In vitro Assessment of Developmental Toxicity and Cardiac Pharmacology using Embryonic Stem Cells

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Stummann, Tina C.
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In-vitro Erfassung von Entwicklungstoxizität und Kardiopharmakologie mit embryonalen Stammzellen
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The Embryonic Stem cell Test (EST) was scientifically validated in 2001 . Methylmercury (MeHg) was the most significant outlier in the study. The EST misclassification of MeHg, and the potential environmental exposure and developmental toxic hazards of heavy metals gave us the rationale to investigate if the EST could predict the embryotoxicity of two heavy metals different from MeHg, namely trivalent and hexavalent chromium. The test correctly classified trivalent chromium to be non-embryotoxic and hexavalent chromium to be embryotoxic, while the misclassification of MeHg was confirmed. We explored the potential of a mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) neuronal differentiation assay to improve the in vitro prediction, since MeHg induces developmental abnormalities in the brain. Appearance of neuron-like cells was shown by real-time PCR experiments, demonstrating up-regulation of a number of neuronal marker genes, and immunohistochemistry, revealing the presence of cells positive for nestin, neurofilament medium polypeptide, beta;-tubulin III and Mtap2. Mtap2 mRNA expression was down-regulated in the presence of non-cytotoxic concentrations of MeHg, identifying Mtap2 mRNA expression as a sensitive toxicological endpoint for MeHg induced neuronal embryotoxicity.The mouse assay was adapted to hESCs. Occurrence of neuronal derivatives was demonstrated by real-time PCR, showing up-regulation of several neuronal marker genes, and immunohistochemistry, revealing the appearance of neurofilament medium polypeptide, Beta-tubulin III and MAP2 positive cells. The differentiating cells were exposed to MeHg in order to address whether the hESC model could detect toxicity to embryonic neuronal induction. Effects of MeHg on formation of precursors and their further maturation were addressed in two separate sub-assays. We found the precursor induction to be sensitive to MeHg in non-cytotoxic concentrations, as the expression of several neuronal mRNA markers changed. In contrast, the mRNA marker expression in matured cells was unaffected by non-cytotoxic MeHg concentrations. Overall, our results imply that NCAM1, NEUROD1 and MAP2 are promising markers for detection of MeHg toxicity to induction of neuronal precursors and that induction of neuronal precursors is more sensitive to MeHg than their differentiation into neuron-like cells. Overall, we found that both assays provide alerts for the adverse effects of MeHg on neuronal induction. Our results indicate that mouse and human neuronal precursors exhibited similar sensitivities to MeHg, but that MeHg appeared to induce toxicity to the neuronal cytoskeleton in the mouse assay, while the metal seemed to inhibit precursor differentiation in the human assay, implying the presence of interspecies differences in the toxicity mechanisms. While differentiating ESCs provide a basis for establishment of in vitro developmental toxicity tests, matured derivatives can be used in in vitro assays addressing toxicities to adults. The request for high-throughput assays to identify potential cardiac drug candidates and to give warnings of adverse cardiac effects promoted our idea to develop automated digital movie analysis of contracting cardiomyocytes derived from ESCs. The digital movie analysis software Cardio Analyser was developed for automated quantification of beating frequencies and beating areas as well as estimation of drug induced chronotropic effects by detection of the light intensity changes in the contracting cultures. The data obtained were in accordance with the literature, showing the applicability of the method. Comparing the data to equivalent results obtained by extracellular electric field potential recordings demonstrated higher sensitivity to chronotropic effects of the beta-adrenoceptor agonist isoprenaline in the movie analysis experiments. This implies that more ESCs underwent differentiation into beta-adrenoceptor responding cardiomyocytes, making this set-up better for studying beta-adrenoceptor related effects of drugs. Overall, our study indicates that the movie analysis method may have potential to be optimised for screening in early drug discovery, aiming to identify cardiac drug candidates or to give alert for adverse effects on heart functionality or embryonic heart development. In conclusion, the experimental work presented in this Ph.D. thesis focused on development of novel in vitro testing methods based on ESCs. The results indicate the applicability of ESC models for in vitro assessment of developmental toxicity and cardiac pharmacology. Hence, the results add to the scientific knowledge on the usefulness of ESCs for establishment of toxicological and pharmacological assays. The field is, however, still quite open and needs more basic research and developments.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Der Embryonale Stammzellen-Test (EST) wurde als ein in vitro-Test für Embryotoxizität 2001 validiert und zeigte eine Gesamtrichtigkeit von 78%. Methyl-Quecksilber (MeHg) war die signifikanteste Aussnahme der Studie. Die EST-Fehleinschätzung von Methyl-Quecksilber gab Anlass, zu untersuchen, ob der EST die Embryotoxizität zweier anderer Schwermetalle richtig vorhersagen könnte. Der Test war in der Lage, trivalentes Chrom korrekt als "nicht embryotoxisch" einzuordnen und erkannte hexavalentes Chrom als "embryotoxisch", während die Falscheinstufung von Methyl-Quecksilber bestätigt wurde. Wir untersuchten das Potenzial des neuronalen Differenzierungs-Assays mit murinen embryonalen Stammzellen (mESC), um die in vitro-Vorhersagbarkeit von Methyl-Quecksilber zu erhöhen. Das Vorhandensein von Neuronen-ähnlichen Zellen konnte durch RT-PCR gezeigt werden, indem die Hochregulierung von mehreren neuronalen Markergenen nachgewiesen wurde. Außerdem zeigte die Immunhistochemie die Anwesenheit von Zellen, die positiv für Nestin, Neurofilament-Medium-Polypeptid, beta-Tubulin III und Mtap2 waren. Die Mtap2-mRNA-Expression war in Anwesenheit nicht zytotoxischer Konzentrationen von MeHg herunterreguliert. Daraus kann man schließen, dass die Mtap2-mRNA-Expression als ein sensitiver toxikologischer Endpunkt für MeHg-induzierte neuronale Embryotoxizität dienen kann.Die murinen Anwendungen wurden auf humane embryonale Stammzellen zu übertragen und das Vorhandensein von neuronalen Derivaten konnte mittels RT-PCR durch Hochregulierung verschiedener neuronaler Markergene gezeigt werden und die Immunhistochemie zeigte positive Resultate für Neurofilament-Medium-Polypeptid, beta-Tubulin III und MAP2. Die differenzierenden Zellen wurden Methyl-Quecksilber ausgesetzt. Wir fanden, dass die Vorläuferbildung durch MeHg auch in nicht zytotoxischen Konzentrationen beeinflußt wird, belegt durch die Veränderung in verschiedenen neuronalen Markern. Im Gegensatz dazu war die RNA-Marker-Expression in den gereiften Zellen im nicht zytotoxischen Bereich unverändert. Insgesamt zeigen unsere Resultate, dass NCAM1, NEUROD1 and MAP2 vielversprechende Marker für die Erkennung von MeHg-Toxizität in Bezug auf die Induktion der neuronalen Vorläuferzellen sind und dass die Induktion der neuronalen Vorläuferzellen sensitiver auf MeHg reagieren als Neuronen-ähnliche Zellen. Unsere Experimente zeigen, dass beide Assays auf die nachteiligen Effekte von MeHg in Bezug auf die neuronale Entwicklung aufmerksam machen. Murine und humane neuronale Vorläufer zeigen ähnliche Sensitivität gegenüber MeHg, machen aber deutlich, dass MeHg in Mäusen eine Neuronen-spezifische, zytoskelettische Toxizität auslöst, während das Metall im humanen Assay eine Vorläufer-Differenzierung verhindert. Das zeigt den Einfluß der Interspezies-spezifischen Unterschiede in den Mechanismen der Toxizität. Schon differenzierte Zellen können eingesetzt werden, um die Toxizität am schon erwachsenen Menschen darzustellen. Die Nachfrage nach Hoch-Durchsatz-Assays, um potenzielle Herzmedikament-Kandidaten zu identifizieren und um nachteilige Effekte auf das Kardiovaskuläre System auszuschließen, gab uns die Idee, eine automatische digitale Filmanalyse von schlagenden Kardiomyozyten zu entwickeln, die aus embryonalen Stammzellen hervorgegangen waren. Eine digitale Filmanalyse-Software "Cardio Analyser" wurde entwickelt, um eine automatische Quantifizierung der schlagenden Areale und der Schlagfrequenzen zu erhalten. Die generierten Daten waren in Übereinstimmung mit der Fachliteratur, was einen grundsätzlichen Beweis für das Funktionieren der Methode darstellt. Der Vergleich der Daten mit den entsprechenden Resultaten, die durch extra-zelluläre Feldpotenzialaufnahmen erzielt wurden, zeigte eine höhere Sensitivität des chronotropischen Effekts des beta-Adrenorezeptor-Agonisten, Isoprenalin im Filmanalyse-Experiment. Dies zeigt, dass mehr ESCs zu beta-Adrenorezeptor-empfindlichen Kardiomyocyten" differenziert sind, was diesem System eine größere Relevanz verleiht, wenn man die Effekte von Medikamenten untersucht. Insgesamt zeigt unsere Untersuchung, dass die Filmanalysemethode das Potenzial haben könnte, um für die Selektion in der frühen Medikamentenentwicklung oder als Frühwarnsystem für nachteilige Effekte auf die Herzfunktionalität optimisiert zu warden. Zusammenfassend fokussierte sich diese Doktorarbeit auf die Entwicklung von neuen in-vitro-Testmethoden basierend auf embryonalen Stammzellen. Die Resultate zeigen die Anwendbarkeit von embryonalen Stammzellmodellen für die in-vitro-Abschätzung von toxizitätsbedingten Entwicklungsdefiziten und die Herzpharmakologie. Demzufolge tragen die Ergebnisse dazu bei, die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zur Zweckmässigkeit der embryonalen Stammzellen für toxikologische oder pharmakologische Assays zu vertiefen. Insgesamt ist das Feld immer noch weitgehend unerforscht und es muss noch mehr Arbeit geleistet werden.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
570 Biowissenschaften, Biologie
Entwicklungstoxizität, Kardiopharmakologie, in-vitro-Methode, embryonic stem cells, Developmental Toxicity, Cardiac Pharmacology, in vitro methods
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690STUMMANN, Tina C., 2008. In vitro Assessment of Developmental Toxicity and Cardiac Pharmacology using Embryonic Stem Cells [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={In vitro Assessment of Developmental Toxicity and Cardiac Pharmacology using Embryonic Stem Cells},
  author={Stummann, Tina C.},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
    xmlns:xsd="" > 
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">The Embryonic Stem cell Test (EST) was scientifically validated in 2001 . Methylmercury (MeHg) was the most significant outlier in the study. The EST misclassification of MeHg, and the potential environmental exposure and developmental toxic hazards of heavy metals gave us the rationale to investigate if the EST could predict the embryotoxicity of two heavy metals different from MeHg, namely trivalent and hexavalent chromium. The test correctly classified trivalent chromium to be non-embryotoxic and hexavalent chromium to be embryotoxic, while the misclassification of MeHg was confirmed. We explored the potential of a mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) neuronal differentiation assay to improve the in vitro prediction, since MeHg induces developmental abnormalities in the brain. Appearance of neuron-like cells was shown by real-time PCR experiments, demonstrating up-regulation of a number of neuronal marker genes, and immunohistochemistry, revealing the presence of cells positive for nestin, neurofilament medium polypeptide, beta;-tubulin III and Mtap2. Mtap2 mRNA expression was down-regulated in the presence of non-cytotoxic concentrations of MeHg, identifying Mtap2 mRNA expression as a sensitive toxicological endpoint for MeHg induced neuronal embryotoxicity.The mouse assay was adapted to hESCs. Occurrence of neuronal derivatives was demonstrated by real-time PCR, showing up-regulation of several neuronal marker genes, and immunohistochemistry, revealing the appearance of neurofilament medium polypeptide, Beta-tubulin III and MAP2 positive cells. The differentiating cells were exposed to MeHg in order to address whether the hESC model could detect toxicity to embryonic neuronal induction. Effects of MeHg on formation of precursors and their further maturation were addressed in two separate sub-assays. We found the precursor induction to be sensitive to MeHg in non-cytotoxic concentrations, as the expression of several neuronal mRNA markers changed. In contrast, the mRNA marker expression in matured cells was unaffected by non-cytotoxic MeHg concentrations. Overall, our results imply that NCAM1, NEUROD1 and MAP2 are promising markers for detection of MeHg toxicity to induction of neuronal precursors and that induction of neuronal precursors is more sensitive to MeHg than their differentiation into neuron-like cells. Overall, we found that both assays provide alerts for the adverse effects of MeHg on neuronal induction. Our results indicate that mouse and human neuronal precursors exhibited similar sensitivities to MeHg, but that MeHg appeared to induce toxicity to the neuronal cytoskeleton in the mouse assay, while the metal seemed to inhibit precursor differentiation in the human assay, implying the presence of interspecies differences in the toxicity mechanisms. While differentiating ESCs provide a basis for establishment of in vitro developmental toxicity tests, matured derivatives can be used in in vitro assays addressing toxicities to adults. The request for high-throughput assays to identify potential cardiac drug candidates and to give warnings of adverse cardiac effects promoted our idea to develop automated digital movie analysis of contracting cardiomyocytes derived from ESCs. The digital movie analysis software Cardio Analyser was developed for automated quantification of beating frequencies and beating areas as well as estimation of drug induced chronotropic effects by detection of the light intensity changes in the contracting cultures. The data obtained were in accordance with the literature, showing the applicability of the method. Comparing the data to equivalent results obtained by extracellular electric field potential recordings demonstrated higher sensitivity to chronotropic effects of the beta-adrenoceptor agonist isoprenaline in the movie analysis experiments. This implies that more ESCs underwent differentiation into beta-adrenoceptor responding cardiomyocytes, making this set-up better for studying beta-adrenoceptor related effects of drugs. Overall, our study indicates that the movie analysis method may have potential to be optimised for screening in early drug discovery, aiming to identify cardiac drug candidates or to give alert for adverse effects on heart functionality or embryonic heart development. In conclusion, the experimental work presented in this Ph.D. thesis focused on development of novel in vitro testing methods based on ESCs. The results indicate the applicability of ESC models for in vitro assessment of developmental toxicity and cardiac pharmacology. Hence, the results add to the scientific knowledge on the usefulness of ESCs for establishment of toxicological and pharmacological assays. The field is, however, still quite open and needs more basic research and developments.</dcterms:abstract>
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    <dcterms:title>In vitro Assessment of Developmental Toxicity and Cardiac Pharmacology using Embryonic Stem Cells</dcterms:title>
    <dcterms:alternative>In-vitro Erfassung von Entwicklungstoxizität und Kardiopharmakologie mit embryonalen Stammzellen</dcterms:alternative>
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    <dc:date rdf:datatype="">2011-03-24T17:37:52Z</dc:date>
Interner Vermerk
URL der Originalveröffentl.
Prüfdatum der URL
Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
June 23, 2008
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