Neuromagnetic correlates of aging evidence from resting state and event-related analyses

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Leirer, Vera Maria
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Neuromagnetische Korrelate des Alterns
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In this thesis I report three magnetoencephalography (MEG) studies that investigated age-related alterations in neuromagnetic activity during either a cognitive task or during the resting state using different methodological approaches.
The main goal of study 1 was to assess whether the hippocampal-associated activation pattern during the transverse patterning task changes with increasing age and whether it is related to cognitive performance. The results suggest that in non-pathological aging, hippocampal function does not decrease with age but is related to individual performance in memory and executive function.
Study 2 aimed at exploring age-related alterations in the intensity and distribution of generators of focal magnetic slow waves and associations between cognitive performance and sources of low-frequency activity in the brain. Generators of focal magnetic slow waves in the delta frequency range were localized by employing a single moving dipole model and by calculating dipole densities in anatomically defined cortical regions (frontal, central, temporal and parieto-occipital). Results revealed a pronounced negative age effect, i.e. dipole density decreases with increasing age. Regarding the association between dipole density and cognitive performance, no significant relationship could be found which lead us to the conclusion that slow waves are specifically associated with the disease process of Morbus Alzheimer and are not linked to age and pathological states per se in healthy individuals.
In study 3, age-related alterations in functional resting state brain networks and their behavioral significance were investigated. Resting state recordings are characterized by widely distributed networks of coherent brain activations. In this study, the resting state networks were analyzed with respect to the directionality of the information flow between distant cortical regions using partial directed coherence (PDC). Significant age-related alterations of functional resting state connectivity were found that are mainly characterized by reduced information input into the posterior cingulum/precuneus region together with an enhanced information flow to the medial temporal lobe. This was the first study to show age-related alterations in subsystems of the resting state network that are furthermore associated with cognitive performance.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

In dieser Dissertationsschrift werden drei Magnetoenzephalographie (MEG) Studien beschrieben, die altersbedingte Veränderungen in der neuromagnetischen Aktivität während einer kognitiven Aufgabe oder im Ruhezustand mittels unterschiedlicher methodologischer Ansätze untersuchen.
In der ersten Studie wurde untersucht, ob sich das Hippocampus-assoziierte neuronale Aktivitätsmuster während der Transverse Patterning Aufgabe mit zunehmendem Alter verändert und ob die Aktivierung mit der geistigen Leistungsfähigkeit korreliert. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass die hippocampale Funktion im gesunden Alter nicht abnimmt sondern mit der individuellen Leistungsfähigkeit des Gedächtnisses und der Exekutivfunktionen zusammenhängt.
Das Ziel von Studie 2 war es, altersbedingte Veränderungen in der Intensität und Verteilung von Generatoren fokaler magnetischer langsamer Wellen und den Zusammenhang mit der geistigen Leistungsfähigkeit zu erfassen. Die Generatoren der fokalen magnetischen langsamen Wellen wurden mittels eines Modelles mit einem sich bewegenden Dipol ("sinlge moving dipole model") lokalisiert und die Dipoldichte wurde für anatomisch definierte kortikale Gebiete (frontal, zentral, temporal und parieto-occipital) berechnet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen deutlichen negativen Alterseffekt, d.h. die Deltadipoldichte nimmt mit zunehmendem Alter ab. Hinsichtlich des Zusammenhangs zwischen Dipoldichte und geistiger Leistungsfähigkeit konnte kein signifikanter Effekt gefunden werden. Diese Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass die langsamen Wellen speziell mit dem Krankheitsprozess bei Morbus Alzheimer verknüpft sind und nicht mit dem Alter per se in gesunden Individuen.
In Studie 3 wurden altersbedingte Veränderungen in der Spontanaktivität und deren funktionale Bedeutung untersucht. Messungen des Ruhezustands sind durch weitverbreitete Netzwerke kohärenter Gehirnaktivität gekennzeichnet. In dieser Studie wurden die Ruhenetzwerke mittels Partial Directed Coherence (PDC) hinsichtlich der Direktionalität des Informationsflusses zwischen entfernten kortikalen Regionen untersucht. Es wurden signifikante altersabhängige Veränderungen der Konnektivität im Ruhezustand gefunden, die hauptsächlich durch einen verminderten Informationsfluss in die posteriore Cingulum/Precuneus Region sowie durch einen erhöhten Informationsfluss in den medialen Temporallappen gekennzeichnet sind. Dies ist die erste Studie, die altersbedingte Veränderungen in Untersystemen des Ruhenetzwerks, die zudem mit der kognitiven Leistungsfähigkeit verbunden sind, nachweisen konnte.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
150 Psychologie
Ruhezustand, Aging, Magnetoencephalography, coherence, resting state, hippocampus
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690LEIRER, Vera Maria, 2010. Neuromagnetic correlates of aging evidence from resting state and event-related analyses [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Neuromagnetic correlates of aging   evidence from resting state and event-related analyses},
  author={Leirer, Vera Maria},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">In this thesis I report three magnetoencephalography (MEG) studies that investigated age-related alterations in neuromagnetic activity during either a cognitive task or during the resting state using different methodological approaches.&lt;br /&gt;The main goal of study 1 was to assess whether the hippocampal-associated activation pattern during the transverse patterning task changes with increasing age and whether it is related to cognitive performance. The results suggest that in non-pathological aging, hippocampal function does not decrease with age but is related to individual performance in memory and executive function.&lt;br /&gt;Study 2 aimed at exploring age-related alterations in the intensity and distribution of generators of focal magnetic slow waves and associations between cognitive performance and sources of low-frequency activity in the brain. Generators of focal magnetic slow waves in the delta frequency range were localized by employing a single moving dipole model and by calculating dipole densities in anatomically defined cortical regions (frontal, central, temporal and parieto-occipital). Results revealed a pronounced negative age effect, i.e. dipole density decreases with increasing age. Regarding the association between dipole density and cognitive performance, no significant relationship could be found which lead us to the conclusion that slow waves are specifically associated with the disease process of Morbus Alzheimer and are not linked to age and pathological states per se in healthy individuals.&lt;br /&gt;In study 3, age-related alterations in functional resting state brain networks and their behavioral significance were investigated. Resting state recordings are characterized by widely distributed networks of coherent brain activations. In this study, the resting state networks were analyzed with respect to the directionality of the information flow between distant cortical regions using partial directed coherence (PDC). Significant age-related alterations of functional resting state connectivity were found that are mainly characterized by reduced information input into the posterior cingulum/precuneus region together with an enhanced information flow to the medial temporal lobe. This was the first study to show age-related alterations in subsystems of the resting state network that are furthermore associated with cognitive performance.</dcterms:abstract>
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
July 27, 2010
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