Motivational Modulation of the Attentional Blink

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Petrovsky, Nadine
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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The present study aimed to investigate if and to what degree motivationally-behaviourally relevant material modulates the attentional blink effect during rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP). Written eating verbs (e.g. essen , speisen , kauen ; to eat , to dine , to chew , respectively) and written arts and craft verbs (e.g. hämmern, sägen, schnitzen ; to hammer, to saw, to carve , respectively) were used as a second target (T2) in an 8.7-Hz RSVP paradigm. Participants came to the laboratory twice: once in a satiated state, and once in a hungry state (food-deprived for 24 hours). The crucial experimental question was whether food deprivation modulates the attentional blink effect. In particular, the hypothesis of a facilitated identification of eating verbs compared to arts and craft verbs in a hungry state was tested. Successful manipulation of motivational state was controlled with a blood test and with ratings of hunger and appetite. Subjective ratings of the target verbs using the Self-Assessment-Manikin showed a state-dependent difference in the hungry state specifically for the eating verbs. In the hungry state, participants rated eating verbs as more arousing and as more pleasant compared to the satiated state. As expected, the classic attentional blink effect was replicated in the present study. Interestingly, the results did not show that being in a hungry state leads to a better identification of eating-relevant verbs. Although the successful manipulation of motivational state was demonstrated in this study, food deprivation did not influence the attentional blink pattern. Instead, a very robust attentional blink effect was found for both T2 stimulus classes. The findings of the present study are discussed in relation to recent attentional blink experiments using affectively arousing material and in relation to other paradigms dealing with hunger-related attention biases towards food-relevant stimuli.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Ziel dieser Studie war es herauszufinden, ob und in welcher Weise motivational-verhaltensrelevantes Material den Attentional Blink Effekt während schneller serieller vsiueller Darbietung (RSVP) moduliert. Geschriebene nahrungsrelevante Verben (z.B. essen , speisen , kauen ) und geschriebene Verben, die eine handwerkliche Tätigkeit beschreiben, wurden als zweite Zielreize (T2s) in einem 8,7 Hz RSVP Paradigma dargeboten. Die Teilnehmer dieser Studie kamen zweimal ins Labor: einmal erschienen sie gesättigt, das andere Mal kamen sie hungrig (24-Stunden-nahrungsdepriviert). Die entscheidende experimentelle Frage war ob Nahrungsdeprivation den Attentional Blink Effekt moduliert; insbesondere wurde die Hypothese einer erleichterten Identifikation von Essensverben im Vergleich zu Handwerkerverben in einem hungrigen Zustand getestet. Die erfolgreiche Manipulation des motivationalen Zustands wurde mit Hilfe eines Bluttests und mit Einschätzungen von Hunger und Appetit kontrolliert. Die subjektiven Einschätzungen der Zielverben mittels des Self-Assessment-Manikin (SAM) -Instruments zeigten einen zustandsabhängigen Unterschied im hungrigen Zustand besonders für die Essensverben. Im hungrigen Zustand schätzten die Teilnehmer die Essensverben als aufregender und als angenehmer ein als im gesättigten Zustand. Wie erwartet wurde der klassische Attentional Blink Effekt in der vorliegenden Studie repliziert. Interessanterweise zeigten die Resultate keine bessere Identifikation der essensrelevanten Verben im hungrigen Zustand. Obwohl der motivationale Zustand in dieser Studie erfolgreich manipuliert wurde, beeinflusste die Nahrungsdeprivation nicht das Attentional Blink Muster. Stattdessen trat ein sehr stabiler Attentional Blink Effekt für beide T2-Stimulusklassen auf. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie werden diskutiert in Bezug auf neuere Attentional Blink Experimente, die affektiv-erregendes Material einsetzten und in Bezug auf andere Paradigmen, die Aufmerksamkeitseffekte auf nahrungsrelevante Stimuli in Zusammenhang mit Hunger untersuchen.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
150 Psychologie
Attentional Blink, Nahrungsdeprivation, Attentional Blink, food-deprivation
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690PETROVSKY, Nadine, 2006. Motivational Modulation of the Attentional Blink [Master thesis]
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">The present study aimed to investigate if and to what degree motivationally-behaviourally relevant material modulates the  attentional blink  effect during rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP). Written eating verbs (e.g.  essen ,  speisen ,  kauen ;  to eat ,  to dine ,  to chew , respectively) and written arts and craft verbs (e.g.  hämmern, sägen, schnitzen ;  to hammer, to saw, to carve , respectively) were used as a second target (T2) in an 8.7-Hz RSVP paradigm. Participants came to the laboratory twice: once in a satiated state, and once in a hungry state (food-deprived for 24 hours). The crucial experimental question was whether food deprivation modulates the attentional blink effect. In particular, the hypothesis of a facilitated identification of eating verbs compared to arts and craft verbs in a hungry state was tested. Successful manipulation of motivational state was controlled with a blood test and with ratings of hunger and appetite. Subjective ratings of the target verbs using the Self-Assessment-Manikin showed a state-dependent difference in the hungry state specifically for the eating verbs. In the hungry state, participants rated eating verbs as more arousing and as more pleasant compared to the satiated state. As expected, the classic attentional blink effect was replicated in the present study. Interestingly, the results did not show that being in a hungry state leads to a better identification of eating-relevant verbs. Although the successful manipulation of motivational state was demonstrated in this study, food deprivation did not influence the attentional blink pattern. Instead, a very robust attentional blink effect was found for both T2 stimulus classes. The findings of the present study are discussed in relation to recent attentional blink experiments using affectively arousing material and in relation to other paradigms dealing with hunger-related attention biases towards food-relevant stimuli.</dcterms:abstract>
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