Associative fear structures in PTSD refugee adolescents : Insights from neurophysiological and behavioral studies

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Balliel, Britta
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Assoziative Furchtstrukturen bei jugendlichen Flüchtlingen mit PTSD - Erkenntnisse aus neurophysiologischen und behavioralen Studien
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This dissertation aims at empirically demonstrating moderators of the manifestation and chronification of posttraumatic symptoms. The determining factor of PTSD symptom development is commonly assumed to be the mental representation of a traumatic experience. A pathological representation is characterized by an enlarged associative fear structure with very strong interconnections between the included elements. The connections to autobiographical context information are weak. The size or respective number of included elements increases with every recall and thus enhances the probability for future reactivation. These presumptions are included in several recommended therapeutic approaches, but empirical support for the pathological associative (fear) structures is rare.
The current dissertation provides insights in strength and accessibility of the pathologically respresented elements and its interconnections among PTSD refugee adolescents.
Neurophysiological indicators (MEG) for healthy affective word processing were demonstrated in an enhanced ventral stream activity and sustained late frontal and parietal activity, particularly for pleasant nouns (9 control and PTSD subjects each). The results replicate previous literature with respect to temporal course, current source localization, and preference for pleasant stimuli. Altered affective word processing in PTSD adolescents was evidenced in a strong early occipital response to emotional (particularly unpleasant) words and a subsequent inhibition of cortical activity. The current results correspond with previous findings and are interpreted as an early activation of the associative fear structure element by the emotional arousal and a subsequent cortical avoidance response.
Affective word processing was further investigated on the level of response biases in evaluative decisions on affective nouns within a priming design (n = 15 control, n = 10 PTSD; SOA 400 ms). Results revealed several factors that led to a deceleration of evaluative decisions: Response latencies were generally prolonged for PTSD patients and thus suggested a general pathological impairment. In addition, evaluative decisions were decelerated for unpleasant targets among all participants, but this response inhibition was particularly prominent in PTSD participants. PTSD patients response latencies were further decelerated when the target was preceded by a pleasant or neutral prime. Previous literature and the mainly successful replication among PTSD treatment responders and non-responders without migration background suggest a pathologically shifted evaluation of the affective (unpleasant) stimuli: The altered subjective meaning is interpreted as experimental evidence for the extended associative fear structure in PTSD patients. The enhanced associative strength between stimuli with (unpleasant) emotional arousal supports the view of strengthened interconnections within an associative fear structure. The replication trial further revealed that associative fear structures are not influenced by treatment success or treatment type.
The dissertation further addressed higher order affective word processing in paired associate learning and related cortical slow wave activity (EEG; N = 19, n = 9 control and n = 10 PTSD subjects). Healthy learning was evidenced in better cued recall performance for pleasant word pairs and repeated list presentation. An early P3 and negative frontal slow wave activity were neurophysiological indicators of healthy associative learning that parallel previous evidence. Altered associative learning in PTSD refugee adolescents was characterized by a particular increase in unpleasant false alarms that suggests difficulties in the discrimination of emotionally arousing (unpleasant) stimuli. These pathological difficulties argue for a general PTSD-specific hypersensitivity for unpleasant arousal and may indicate the reactivation of the associative fear structure. The pathological processing of affective word pairs was supported by an inhibited stimulus evaluation process in (left) frontal regions. A late positive voltage shift in frontal areas further indicated an inhibition of the underlying cortical areas and thus a continuation of the cortical avoidance described above.
In conclusion, the current dissertation fills in the discrepancy between the demand for evidence-based therapies and insufficiently investigated presumptions in the therapeutic approaches.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, Moderatoren der Manifestation und Chronifizierung von posttraumatischen Symptomen empirisch zu demonstrieren. Als entscheidender Faktor in der Entwicklung von PTSD-Symptomen wird die mentale Repräsentation der traumatischen Erfahrung angenommen. Eine pathologische Repräsentation ist durch eine vergrößerte assoziative Furchtstruktur mit sehr starken Verbindungen zwischen den eingeschlossenen Elementen charakterisiert. Die Verbindungen zu autobiographischen Kontextinformationen sind schwach. Die Anzahl an eingeschlossenen Elementen nimmt mit jedem Abruf zu und steigert daher die Wahrscheinlichkeit für eine spätere Reaktivierung. Diese Vorannahmen liegen mehreren empfohlenen therapeutischen Ansätzen zugrunde, aber die empirische Untermauerung der pathologischen assoziativen (Furcht-)Strukturen ist gering.
Die vorliegende Dissertation ermöglicht Einblicke in Stärke und Ansprechbarkeit der pathologisch representierten Elemente und deren Verbindungen bei jugendlichen Flüchtlingen mit PTSD.
Neurophysiologische Indikatoren (MEG) gesunder affektiver Wortverarbeitung wurden in einer gesteigerten Aktivität im ventralen Strom und in einer anhaltenden späten frontalen und parietalen Aktivität gezeigt, insbesondere für angenehme Nomen (je n = 9 Kontroll- und PTSD-Probanden). Die Ergebnisse replizieren frühere Literatur in bezug auf den zeitlichen Verlauf, die Lokalisation der Stromquelle und die Präferenz der angenehmen Reize. Veränderte affektive Wortverarbeitung bei Jugendlichen mit PTSD wurde in einer starken frühen okzipitalen Antwort auf emotionale (insbesondere unangenehme) Wörter sowie in einer anschließenden Inhibition der kortikalen Aktivität gezeigt. Das vorliegende Experiment bestätigt daher vorherige Befunde und lässt auf eine frühe Aktivierung eines Elements der assoziativen Furchtstruktur durch die emotionale Erregung und auf eine anschließende kortikale Vermeidung schließen.
Affektive Wortverarbeitung wurde darüber hinaus auf der Ebene von Antworttendenzen in einer evaluativen Entscheidung zu affektiven Nomen innerhalb eines Primingdesigns untersucht (n = 15 Kontroll-, n = 10 PTSD-Probanden; SOA 400 ms). Die Ergebnisse offenbarten mehrere Faktoren, die zu einer Verzögerung der evaluativen Entscheidung führten: Die Antwortlatenzen waren grundsätzlich bei PTSD-Probanden verlängert und deuteten daher auf ein allgemein eingeschränktes Funktionsniveau hin. Zudem waren die evaluativen Entscheidungen für unangenehme Targets bei allen Probanden verzögert, allerdings war die Antwortinhibition bei PTSD-Patienten besonders ausgeprägt. Antwortlatenzen von PTSD-Patienten waren darüber hinaus verlängert, wenn das Target auf einen angenehmen oder neutralen Prime erfolgte. Vorhergehende Literatur und die überwiegend erfolgreiche Replikation unter PTSD-Patienten ohne Migrationshintergrund deuten eine pathologisch veränderte Evaluation der affektiven (unangenehmen) Reize an: Die veränderte subjektive Bedeutung wird als experimentelle Evidenz für eine erweiterte assoziative Furchtstruktur bei PTSD-Patienten angesehen. Die zugenommene assoziative Stärke zwischen Reizen mit (unangenehmer) emotionaler Erregung unterstützt die Ansicht von verstärkten Verbindungen innerhalb der assoziativen Furchtstruktur. Die Replikationsstudie zeigte darüber hinaus, dass assoziative Furchtstrukturen nicht von Behandlungserfolg oder -art abhängen.
Diese Dissertation untersuchte weiterhin affektive Wortverarbeitung höherer Ordnung mittels Paarassoziationslernen und zugehöriger kortikaler langsamer Wellen (EEG; n = 9 Kontroll-, n = 10 PTSD-Probanden). Gesundes Lernen zeichnete sich durch eine bessere Leistung im Cued Recall für angenehme Wortpaare sowie für wiederholte Präsentation der Lernliste aus. Eine frühe P3 und negative frontale langsame Wellen waren neurophysiologische Indikatoren gesunden assoziativen Lernens, die mit früherer Evidenz übereinstimmen. Verändertes assoziatives Lernen bei jugendlichen Flüchtlingen mit PTSD war durch eine besondere Zunahme an inkorrekten Antworten mit unangenehmer Valenz gekennzeichnet, die auf Schwierigkeiten in der Diskrimination emotional erregender (unangenehmer) Reize hinweist. Diese pathologischen Schwierigkeiten sprechen für eine allgemeine PTSD-spezifische Überempfindlichkeit für unangenehme Erregung und deuten auf eine Reaktivierung der assoziativen Furchtstruktur hin. Die pathologische Verarbeitung affektiver Wortpaare war begleitet von einem inhibierten Stimulusevaluationsprozess in (links-)frontalen Regionen. Eine späte Positivierung in frontalen Bereichen wies darüber hinaus auf eine Inhibition der darunter liegenden kortikalen Areale und daher eine Fortsetzung der kortikalen Vermeidung (s.o.) hin.
Die vorliegende Dissertation füllt daher die Diskrepanz zwischen der Forderung nach evidenzbasierten Therapien und unzureichend untersuchten Annahmen dieser therapeutischen Ansätze aus.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
150 Psychologie
PTSD, Furchtstruktur, PTSD, fear structure, MEG, Priming, EEG
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690BALLIEL, Britta, 2008. Associative fear structures in PTSD refugee adolescents : Insights from neurophysiological and behavioral studies [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Associative fear structures in PTSD refugee adolescents : Insights from neurophysiological and behavioral studies},
  author={Balliel, Britta},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:title>Associative fear structures in PTSD refugee adolescents : Insights from neurophysiological and behavioral studies</dcterms:title>
    <dc:creator>Balliel, Britta</dc:creator>
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">This dissertation aims at empirically demonstrating moderators of the manifestation and chronification of posttraumatic symptoms. The determining factor of PTSD symptom development is commonly assumed to be the mental representation of a traumatic experience. A pathological representation is characterized by an enlarged associative fear structure with very strong interconnections between the included elements. The connections to autobiographical context information are weak. The size or respective number of included elements increases with every recall and thus enhances the probability for future reactivation. These presumptions are included in several recommended therapeutic approaches, but empirical support for the pathological associative (fear) structures is rare.&lt;br /&gt;The current dissertation provides insights in strength and accessibility of the pathologically respresented elements and its interconnections among PTSD refugee adolescents.&lt;br /&gt;Neurophysiological indicators (MEG) for  healthy  affective word processing were demonstrated in an enhanced ventral stream activity and sustained late frontal and parietal activity, particularly for pleasant nouns (9 control and PTSD subjects each). The results replicate previous literature with respect to temporal course, current source localization, and preference for pleasant stimuli. Altered affective word processing in PTSD adolescents was evidenced in a strong early occipital response to emotional (particularly unpleasant) words and a subsequent inhibition of cortical activity. The current results correspond with previous findings and are interpreted as an early activation of the associative fear structure element by the emotional arousal and a subsequent  cortical avoidance  response.&lt;br /&gt;Affective word processing was further investigated on the level of response biases in evaluative decisions on affective nouns within a priming design (n = 15 control, n = 10 PTSD; SOA 400 ms). Results revealed several factors that led to a deceleration of evaluative decisions: Response latencies were generally prolonged for PTSD patients and thus suggested a general pathological impairment. In addition, evaluative decisions were decelerated for unpleasant targets among all participants, but this response inhibition was particularly prominent in PTSD participants. PTSD patients  response latencies were further decelerated when the target was preceded by a pleasant or neutral prime. Previous literature and the mainly successful replication among PTSD treatment responders and non-responders without migration background suggest a pathologically shifted evaluation of the affective (unpleasant) stimuli: The altered subjective meaning is interpreted as experimental evidence for the extended associative fear structure in PTSD patients. The enhanced associative strength between stimuli with (unpleasant) emotional arousal supports the view of strengthened interconnections within an associative fear structure. The replication trial further revealed that associative fear structures are not influenced by treatment success or treatment type.&lt;br /&gt;The dissertation further addressed higher order affective word processing in paired associate learning and related cortical slow wave activity (EEG; N = 19, n = 9 control and n = 10 PTSD subjects).  Healthy  learning was evidenced in better cued recall performance for pleasant word pairs and repeated list presentation. An early P3 and negative frontal slow wave activity were neurophysiological indicators of  healthy  associative learning that parallel previous evidence. Altered associative learning in PTSD refugee adolescents was characterized by a particular increase in unpleasant false alarms that suggests difficulties in the discrimination of emotionally arousing (unpleasant) stimuli. These pathological difficulties argue for a general PTSD-specific hypersensitivity for unpleasant arousal and may indicate the reactivation of the associative fear structure. The pathological processing of affective word pairs was supported by an inhibited stimulus evaluation process in (left) frontal regions. A late positive voltage shift in frontal areas further indicated an inhibition of the underlying cortical areas and thus a continuation of the  cortical avoidance  described above.&lt;br /&gt;In conclusion, the current dissertation fills in the discrepancy between the demand for evidence-based therapies and insufficiently investigated presumptions in the therapeutic approaches.</dcterms:abstract>
    <dc:contributor>Balliel, Britta</dc:contributor>
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    <dc:rights>Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic</dc:rights>
    <dcterms:available rdf:datatype="">2011-03-25T09:23:28Z</dcterms:available>
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
April 17, 2008
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