The emergence of European Union Peacekeeping : Analysing institutions and interests of Member states

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A Liberal Intergovernmentalist view is taken to explain integration in the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). The ESDP initiated the development for the institutional framework and decision-making processes that mandated within five years of its existence 20 Civilian and Military Crisis Management operations European Peacekeeping missions .
Since its establishment the European Union has grown and developed continuously. Regular attempts have been undertaken to develop a European Security Policy, but it was not until the St. Malo Summit in 1998 that agreement for a European Security and Defence Policy was reached. Within the field of European Integration the development of a European Security and Defence Policy marks an important step of the European Union in becoming an international actor. The thesis scrutinizes from a Liberal Intergovernmentalist perspective how the integration in the field of security and defence policy can be explained. The key questions addressed here are: What caused integration in ESDP in 1998? Who were the key players in this process? What are the reasons for member states to integrate in ESDP? What were the crucial factors behind the sudden integration? What were drivers affecting the success in 1998 that was not possible before? Does the theoretical framework of Liberal Intergovernmentalism offer sufficient explanations for the complex processes at work?
The analysis focuses on Germany, France and the United Kingdom. Crucial factors for the development of a European Security and Defence Policy have been the military spending and budgetary constraints, the public support for a European Security and Defence Policy and the Public support for the use of Civilian versus Military Crisis Management.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Die Arbeit untersucht die Entstehung der Europäischen Sicherheits- und Verteidungspolitik (ESVP) von einer liberalen Intergovernmentalistischen Perspektive. Die ESVP lieferte das Grundgerüst für die Entwicklung der institutionellen und Entscheidungsprozesse auf deren Grundlage über 20 zivile und militärische Krisenmanagementoperationen der EU Europäische Friedenssicherungsmissionen mandatiert wurden.
Seit der Entstehung der Europäischen Union ist die Integration stetig vorangeschritten. Seit Beginn wurden Versuche für eine europäische Sicherheits- und Verteidungspolitik unternommen, eine Einigung konnte aber nicht bis zum Treffen von St. Malo in 1998 gefunden werden. Innerhalb der Europäischen Integration kommt der Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik eine zentrale Funktion zu; die Entwicklung und Anerkennung der Europäischen Union als ein Akteur in der internationalen Politik. Die Arbeit untersucht, wie die Integration im Gebiet der Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik erklärt werden kann. Zentrale Forschungsfragen sind: Was bewirkte die Entwicklung der ESVP in 1998? Wer waren die zentralen Akteure in dem Prozeß? Was waren die wichtigsten Faktoren, die auf die Entscheidung Einfluß genommen haben? Welche treibenden Kräfte haben die Integration 1998 möglich gemacht, nachdem vorherige Anläufe erfolglos geblieben sind? Bietet der theoretische Ansatz des Liberalen Intergovernmentalismus genügend Erklärungskraft, um die komplexen Prozesse abbilden zu können?
Die Analyse beruht auf der Untersuchung der Interessen Deutschlands, Frankreichs und Großbritanniens. Zentrale Faktoren für die Integration waren die Militärausgaben und die nationalen Budgetrestriktionen, die öffentliche Unterstützung für die Europäische Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik und die nationale Unterstützung für ziviles oder militärisches Krisenmanagement.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
320 Politik
Liberaler Intergovernmentalismus, Liberal Intergovernmentalism
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690JÜRGENLIEMK, Hubertus, 2008. The emergence of European Union Peacekeeping : Analysing institutions and interests of Member states [Bachelor thesis]
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">A Liberal Intergovernmentalist view is taken to explain integration in the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). The ESDP initiated the development for the institutional framework and decision-making processes that mandated within five years of its existence 20 Civilian and Military Crisis Management operations    European Peacekeeping missions .&lt;br /&gt;Since its establishment the European Union has grown and developed continuously. Regular attempts have been undertaken to develop a European Security Policy, but it was not until the St. Malo Summit in 1998 that agreement for a European Security and Defence Policy was reached. Within the field of European Integration the development of a European Security and Defence Policy marks an important step of the European Union in becoming an international actor. The thesis scrutinizes from a Liberal Intergovernmentalist perspective how the integration in the field of security and defence policy can be explained. The key questions addressed here are: What caused integration in ESDP in 1998? Who were the key players in this process? What are the reasons for member states to integrate in ESDP? What were the crucial factors behind the sudden integration? What were drivers affecting the success in 1998 that was not possible before? Does the theoretical framework of Liberal Intergovernmentalism offer sufficient explanations for the complex processes at work?&lt;br /&gt;The analysis focuses on Germany, France and the United Kingdom. Crucial factors for the development of a European Security and Defence Policy have been the military spending and budgetary constraints, the public support for a European Security and Defence Policy and the Public support for the use of Civilian versus Military Crisis Management.</dcterms:abstract>
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