Trauma Treatment for Children in War : build-up of an evidence-based large-scale Mental Health Intervention in North-Eastern Sri Lanka

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Traumabehandlung für Kriegskinder. Der Aufbau eines evidenzbasierten Interventionsprojekts in Nord-Ost Sri Lanka.
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North-Eastern Sri Lanka is ravaged by war since more than two decades. The civilian population, adults and children alike, has suffered uncounted traumatic events, such as areal bombing, shelling, torture, killings, persecution, forced migration and many other adverse life circumstances that usually accompany armed conflict. The focus of this work is on the build-up of a population-based mental health structure for the most severely affected children. Based on prior epidemiological studies that our working group has carried out in Vanni, Vallikamam and Jaffna educational zones (C. Catani, Schauer, Onyut et al., 2005; Elbert et al., in press), which showed high scores of PTSD, Depression and Suicidality among school-aged, war-affected children, we suggested a Cascade model of school-based psychological care to the Ministry of Education, Colombo and to the Education Council of Tamil Eelam. Based on this design, during the years 2002-2005 a large-scale implementation took place, whereby 150 teachers were trained as Master Counsellors and 1500 as Befrienders . A number of organisations and institutions worked together to make this happen: German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) Sri Lanka, Ministry of Education Basic Education Sector Program (Colombo & North-Eastern Provinces), Education Council of Tamil Eelam (Kilinochchi), Shantiham Centre for Health and Counselling (Jaffna), University of Jaffna and our Non-Governmental Organisation vivo .
This thesis describes the psychological and psychiatric consequences of war on children, especially the development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and its comorbidity, discusses the relevance and current controversy around project level interventions in war and crisis regions around the world, looks at options for individual treatment of child PTSD, including a detailed description of Narrative Exposure Therapy for Children (KIDNET) and finally describes the build-up of the cascade model structure, training- and material development as well as its scientific evaluation on site.
As a highest-level evaluation component and to proof the efficacy of this school-based service structure, we undertook a randomised controlled cluster dissemination trial in the framework of the overall assessment of this project; the first of its kind among war-affected stayee children worldwide. 47 children who suffered from severe PTSD (mean CAPS trauma symptoms score 65.5) and who had experienced a mean number of six different types of traumatic events, were randomly enrolled to receive six manualised treatment sessions of either KIDNET, a trauma-focussed, short-term therapy with exposure elements (M. Schauer, Neuner, & Elbert, 2005; M Ruf et al., 2007), or MED, a locally designed meditation/relaxation protocol from within the culture . 14 of the prior trained Master Counsellors were randomly assigned to a treatment procedure and 3-4 child patients each. No dropout occurred, all children completed treatment.
Results show a highly significant reduction of CAPS trauma symptoms (F(1,38)=57.9; p

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Nord-Ost Sri Lanka wird seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten von bewaffneten Konflikten heimgesucht. Die Zivilbevölkerung, Kinder und Erwachsene, sind ständiger Bedrohung und traumatischem Stress durch Bombardierungen, Granatenhagel, Folter, Verfolgung, erzwungener Migration and einer Vielzahl anderer kriegsbedingter Stressoren ausgesetzt. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt den Aufbau einer Mental Health Versorgungsstruktur für die am schwersten betroffenen Kinder im Nord-Osten dieser Region. Frühere epidemiologische Studien unserer Arbeitgruppe in den Sri Lankesischen Gebieten Vanni, Vallikamam und Jaffna (C. Catani, Schauer, Onyut et al., 2005; Elbert et al., in press) wiesen hohe Belastungsraten an PTBS, Depression und Suizidalität unter den dort heimischen Schulkindern auf. Auf Anfrage des Bildungsministeriums erarbeiteten wir die Planung eines Kaskadenmodells für die psychologische Versorgung belasteter Kinder innerhalb des Schulsystems. Mit Einwilligung und Unterstützung des Ministry of Education in Colombo und den Provinzen Nord und Ost, als auch des Education Council of Tamil Eelam , wurden in den Jahren 2002-2005 150 LehrerInnen zu Master Counselorn (psychologischen BeratungslehrerInnen) und 1500 LehrerInnen zu sogenannten Befrienders (sozial unterstützenden Kräften) ausgebildet. Eine Reihe von Institutionen und Organisationen waren am Aufbau beteiligt: GTZ (Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit) Sri Lanka, Ministry of Education Sri Lanka, Education Council of Tamil Eelam, Shantiham Centre for Health and Counselling, University of Jaffna und unsere Nicht-Regierungsorganisation vivo .
Diese Dissertation beschreibt psychologische und psychiatrische Konsequenzen von Kriegserfahrungen auf Kinder, im Besonderen die Entwicklung von Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung (PTBS) und deren Komorbiditäten; weiterhin wird die Relevanz und der gegenwärtige Stand der Kontroverse um Projektimplementierung zur psychologischen Rehabilitation von Betroffenen in Kriegs- und Krisengebieten diskutiert; Optionen individueller Traumatherapie werden betrachtet, einschliesslich einer detaillierten Beschreibung der Narrativen Expositionstherapie für Kinder (KIDNET) und schliesslich der Aufbau des schulbasierten Kaskadenmodells, der Trainings- und Lehreinheiten als auch deren wissenschaftliche Evaluation.
Als anspruchsvollste Evaluationskomponente wird die wissenschaftliche Wirksamkeit und Effektivität des Modells anhand einer randomisiert kontrollierten Cluster-Disseminations-Behandlungsstudie dargestellt; die erste ihrer Art für Kinder die noch im Konfliktgebiet leben. 47 unter schwerer PTBS leidende Kinder (CAPS Mittelwert 65.5 Punkte), die im Durchschnitt sechs verschiedener traumatischer Stressortypen ausgesetzt waren, wurden randomisiert in die Behandlungsstudie aufgenommen und erhielten entweder sechs Sitzungen KIDNET (Narrative Expositionstherapie für Kinder), eine trauma-fokussierte Kurzzeittherapie mit Expositionselementen (M. Schauer, Neuner, & Elbert, 2005; M Ruf et al., 2007) oder sechs Sitzungen eines lokal erarbeiteten, kulturtypischen Meditations- und Relaxationsprotokolls (MED). 14 Master Counsellor wurden randomisiert je einer Behandlungsmethode und 3-4 Kindern zugeteilt. Es gab keine Drop-outs , alle Kinder beendeten die Behandlung.
Die Analyse der Daten zeigt eine hoch signifikante Reduktion von CAPS Trauma Symptomen (F(1,38) = 57.9; p

Fachgebiet (DDC)
150 Psychologie
Kriegskinder, Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung, Narrative Expositionstherapie, NET, children, war, PTSD, Narrative Exposure Therapy, NET
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690SCHAUER, Elisabeth, 2008. Trauma Treatment for Children in War : build-up of an evidence-based large-scale Mental Health Intervention in North-Eastern Sri Lanka [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Trauma Treatment for Children in War : build-up of an evidence-based large-scale Mental Health Intervention in North-Eastern Sri Lanka},
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">North-Eastern Sri Lanka is ravaged by war since more than two decades. The civilian population, adults and children alike, has suffered uncounted traumatic events, such as areal bombing, shelling, torture, killings, persecution, forced migration and many other adverse life circumstances that usually accompany armed conflict. The focus of this work is on the build-up of a population-based mental health structure for the most severely affected children. Based on prior epidemiological studies that our working group has carried out in Vanni, Vallikamam and Jaffna educational zones (C. Catani, Schauer, Onyut et al., 2005; Elbert et al., in press), which showed high scores of PTSD, Depression and Suicidality among school-aged, war-affected children, we suggested a  Cascade model of school-based psychological care  to the Ministry of Education, Colombo and to the Education Council of Tamil Eelam. Based on this design, during the years 2002-2005 a large-scale implementation took place, whereby 150 teachers were trained as  Master Counsellors  and 1500 as  Befrienders . A number of organisations and institutions worked together to make this happen: German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) Sri Lanka, Ministry of Education Basic Education Sector Program (Colombo &amp; North-Eastern Provinces), Education Council of Tamil Eelam (Kilinochchi), Shantiham Centre for Health and Counselling (Jaffna), University of Jaffna and our Non-Governmental Organisation  vivo .&lt;br /&gt;This thesis describes the psychological and psychiatric consequences of war on children, especially the development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and its comorbidity, discusses the relevance and current controversy around project level interventions in war and crisis regions around the world, looks at options for individual treatment of child PTSD, including a detailed description of Narrative Exposure Therapy for Children (KIDNET) and finally describes the build-up of the cascade model structure, training- and material development as well as its scientific evaluation on site.&lt;br /&gt;As a highest-level evaluation component and to proof the efficacy of this school-based service structure, we undertook a randomised controlled cluster dissemination trial in the framework of the overall assessment of this project; the first of its kind among war-affected stayee children worldwide. 47 children who suffered from severe PTSD (mean CAPS trauma symptoms score 65.5) and who had experienced a mean number of six different types of traumatic events, were randomly enrolled to receive six manualised treatment sessions of either KIDNET, a trauma-focussed, short-term therapy with exposure elements (M. Schauer, Neuner, &amp; Elbert, 2005; M Ruf et al., 2007), or MED, a locally designed meditation/relaxation protocol from  within the culture . 14 of the prior trained Master Counsellors were randomly assigned to a treatment procedure and 3-4 child patients each. No dropout occurred, all children completed treatment.&lt;br /&gt;Results show a highly significant reduction of CAPS trauma symptoms (F(1,38)=57.9; p</dcterms:abstract>
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URL der Originalveröffentl.
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
June 2, 2008
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