested a dominance of algal epiphytes and/or terrestrial plant detritus as main sources of nutrition at both sampling sites (close and remote to river inflows). The isotope data gave also little evidence for a high importance of macrophytes as source of nutrition. The 15N values of the consuments were mostly 3 - 4 heavier than the sources. This hints to a dominantly direct utilization of the sources in one trophic level. For littoral filtering invertebrates (Cladocerans und Dreissena polymorpha) the isotope signatures showed a preferential utilization of lake seston with an increased percentage of allochthonous material at the station close to a river inflow. In contrast, nutrition of littoral copepods was much more based on sources of phytoplankton origin with a dominant utilization in two trophic levels.
At the profundal stations a significantly higher percentage of allochthonous organic sedimentation was observed for the station close to river inflow, while the amount of sedimentation of autochthonous organic matter was of similar magnitude at both stations. The 13C-values were significantly heavier at the station close to river inflow (average -29 ) compared to the station remote to inflow (average -32 ) which also suggests an increased contribution of terrestrial organic matter at the station close to inflow. Additionally, the 15N signatures showed a trend to lighter values at the station remote to inflow. This also mirrors an increased percentage of young organic material originating from actual phytoplankton sedimentation. An increased contribution of allochthonous organic sedimentation resulted in a significant stimulation of microbial activities (respiration, growth rates, methane production). This means, that the sedimenting allochtonous POC is by no means completely refractory and thus allows a significant additional microbial secondary production which becomes available for benthic consuments.
The 13C-values obtained for the dominant groups of profundal benthic invertebrates were similar to those of the sedimenting material at the station remote to inflow, while they were significantly lighter at the station close to inflow. Remarkably, the difference to sedimenting POC was much more pronounced for chironomids (average 11 ) than for tubificids (5 ). These results suggest that a significant part of allochthonous organic sedimentation is converted to methane wich subsequently is utilized as carbon source for methane oxidizing bacteria (MOB). The very light 13C-values biogenic methane (< -50 %) lead also to light signatures of MOB. These bacteria may be regarded as a dominant source of nutrition for chironomids, while the diet of oligochaetes consists of a mixture of allochthonous POC and MOB.
In summary, the results of this study suggest that more than a negligible part of the allochthonous inflow of organic matter is available for microbial utilization, resulting thus in an additional microbial production. Via this conversion into microbial biomass, allochthonous POC can represent a significant food source for littoral and profundal heterotrophic communities. As is suggested by existing patterns of horizontal distribution of benthic invertebrates, this pathway appears to be even dominant for the profundal communities of Lake Constance.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Ziel der Arbeit war ein Vergleich der Bedeutung von allochthoner und autochthoner Nahrungsversorgung für benthische litorale und profundale Lebensgemeinschaften des Bodensees (Obersee) auf der Grundlage der Gehalte an stabilen Isotopen (13C, 15N). Hierzu wurden während einer Vegetationsperiode die Isotopensignaturen von potentiellen Nahrungssquellen und Konsumenten an je zwei litoralen und profundalen Probestellen erfasst, die sich vor allem im Beitrag allochthoner Zufuhr (zuflussnah zuflussfern) stark unterschieden.
Für die litoralen benthischen Konsumenten wurde aufgrund der erhaltenen 13C-Werte (im Bereich von -28 ) an beiden litoralen Probestellen auf eine Dominanz von Epiphyten und/ oder terrestrischen Quellen geschlossen. Demgegenüber ergaben sich wenig Hinweise auf eine große Bedeutung der Makrophyten als Nahrungsquelle. Die 15N-Werte (Anreicherung um ca. 3-4 gegenüber den Quellen) der benthischen Konsumenten sprechen für eine überwiegende Verwertung der Quellen in nur einer trophischen Stufe. Litorale filtrierende Organismen (Cladoceren und Dreissena polymorpha) zeigten See-Sestonernährung mit erhöhtem allochthonem Anteil an der zuflussnahen Probestelle. Demgegenüber zeigten litorale Copepoden einen erhöhten Anteil von Quellen aus Phytoplankton, wobei deren Verwertung überwiegend in zwei trophischen Stufen erfolgte.
Im Profundal zeigten sich deutlich erhöhte Anteile von allochthoner Sedimentation an der zuflussnahen Probenstelle, während die autochthonen Anteile an beiden Profundalstationen vergleichbar waren. Dabei waren die 13C-Signaturen an der zuflussnahen Stelle (Durchschnitt -29 ) immer schwerer als die an der zuflussfernen Stelle (Durchschnitt -32 ). Weiterhin zeigten die 15N-Werte an der zuflussfernen Stelle eine Tendenz zu leichteren Werten, was auf einen erhöhten Anteil jungen Materials aus der autochthonen Produktion hinweist. In den Sedimenten bewirkte die erhöhte allochthone Zufuhr eine deutliche Stimulierung mikrobieller Aktivitäten (Respiration, Wachstumsrate, Methanproduktion) in den Sedimenten. Das zeigt, dass allochthones POC nicht vollständig refraktär ist und über daraus ermöglichte mikrobielle Produktion für das Makrobenthos verfügbar gemacht wird.
Die erhaltenen 13C-Werte der dominanten Invertebratengruppen des Profundals (Oligochaeten, Chironomiden) lagen für beide Tiergruppen an der autochthonen Probenstelle im Bereich des sedimentierenden Materials, während sie an der allochthon beeinflussten Probenstelle deutlich leichter waren. Dabei war die Abweichung zum sedimentierende POC bei den Chironomiden mit durchschnitlich 11 besonders hoch, während sie bei den Oligochaeten mit 5 geringer ausfiel. Diese Befunde sprechen dafür, dass ein erheblicher Anteil der allochthonen Zufuhr in biogene Methanproduktion mit besonders leichten Signaturen ( > -50 ) überführt wird, das dann wiederum eine erhöhte Produktion Methan oxidierender Bakterien (MOB) ermöglicht. Diese stellen dann zumindest für die profundalen Chironomiden eine der Hauptnahrungsquellen dar, während die Oligochaeten eher eine Mischung aus allochthonem POC und MOB verwerten
Zusammenfassend hat die Studie gezeigt, dass ein nicht vernachlässigbarer Anteil des allochthon eingetragenen POC mikrobiell verfügbar ist und damit damit eine zusätzliche mikrobielle Produktion ermöglicht. Die so indirekt durch mikrobielle Transformation verfügbar gemachten allochthonen Einträge können zur Nahrungsversorgung der litoralen und profundalen Lebensgemeinschaften wesentlich beitragen. Aus den horizontalen Verteilungsbildern der Abundanzen kann geschlossen werden, dass die allochthone Zufuhr für das profundale Zoobenthos des Bodensee sogar die dominante Nahrungsquelle darstellt.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
570 Biowissenschaften, Biologie
Profundal, Fluss-Seston, allochthonous seston, food, food webs, Lake Constance, Stable Isotopes
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690FUENTES GONZÁLEZ, Norka, 2010. Analyse des allochthon eingetragenen Fluß-Sestons und der autochthonen Primärproduzenten in der Nahrungskette des Bodensees mit Hilfe stabiler (15N, 13C) Isotope [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Analyse des allochthon eingetragenen Fluß-Sestons und der autochthonen Primärproduzenten in der Nahrungskette des Bodensees mit Hilfe stabiler (15N, 13C) Isotope},
  author={Fuentes González, Norka},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dc:contributor>Fuentes González, Norka</dc:contributor>
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    <dc:creator>Fuentes González, Norka</dc:creator>
    <dcterms:title>Analyse des allochthon eingetragenen Fluß-Sestons und der autochthonen Primärproduzenten in der Nahrungskette des Bodensees mit Hilfe stabiler (15N, 13C) Isotope</dcterms:title>
    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">The aim of this study was to obtain information on the importance of allochthonous versus autochtonous sources of nutrition for benthic communities of littoral and profundal sites of  Lake Constance (Upper lake) on the basis of the content of stable isotopes (13C, 15N). For this purpose, isotope signatures of different potential sources and of consuments were analyzed during one vegetation period at two profundal and two littoral stations. These stations differed strongly in the respective impact of allochthous supply (close and remote to river inflows).&lt;br /&gt;The obtained 13C-values (average -28  ) suggested a dominance of algal epiphytes and/or terrestrial plant detritus as main sources of nutrition at both sampling sites (close and remote to river inflows).  The isotope data gave also little evidence for a high importance of macrophytes as source of nutrition.  The 15N values of the consuments were mostly 3 - 4   heavier than the sources. This hints to a dominantly direct utilization of the sources in one trophic level. For littoral filtering invertebrates (Cladocerans und Dreissena polymorpha) the isotope signatures showed  a preferential utilization of lake seston with an increased percentage of allochthonous material at the station close to a river inflow.  In contrast, nutrition of littoral copepods was much more based on sources of phytoplankton origin with a dominant utilization in two trophic levels.&lt;br /&gt;At the profundal stations a significantly higher percentage of allochthonous organic sedimentation was observed for the station close to river inflow, while the amount of sedimentation of autochthonous organic matter was of similar magnitude at both stations.  The 13C-values were significantly heavier at the station close to river inflow (average -29  ) compared to the station remote to inflow (average -32  ) which also suggests an increased contribution of terrestrial organic matter at the station close to inflow. Additionally, the 15N signatures showed a trend to lighter values at the station remote to inflow. This also mirrors an increased percentage of  young  organic material originating from actual phytoplankton sedimentation. An increased contribution of allochthonous organic sedimentation resulted in a significant stimulation of microbial activities (respiration, growth rates, methane production). This means, that the sedimenting allochtonous POC is by no means completely refractory and thus allows a significant additional microbial secondary production which becomes available for benthic consuments.&lt;br /&gt;The 13C-values obtained for the dominant groups of profundal benthic invertebrates were similar to those of the sedimenting material at the station remote to inflow, while they were significantly lighter at the station close to inflow.  Remarkably, the difference to sedimenting POC was much more pronounced for chironomids (average 11  ) than for tubificids (5  ). These results suggest that a significant part of allochthonous organic sedimentation is converted to methane wich subsequently is utilized as carbon source for methane oxidizing bacteria (MOB). The very light 13C-values biogenic methane (&lt; -50 %) lead also to light signatures of MOB. These bacteria may be regarded as a dominant source of nutrition for chironomids, while the diet of oligochaetes consists of a mixture of allochthonous POC and MOB.&lt;br /&gt;In summary, the results of this study suggest that more than a negligible part of the allochthonous inflow of organic matter is available for microbial utilization, resulting thus in an additional microbial production. Via this conversion into microbial biomass, allochthonous POC can represent a significant food source for littoral and profundal heterotrophic communities. As is suggested by existing patterns of horizontal distribution of benthic invertebrates, this pathway appears to be even dominant for the profundal communities of Lake Constance.</dcterms:abstract>
    <dcterms:alternative>Analysis of allochthonous river seston and autochthonous primary producers in the food webs of Lake  Constance, with stable (15N, 13C) isotopes</dcterms:alternative>
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    <dc:date rdf:datatype="">2011-03-24T17:33:17Z</dc:date>
Interner Vermerk
URL der Originalveröffentl.
Prüfdatum der URL
Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
July 22, 2010
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