Policy networks : a citation analysis of the quantitative literature

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Since the mid-1970s, the quantitative literature on political networks has grown to approximately 200 publications. A number of scholars have recently tried to organize the "Babylonian variety" of different policy network concepts and schools of thought in political network analysis. It will be demonstrated that they fail to grasp the important distinctions between the research specialties, and an empirical assessment of the quantitative literature is offered by analyzing co-citation data and data of bibliographic coupling.
The similarity between any pair of citing publications is determined by the number of citations these publications have in common, and the similarity between any two cited articles is shaped by the number of common citing bibliographies. A 193x8490 affiliation matrix containing the links between citing and cited documents is transformed into two square adjacency matrices and then examined separately by means of multivariate data analysis and Social Network Analysis. Using clique analysis, cluster analysis and blockmodels in conjunction with multidimensional scaling and correspondence analysis, the important schools of thought can be identified as clusters in an n-dimensional space. Once the clusters have been delineated on the level of cited publications, the citing documents can be classified and a likelihood distribution for each publication of belonging into any school of thought can be given.
The results show that four large clusters can be separated and interpreted in a meaningful way in terms of research design, topic, use of methods and some other characteristics. These schools of thought are preliminarily called "exchange cluster", "governance cluster", "elite cluster" and "participation cluster". Results are discussed in the light of Crane s invisible-colleges framework and other approaches from the sociology of science as well as recent theoretical contributions to the study of policy networks.
The citation-based analysis of the discipline is complemented by an analysis of the methods and relations used in the citing documents and their distributions of actors, countries, levels of analysis and areas of inquiry examined.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Seit Mitte der 1970er Jahre ist die quantitative Literatur über Politiknetzwerke auf ungefähr 200 Publikationen angewachsen. Mehrere Wissenschaftler haben in letzter Zeit den Versuch unternommen, die "Babylonische Vielfalt" an Konzepten und Denkschulen in der politischen Netzwerkanalyse zu ordnen. In der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit wird gezeigt, dass bisherige Strukturierungsversuche nicht systematisch genug durchgeführt worden sind, und es wird eine empirisch fundierte Abgrenzung der quantitativen Literaturströmungen anhand von Kozitationsdaten und bibliografischer Kopplung vorgenommen.
Die Ähnlichkeit zwischen zwei beliebigen zitierenden Publikationen wird durch die Überlappung ihrer Bibliografien bestimmt, während die Ähnlichkeit zwischen zwei zitierten Publikationen durch die Häufigkeit angegeben wird, mit der sie gemeinsam in Bibliografien aufgelistet werden. Eine 193x8490-Affiliationsmatrix mit den Verbindungen zwischen zitierten und zitierenden Dokumenten wird in zwei Adjazenzmatrizen transformiert, die dann separat mittels multivariater Techniken und Sozialer Netzwerkanalyse untersucht werden. Mit Hilfe von Cliquen- und Clusteranalysen sowie Blockmodellen in Verbindung mit MDS und Korrespondenzanalyse können vier kognitive Schulen als Cluster in einem n-dimensionalen Raum identifiziert werden. Nach dem Trennen der zitierten Cluster werden die zitierenden Publikationen klassifiziert und mit Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen beschrieben, die ihre Zuordnung zu den jeweiligen Clustern ermöglichen.
Die vier kognitiven Schulen werden vorläufig als "Tausch-Cluster", "Governance-Cluster", "Elite-Cluster" und "Partizipations-Cluster" bezeichnet und bezüglich ihres Forschungsdesigns, Themas, der benutzten Methoden und anderer Charakteristika abgegrenzt und interpretiert. Die Ergebnisse werden im Lichte von Cranes Invisible-College-Hypothese und anderer Ansätze aus der Wissenschaftssoziologie sowie neueren theoretischen Arbeiten über Politiknetzwerke evaluiert.
Die Kozitationsanalyse wird durch eine Beschreibung der Verteilung von Methoden, Relationen, Akteuren, Analyseebenen, Ländern und betrachteten Themen in der Disziplin ergänzt.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
320 Politik
Soziale Netzwerkanalyse, Kozitationsanalyse, Politiknetzwerke, Policy-Netzwerke, Policy Networks, Political Networks, Social Network Analysis, Co-citation analysis, Galois Lattice
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690LEIFELD, Philip, 2007. Policy networks : a citation analysis of the quantitative literature [Master thesis]
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">Since the mid-1970s, the quantitative literature on political networks has grown to approximately 200 publications. A number of scholars have recently tried to organize the "Babylonian variety" of different policy network concepts and schools of thought in political network analysis. It will be demonstrated that they fail to grasp the important distinctions between the research specialties, and an empirical assessment of the quantitative literature is offered by analyzing co-citation data and data of bibliographic coupling.&lt;br /&gt;The similarity between any pair of citing publications is determined by the number of citations these publications have in common, and the similarity between any two cited articles is shaped by the number of common citing bibliographies. A 193x8490 affiliation matrix containing the links between citing and cited documents is transformed into two square adjacency matrices and then examined separately by means of multivariate data analysis and Social Network Analysis. Using clique analysis, cluster analysis and blockmodels in conjunction with multidimensional scaling and correspondence analysis, the important schools of thought can be identified as clusters in an n-dimensional space. Once the clusters have been delineated on the level of cited publications, the citing documents can be classified and a likelihood distribution for each publication of belonging into any school of thought can be given.&lt;br /&gt;The results show that four large clusters can be separated and interpreted in a meaningful way in terms of research design, topic, use of methods and some other characteristics. These schools of thought are preliminarily called "exchange cluster", "governance cluster", "elite cluster" and "participation cluster". Results are discussed in the light of Crane s invisible-colleges framework and other approaches from the sociology of science as well as recent theoretical contributions to the study of policy networks.&lt;br /&gt;The citation-based analysis of the discipline is complemented by an analysis of the methods and relations used in the citing documents and their distributions of actors, countries, levels of analysis and areas of inquiry examined.</dcterms:abstract>
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