Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von III-V-Weltraumsolarzellen

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Baur, Carsten
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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Development and Characterisation of III-V Space Solar Cells
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With this work an important contribution in the field of characterisation of multi-junction solar cells and in the understanding of the degradation behaviour of III-V multi-junction cells for space applications has been made.
An extensive degradation study has been performed on the current state-of-the-art space solar cell of the European manufacturer RWE SSP (RWE3G28). Thereby, the applicability of available methods for the prediction of solar cell degradation in space due to particle irradiation has been investigated on multi-junction solar cells. It was demonstrated that a direct transfer of those methods, which were previously developed only for single-junction solar cells, to multi-junction solar cells is not possible in a strict sense. A correct extension both, from a mathematical and physical point of view, of the so called JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) and especially of the NRL (Naval Research Laboratory) method for the prediction of the degradation behaviour of solar cells in space requires the knowledge of the degradation characteristics of all the subcells of the multi-junction stack under investigation. This was proven by the parallel investigation of the degradation behaviour of component cells.
The knowledge of the degradation behaviour of component cells and therefore the subcells in a multi-junction stack allows the extension of the existing models to arrive at a consistent description of the degradation behaviour of the more complex 3J or multi-junction solar cells.
By analysing dark I-V characteristics of component cells before and after irradiation a new method was developed which allows the derivation of the light I-V parameters and their degradation behaviours from applying the two-diode model which represents a mathematical description of the I-V characteristic of solar cells. This method is based on fundamental physics and is easy to apply to any kind of multi-junction solar cell.
Another main focus of this work was put on the conduction of a systematic uncertainty analysis for the calibration of multi-junction solar cells as it is performed at the calibration lab of the Fraunhofer ISE (ISE CalLab). Thereby, the complex interactions between the different subcells of a multi-junction solar cell were taken into account. This was done by first converting all influencing variables into uncertainties of the photocurrents of the different subcells. The impact of those uncertainties on the uncertainties of the relevant parameters of the multi-junction solar cells was then derived experimentally by carrying out spectrometric characterisations. Thereby, the changes of the solar cell parameters were monitored when changing the photocurrents of one of the subcells.
The results showed that the uncertainties of the solar cell parameters when measuring multi-junction solar cells are close to the ones typically obtained when measuring single-junction solar cells.
Apart from the main topics of this work uncertainty analysis and degradation study significant contributions were made for the development of the current state-of-the-art 3J solar cell from RWE SSP (RWE3G28). It was demonstrated that precise characterisations and correct interpretation of the measurement results are of great importance in defining the direction for the next development steps.
A new possibility for deriving or assessing the lifetimes of the minority carriers in solar cells was identified by analysing the signals obtained within spectral response measurements of Ge component cells due to optical coupling. However, to quantify the result a very detailed knowledge of the structure of the component cell is required. Moreover, the dependencies of the optical coupling or photon recycling on various influencing parameters (in dependence of the structure) have to be known.
Taking the insolation (spectral distribution and intensity) as an example for an influencing parameter, opposing dependencies of the signal in the spectral response measurement due to optical coupling were obtained for two different structures. First possibilities that explain these differences are described.
Finally, the main fields of interest of current research programs were described which have the potential of improving efficiency and/or the radiation stability of III-V multi-junction solar cells. As an important point hereby, the development of a 1 eV material based on the material combination (GaIn)(NAs) has been identified. Significant improvements of the material quality of (GaIn)(NAs) have been achieved by applying appropriate annealing steps after the growth. These improvements would allow already a profitable introduction of a (GaIn)(NAs) subcell into a 6J solar cell.
Nevertheless, the aim in the long-term is the development of a 4J solar cell for which the quality of the (GaIn)(NAs) subcell still has to be improved.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit werden wichtige Beiträge auf dem Gebiet der Charakterisierung und hinsichtlich des Degradationsverhaltens von III-V Mehrfachsolarzellen für die Anwendung im Weltraum geleistet.
Im Rahmen einer umfassenden Degradationsstudie an der aktuellen Weltraumsolarzelle des europäischen Herstellers RWE SSP (RWE3G28) unter Einbeziehung von Komponentenzellen wurde die Anwendbarkeit der bestehenden Methoden zur Vorhersage von Solarzellendegradation auf Mehrfachsolarzellen überprüft. Dabei wurde demonstriert, dass eine direkte Übertragung dieser zunächst nur für Einfachsolarzellen entwickelten Methoden auf Mehrfachsolarzellen streng genommen nicht möglich ist. Eine im mathematischen und physikalischen Sinne korrekte Erweiterung sowohl der JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) aber vor allem auch der NRL (Naval Research Laboratory) Methode bedarf der Kenntnis der Degradationscharakteristiken der Komponentenzellen der zu untersuchenden 3J- oder Mehrfachsolarzelle. Die bestehenden Modelle wurden daher entsprechend erweitert, um mit diesen auf die Komplexität der 3J- oder Mehrfachzelle angepassten Modellen, eine konsistente Beschreibung des Degradationsverhaltens unter Teilchenbestrahlung zu gewährleisten.
Mit der Analyse von Dunkelkennlinienmessungen an Komponentenzellen vor und nach Bestrahlung wurde eine neue Methode entwickelt, bei der die Degradationscharakteristiken der Hellparameter dieser Zellen - aber auch die der zugehörigen Mehrfachsolarzelle - aus dem Zweidiodenmodell abgeleitet werden können. Diese Methode basiert auf Grundgleichungen der Physik und lässt sich auf jeden beliebigen Solarzellentyp anwenden.
Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit lag in der Durchführung einer detaillierten Messunsicherheitsanalyse für die Kalibrierung von 3J-Zellen, wie sie im Messlabor des Fraunhofer ISE (ISE CalLab) durchgeführt wird. Diese zeichnet sich dabei durch eine in hohem Maße systematische und präzise Vorgehensweise aus, wodurch sie ein sehr genaues Verständnis für die komplexen Zusammenhänge innerhalb einer Mehrfachsolarzelle liefert.
Die unterschiedlichen Einflussgrößen wurden dabei soweit wie möglich in Unsicherheiten der Photoströme der einzelnen Teilzellen umgerechnet. Die Schwierigkeit bestand dann letztlich darin, die Auswirkungen dieser Unsicherheiten auf die Zellparameter der kompletten 3J-Zelle zu bestimmen. Mittels Anwendung der spektrometrischen Charakterisierung wurde der Einfluss dieser Unsicherheiten auf die Zellparameter experimentell bestimmt.
Das Ergebnis der Messunsicherheitsanalyse zeigte, dass die Messunsicherheiten bei der Kalibrierung von 3J-Zellen nur wenig verschieden sind von denen, die sich typischerweise für Einfachsolarzellen ergeben.
Neben den beiden Schwerpunkten Messunsicherheitsanalyse und Degradationsstudie wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit bei der Entwicklung der aktuell standardmäßig eingesetzten 3J-Zelle von RWE SSP (RWE3G28) maßgeblich mitgewirkt. Eine präzise Charakterisierung und eine genaue Analyse bzw. Modellierung der Messergebnisse ist hierbei von Bedeutung, um die Richtung für den nächsten Optimierungsschritt festzulegen.
Eine mögliche neue Charakterisierungsmethode zur Bestimmung oder Abschätzung von Lebensdauern von Minoritäten wurde in der Auswertung des durch optische Kopplung entstehenden Signals bei der Messung der spektralen Empfindlichkeit von Ge Komponentenzellen identifiziert. Eine quantitative Ableitung der Lebensdauern aus diesem Modell bedarf allerdings zunächst einer genauen Kenntnis der Materialstruktur der Komponentenzelle. Darüber hinaus müssen die Abhängigkeiten des Photonrecyclings von verschiedenen Einflussgrößen (in Abhängigkeit der Materialstruktur) bekannt sein. Am Beispiel der Einflussgröße Bestrahlung (spektrale Verteilung und Bestrahlungsintensität) an zwei verschiedenen Schichtstrukturen zeigten sich gegensätzliche Abhängigkeiten von dieser Einflussgröße auf das durch optische Kopplung entstehende Signal. Erste Erklärungsmöglichkeiten für die verschiedenen Abhängigkeiten wurden beschrieben.
Schließlich wurden aktuelle Forschungsschwerpunkte beschrieben, die das Potential haben, zu einer Verbesserung von Wirkungsgrad und/oder Strahlungsstabilität von III-V Mehrfachsolarzellen zu führen. Wichtig ist dabei vor allem die Entwicklung des 1 eV Materials aus der Materialkombination (GaIn)(NAs). Deutliche Verbesserungen der Materialqualität von (GaIn)(NAs) durch Anpassung der Annealingbedingungen führten auf Solarzellenstrukturen, die zumindest in einer 6J-Zelle schon gewinnbringend eingesetzt werden könnten. Langfristiges Ziel ist die Entwicklung einer 4J-Zelle, für die die Qualität der (GaIn)(NAs)-Zelle jedoch noch deutlich verbessert werden muss.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
530 Physik
III-V, III-V, solar cell, characterisation, degradation, space
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690BAUR, Carsten, 2007. Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von III-V-Weltraumsolarzellen [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von III-V-Weltraumsolarzellen},
  author={Baur, Carsten},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">With this work an important contribution in the field of characterisation of multi-junction solar cells and in the understanding of the degradation behaviour of III-V multi-junction cells for space applications has been made.&lt;br /&gt;An extensive degradation study has been performed on the current state-of-the-art space solar cell of the European manufacturer RWE SSP (RWE3G28). Thereby, the applicability of available methods for the prediction of solar cell degradation in space due to particle irradiation has been investigated on multi-junction solar cells. It was demonstrated that a direct transfer of those methods, which were previously developed only for single-junction solar cells, to multi-junction solar cells is not possible in a strict sense. A correct extension both, from a mathematical and physical point of view, of the so called JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) and especially of the NRL (Naval Research Laboratory) method for the prediction of the degradation behaviour of solar cells in space requires the knowledge of the degradation characteristics of all the subcells of the multi-junction stack under investigation. This was proven by the parallel investigation of the degradation behaviour of component cells.&lt;br /&gt;The knowledge of the degradation behaviour of component cells and therefore the subcells in a multi-junction stack allows the extension of the existing models to arrive at a consistent description of the degradation behaviour of the more complex 3J or multi-junction solar cells.&lt;br /&gt;By analysing dark I-V characteristics of component cells before and after irradiation a new method was developed which allows the derivation of the light I-V parameters and their degradation behaviours from applying the two-diode model which represents a mathematical description of the I-V characteristic of solar cells. This method is based on fundamental physics and is easy to apply to any kind of multi-junction solar cell.&lt;br /&gt;Another main focus of this work was put on the conduction of a systematic uncertainty analysis for the calibration of multi-junction solar cells as it is performed at the calibration lab of the Fraunhofer ISE (ISE CalLab). Thereby, the complex interactions between the different subcells of a multi-junction solar cell were taken into account. This was done by first converting all influencing variables into uncertainties of the photocurrents of the different subcells. The impact of those uncertainties on the uncertainties of the relevant parameters of the multi-junction solar cells was then derived experimentally by carrying out spectrometric characterisations. Thereby, the changes of the solar cell parameters were monitored when changing the photocurrents of one of the subcells.&lt;br /&gt;The results showed that the uncertainties of the solar cell parameters when measuring multi-junction solar cells are close to the ones typically obtained when measuring single-junction solar cells.&lt;br /&gt;Apart from the main topics of this work  uncertainty analysis  and  degradation study  significant contributions were made for the development of the current state-of-the-art 3J solar cell from RWE SSP (RWE3G28). It was demonstrated that precise characterisations and correct interpretation of the measurement results are of great importance in defining the direction for the next development steps.&lt;br /&gt;A new possibility for deriving or assessing the lifetimes of the minority carriers in solar cells was identified by analysing the signals obtained within spectral response measurements of Ge component cells due to optical coupling. However, to quantify the result a very detailed knowledge of the structure of the component cell is required. Moreover, the dependencies of the optical coupling or photon recycling on various influencing parameters (in dependence of the structure) have to be known.&lt;br /&gt;Taking the  insolation  (spectral distribution and intensity) as an example for an influencing parameter, opposing dependencies of the signal in the spectral response measurement due to optical coupling were obtained for two different structures. First possibilities that explain these differences are described.&lt;br /&gt;Finally, the main fields of interest of current research programs were described which have the potential of improving efficiency and/or the radiation stability of III-V multi-junction solar cells. As an important point hereby, the development of a 1 eV material based on the material combination (GaIn)(NAs) has been identified. Significant improvements of the material quality of (GaIn)(NAs) have been achieved by applying appropriate annealing steps after the growth. These improvements would allow already a profitable introduction of a (GaIn)(NAs) subcell into a 6J solar cell.&lt;br /&gt;Nevertheless, the aim in the long-term is the development of a 4J solar cell for which the quality of the (GaIn)(NAs) subcell still has to be improved.</dcterms:abstract>
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    <dc:creator>Baur, Carsten</dc:creator>
    <dcterms:alternative>Development and Characterisation of III-V Space Solar Cells</dcterms:alternative>
Interner Vermerk
URL der Originalveröffentl.
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
July 20, 2007
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