Qualitätssicherung im Bologna-Prozess : eine vergleichende Fallstudie der Universitäten Konstanz und Grenoble-II

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Bieber, Tonia
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Quality assurance in the Bologna-Process,a comparative case study of the Universities of Constance and Grenoble-II
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Recent Europeanization processes in main economic areas such as GATS as well as the establishment of a single European currency require an increase of employee mobility all over Europe. As the pre-eminent reform of European higher education, the Bologna process meets this requirement by seeking to create a European Higher Education Area by 2010. In an effort to increase the quality and transparency of final degrees of higher education, the harmonization of quality assurance systems in Europe was promoted by the adoption of the European Standards and Guidelines of Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) at the meeting of education ministers in Bergen 2005. Until now, few scientific studies were conducted on the progress of European quality assurance systems towards the ESG. This study of quality assurance in French and German higher education aims to fill the void in quality assurance research.

In the hope of acquiring a better knowledge of higher education reform processes, two questions arise as paramount: What achievements did the universities make in implementing the European Standards and Guidelines in their quality assurance systems and how far-reaching are they? and What are the reasons for the supposed implementation of the non-binding European Standards and Guidelines ? These questions are examined through a comparative case study of the universities of Constance and Grenoble-II.

According to the ESG the term quality assurance is characterized as responsibility for quality assurance, quality-related personnel management, internal evaluation and external evaluation and accreditation, quality-related report and information systems. The expression reform is defined as the implementation of elements of the ESG (chapter two). After a discussion of possible theories in chapter three, chapter four applies the coercive, mimetic, and normative mechanisms of the institutional isomorphism to build three research hypotheses to define these independent variables which may, in turn, explain the characteristics of the dependent variable quality assurance system . The fifth chapter illustrates the research design, which includes the research period from 1996 to 2006, and the method of triangulation. The latter combines analysis of documents and secondary literature, and interviews with higher education experts in universities, higher education ministries as well as national and international quality assurance agencies. Chapters 6 and 7 present us with answers to our research questions.

The findings of this study show a partial convergence: In some of the examined quality assurance areas, both universities showed progress towards the ESG, proving that convergence exists. However, the fields in which divergence was stated, prevailed over those where convergence was found. In these areas, only the University of Constance made progress while the University of Grenoble-II lagged behind. The comparison shows that the University of Constance has made more progress towards the implementation of the ESG than its French counterpart, despite having similar levels of quality assurance when it was first measured in 1996. Thus, the reality highlighted by empirical data is surprisingly contrary to the theory of institutional isomorphism and proves a paradoxical fact necessitating further research. The relevance of the research topic for future research is still growing, especially in light of the agreed May 2007 deadline, when progress reports are expected on the implementation of the ESG.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Jüngste Europäisierungsprozesse zentraler Wirtschaftsbereiche wie das GATS oder die Euroeinführung erfordern die Steigerung der Mobilität der Arbeitnehmer. Im Anschluss daran gab der Bologna-Prozess 1999 die Initialzündung zur Realisierung eines Europäischen Hochschulraums. Um die Transparenz und die Qualität der Studienabschlüsse zu erhöhen, wurden die Voraussetzungen für die Harmonisierung der europäischen Qualitätssicherungssysteme geschaffen: Die Europäischen Standards und Richtlinien für Qualitätssicherung im Europäischen Hochschulraum wurden auf dem Ministerkonferenz in Bergen 2005 verabschiedet. Trotz der Bedeutung der Qualitätssicherung existieren bisher wenige wissenschaftliche Studien über den Fortschritt der europäischen Qualitätssicherungssysteme in Richtung dieser Standards und Richtlinien. Mit der Erforschung der Qualitätssicherung im französischen und deutschen Hochschulsystem soll diese Arbeit die Forschungslücke schließen. Zwei Forschungsfragen werden untersucht: Welche Fortschritte gab es in den Universitäten hinsichtlich der Umsetzung der Europäischen Standards und Richtlinien ? und Was sind die Gründe für die vermutete Implementierung der nicht bindenden Europäischen Standards und Richtlinien ? Zur Beantwortung wurde eine komparative Fallstudie der Universitäten Konstanz und Grenoble-II durchgeführt.

Der Begriff Qualitätssicherung wird entsprechend den Europäischen Standards und Richtlinien definiert als Verantwortlichkeit für die Qualitätssicherung , qualitätsbezogene Berichts- und Informationssysteme , qualitätsbezogenes Personalmanagement , interne Evaluation sowie externe Evaluation und Akkreditierung . Der Begriff Reform wird definiert als Implementierung von Komponenten der Europäischen Standards und Richtlinien. Nach Erörterung möglicher Theorien wird der Institutionelle Isomorphismus als theoretische Grundlage zur Ableitung dreier Forschungshypothesen verwendet: Die Hypothese des Isomorphismus durch Zwang, des mimetischen Isomorphismus sowie des normativen Isomorphismus. Diese beschreiben den Zusammenhang zwischen den unabhängigen Variablen und der abhängigen Variable Qualitätssicherungssystem . Das qualitative Forschungsdesign (Untersuchungszeitraum 1996-2006) nutzt die Methode der Triangulation, die neben Sekundär- und Dokumentenanalyse auch Experteninterviews mit Entscheidungsträgern der Universitäten, der Wissenschafts- bzw. Bildungsministerien sowie nationaler und internationaler Qualitätssicherungsagenturen beinhaltete.

Das Forschungsergebnis zeigt eine Teil-Konvergenz: In manchen Bereichen der Qualitätssicherung wurden in beiden Universitäten gleichgerichtete Reformen in Richtung der Europäischen Standards und Richtlinien festgestellt. Andererseits überwog die Zahl derjenigen Handlungsfelder, in denen nur die Universität Konstanz Reformschritte zeigte und in denen somit keine Konvergenz vorlag. Dieses überraschende Ergebnis steht konträr zur Theorie des Institutionellen Isomorphismus: Während die Hypothesen des normativen Isomorphismus und des mimetischen Isomorphismus teilweise bestätigt wurden, wurde die Hypothese des Isomorphismus durch Zwang als einzige widerlegt. Fortschritte für die Umsetzung der ESR werden bereits im Mai 2007 erwartet. Bis zu diesem Termin ist eine Konvergenz äußerst unwahrscheinlich. Somit besteht weiterer Forschungsbedarf, aus welchen Gründen noch keine Konvergenz vorliegt und wie sich der Konvergenzprozess fördern lässt.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
320 Politik
higher education policy, convergence, Bologna process, quality assurance, accreditation
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690BIEBER, Tonia, 2007. Qualitätssicherung im Bologna-Prozess : eine vergleichende Fallstudie der Universitäten Konstanz und Grenoble-II [Master thesis]
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">Recent Europeanization processes in main economic areas such as GATS as well as the establishment of a single European currency require an increase of employee mobility all over Europe. As the pre-eminent reform of European higher education, the Bologna process meets this requirement by seeking to create a  European Higher Education Area  by 2010. In an effort to increase the quality and transparency of final degrees of higher education, the harmonization of quality assurance systems in Europe was promoted by the adoption of the European Standards and Guidelines of Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) at the meeting of education ministers in Bergen 2005. Until now, few scientific studies were conducted on the progress of European quality assurance systems towards the ESG. This study of quality assurance in French and German higher education aims to fill the void in quality assurance research.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In the hope of acquiring a better knowledge of higher education reform processes, two questions arise as paramount:  What achievements did the universities make in implementing the  European Standards and Guidelines  in their quality assurance systems and how far-reaching are they?  and  What are the reasons for the supposed implementation of the non-binding  European Standards and Guidelines ? These questions are examined through a comparative case study of the universities of Constance and Grenoble-II.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;According to the ESG the term quality assurance is characterized as responsibility for quality assurance,  quality-related personnel management, internal evaluation and external evaluation and accreditation, quality-related report and information systems. The expression reform is defined as the implementation of elements of the ESG (chapter two). After a discussion of possible theories in chapter three, chapter four applies the coercive, mimetic, and normative mechanisms of the institutional isomorphism to build three research hypotheses to define these independent variables which may, in turn, explain the characteristics of the dependent variable  quality assurance system . The fifth chapter illustrates the research design, which includes the research period from 1996 to 2006, and the method of triangulation. The latter combines analysis of documents and secondary literature, and interviews with higher education experts in universities, higher education ministries as well as national and international quality assurance agencies. Chapters 6 and 7 present us with answers to our research questions.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;The findings of this study show a partial convergence: In some of the examined quality assurance areas, both universities showed progress towards the ESG, proving that convergence exists. However, the fields in which divergence was stated, prevailed over those where convergence was found. In these areas, only the University of Constance made progress while the University of Grenoble-II lagged behind. The comparison shows that the University of Constance has made more progress towards the implementation of the ESG than its French counterpart, despite having similar levels of quality assurance when it was first measured in 1996. Thus, the reality highlighted by empirical data is surprisingly contrary to the theory of institutional isomorphism and proves a paradoxical fact necessitating further research. The relevance of the research topic for future research is still growing, especially in light of the agreed May 2007 deadline, when progress reports are expected on the implementation of the ESG.</dcterms:abstract>
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