Community composition and interactions of biofilm bacteria on submerged freshwater macrophytes

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Hempel, Melanie
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The aim of my PhD thesis was to investigate the bacterial biofilm community composition (BCC), on submerged macrophytes. The special interest was the composition and succession of the heterotrophic biofilm and possible influences such as environmental factors, habitat and plants on the biofilm and the interaction of isolates with each other and with aquatic herbivores. On the littoral zones of lakes, macrophytes offer a large area for colonization of bacteria and algae. Interactions between plant and epiphytes are frequent and can be positive and negative for both sides. Interactions between macrophytes and BCC can be mediated by structural changes of the surface or by exuded organic compounds. Especially secondary metabolites of plants (e.g., phenols) are known to have an impact on other phototrophs or microorganisms.factors
I expected that the phenol-rich milfoil Myriophyllum spicatum L. would have a different BCC than the pondweed Potamogeton perfoliatus, the stonewort Chara aspera or artificial substrates (polypropylene sheets). M. spicatum exudes algicidal and bactericidal polyphenols, while some Chara species produce algicidal cyclic sulphur compounds. It is not known if P. perfoliatus synthesizes polyphenols and if it may inhibit bacterial and algal growth. Another aspect of this work was to investigate the influence of leaf age on the BCC, since M. spicatum displays a distinct gradient of macronutrients and polyphenols from young apical meristems to older leaves. Both Chara aspera and M. spicatum occur in Lake Constance (freshwater) and in the Schaproder Bodden (brackish water). We compared the BCC on both macrophytes in both habitats. All analyses of the BCC in this study have been done with FISH and in Lake Constance additionally with DGGE and the construction of a clone library.
All investigations of the BCC lead to the conclusion that it was dominated by bacteria of the CFB-group, irrespective of substrate type. Alpha- and betaproteobacteria were the second most abundant groups, while planctomycetes were only found on brackish water C. aspera. Planctomycetes were largely influenced by the habitat and the substrate type (plant species) while bacteria of the CFB-group were rather influenced through plant species and leaf age.
The BCC comparison on M. spicatum, P. perfoliatus and the artificial substrates was not influenced by season. However, environmental factors such as water level and temperature, conductivity, pH and the carbon and total phenolic content of the plant tissue influenced the bacterial biofilm community composition. The BCC on the artificial substrates was more similar to that on P. perfoliatus than to that on M spicatum. The results obtained in all those community studies revealed a rather distinct and heterogeneous BCC on M. spicatum apices. Assumingly, this is a consequence of the high polyphenol content in these plant parts. The data obtained in the clone library support this finding. According to GenBank, most of the sequences obtained in the clone library do belong to bacteria not yet cultured.
We were able to isolate three bacterial strains from the biofilm (Pantoea agglomerans & Agrobacterium vitis) and the surrounding water (Matsuebacter sp.) of M. spicatum. All three are able to degrade polyphenols. With an especially designed experimental set-up, we tested if the three isolates were capable to colonize axenic M. spicatum.
Since epiphytes are taken up inevitably during feeding of herbivores they may have an impact on digestion and gut microbiota. In no choice feeding experiments I investigated, if the polyphenol degrading Matsuebacter sp. has an impact on the larval growth of the aquatic moth Acentria ephemerella (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER).
In comparison to axenic M. spicatum, plants colonized with Matsuebacter sp. had no negative or positive impact on larval growth. Thus we conclude that Matsuebacter sp. neither serves as an additional nutrient source, nor influences the gut microbiota or alters the exuded plant polyphenols.
While the influence of Matsuebacter sp. on larval growth was negligible, we could prove that this bacterium forms dense biofilms on M. spicatum rather quickly. The presence of Matsuebacter sp. reduces the biofilm formation of the agriculturally used bio control agent P. agglomerans, and that of the plant pathogen A. vitis is enhanced.
With this work, I contributed to the scarce knowledge on bacterial biofilms on aquatic plants. Further I elucidated the biofilm formation and interactions of single strains and their impact on higher trophic levels. Single bacterial groups are obviously influenced by the substrate and habitat type. Bacterial communities in their whole are rather determined by environmental factors like water level and temperature, and conductivity, and also the plant carbon and total phenolic content.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die bakterielle Biofilmgemeinschaft (BCC) auf aquatischen Oberflächen, insbesondere von submersen Makrophyten, zu untersuchen. Im Mittelpunkt standen die Zusammensetzung und Sukzession des bakteriellen Biofilms, der Einfluss von Umweltfaktoren, Habitat und der Pflanzen (Substrat) auf die BCC und die Interaktionen von Isolaten untereinander und mit aquatischen Herbivoren. In der Litoralzone von Seen bieten Makrophyten eine große Oberfläche zur Besiedlung für Bakterien und Algen. Zwischen Pflanzen und Epiphyten finden Interaktionen statt, die für beide Seiten positiv oder negativ sein können. Interaktionen zwischen Pflanzen und epiphytischen Biofilm können z.B. durch Oberflächenveränderungen oder ausgeschiedene organische Substanzen stattfinden. Besonders Sekundärstoffe von Pflanzen (z.B. Phenole) sind bekannt dafür, dass sie andere Phototrophe oder Mikroorgansimen beeinflussen können.
Ich erwartete, dass das phenolreiche Tausendblatt Myriophyllum spicatum L. eine andere BCC hat als das Laichkraut Potamogeton perfoliatus, die Armleuchteralge Chara aspera oder künstliche Substrate. M. spicatum scheidet algizide und bakterizide Polyphenole aus, während einige Chara-Arten algizid wirkende zyklische Thiane produzieren. Für P. perfoliatus ist nicht bekannt, dass es Polyphenole synthetisiert und Bakterien oder Algen im Wachstum hemmt. Da M. spicatum einen deutlichen Gradient von Nährstoffen und Polyphenolen von den Apikalmeristemen zu den älteren Blättern hin aufweist, war ein weiterer Aspekt dieser Arbeit, den Einfluss des Blattalters auf die BCC zu untersuchen. C. aspera und M. spicatum kommen im Bodensee (Süsswasser) und im Schaproder Bodden (Brackwasser) vor. Daher haben wir die BCC auf beiden Pflanzen in beiden Habitaten verglichen. Alle Analysen dieser Arbeit sind mit molekularen Methoden wie FISH und im Bodensee ergänzend mit DGGE und der Erstellung einer Klonbibliothek durchgeführt worden.
Alle Untersuchungen des Biofilms lassen darauf schließen, dass er auf allen Substraten von Bakterien der CFB-Gruppe dominiert war. Alpha- und Betaproteobakterien waren am zweithäufigsten, während Planktomyceten fast nur auf C. aspera im Schaproder Bodden gefunden wurden. Wir konnten einen deutlichen Einfluss des Habitats und des Substrates auf Planktomyceten nachweisen, während CFB-Bakterien eher durch die Pflanze und das Blattalter beeinflusst wurden.
Beim Vergleich der BCC auf M. spicatum mit der auf P. perfoliatus und Plastikstreifen wurde deutlich, dass die Jahreszeit keinen Einfluss hat. Umweltfaktoren wie Wasserstand und temperatur, Leitfähigkeit, pH und der Kohlenstoff- und Gesamtpolyphenolgehalt der Pflanze haben einen Einfluss. Die BCC auf P. perfoliatus und den Plastikstreifen ähnelte einander mehr als diejenige auf M. spicatum. Alle Ergebnisse aus den Analysen der BCC deuten darauf hin, dass die Apikalmeristeme von M. spicatum einen sehr heterogenen und speziellen Biofilm haben. Dies hängt vermutlich mit dem erhöhten Polyphenolgehalt in diesen Abschnitten zusammen. Die Ergebnisse der Klonbibliothek bestätigen dies, und laut den Sequenzvergleichen mit GenBank liegen viele dieser Biofilmbakterien auch größtenteils noch nicht in Kultur vor.
Wir konnten drei Isolate aus dem Biofilm (Pantoea agglomerans & Agrobacterium vitis) und dem Umgebungswasser (Matsuebacter sp.) von M. spicatum isolieren, die Polyphenole abbauen können. Mit einem besonderen Versuchsaufbau haben wir untersucht, ob diese Isolate axenische M. spicatum besiedeln können.
Da Epiphyten zwangsläufig von Herbivoren aufgenommen werden, können diese so deren Verdauung und Darmflora beeinflussen. In Fütterungsexperimenten testete ich, ob das polyphenolabbauende Bakterium Matsuebacter sp. einen Einfluss auf das Larvenwachstum des Wasserzünslers Acentria ephemerella hat.
Das Wachstum der Larven wurde im Vergleich zu axenischem M. spicatum nicht beeinflusst, wenn sie mit Matsuebacter sp. besiedeltem M. spicatum gefüttert wurden. Matsuebacter sp. dient also weder als zusätzliche Nährstoffquelle, noch beeinflusst er die vorhandene Darmflora der Larve oder die Polyphenole.
Durch eine dichte und schnelle Biofilmbildung von Matsuebacter sp. auf axenischem M. spicatum wird die Biofilmbildung des landwirtschaftlich genutzten Biocontrollers P. agglomerans gehemmt und die des Pflanzenpathogens A. vitis verstärkt.
Mit dieser Arbeit ist es mir gelungen, einen Beitrag zu dem bisher recht spärlichen Wissen über bakterielle Biofilm auf aquatischen Pflanzen zu leisten, die Interaktionen einzelner Bakterien miteinander zu beleuchten und den Bogen zu höheren trophischen Ebenen zu spannen. Einzelne Bakteriengruppen werden offensichtlich von dem jeweiligen Substrat und Habitat beeinflusst, während für ganze Bakteriengemeinschaften auch Umweltparameter wie Wasserstand und temperatur und Leitfähigkeit, aber auch der Kohlenstoffgehalt und Gesamtphenolgehalt der Pflanzen von Bedeutung sind.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
570 Biowissenschaften, Biologie
M. spicatum, Biofilm, Interaktion, Makrophyten, bacteria, M. spicatum, biofilm, bacteria, macrophytes, interaction
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690HEMPEL, Melanie, 2008. Community composition and interactions of biofilm bacteria on submerged freshwater macrophytes [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Community composition and interactions of biofilm bacteria on submerged freshwater macrophytes},
  author={Hempel, Melanie},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">The aim of my PhD thesis was to investigate the bacterial biofilm community composition (BCC), on submerged macrophytes. The special interest was the composition and succession of the heterotrophic biofilm and possible influences such as environmental factors, habitat and plants on the biofilm and the interaction of isolates with each other and with aquatic herbivores. On the littoral zones of lakes, macrophytes offer a large area for colonization of bacteria and algae. Interactions between plant and epiphytes are frequent and can be positive and negative for both sides. Interactions between macrophytes and BCC can be mediated by structural changes of the surface or by exuded organic compounds. Especially secondary metabolites of plants (e.g., phenols) are known to have an impact on other phototrophs or microorganisms.factors&lt;br /&gt;I expected that the phenol-rich milfoil Myriophyllum spicatum L. would have a different BCC than the pondweed Potamogeton perfoliatus, the stonewort Chara aspera or artificial substrates (polypropylene sheets). M. spicatum exudes algicidal and bactericidal polyphenols, while some Chara species produce algicidal cyclic sulphur compounds. It is not known if P. perfoliatus synthesizes polyphenols and if it may inhibit bacterial and algal growth. Another aspect of this work was to investigate the influence of leaf age on the BCC, since M. spicatum displays a distinct gradient of macronutrients and polyphenols from young apical meristems to older leaves. Both Chara aspera and M. spicatum occur in Lake Constance (freshwater) and in the Schaproder Bodden (brackish water). We compared the BCC on both macrophytes in both habitats. All analyses of the BCC in this study have been done with FISH and in Lake Constance additionally with DGGE and the construction of a clone library.&lt;br /&gt;All investigations of the BCC lead to the conclusion that it was dominated by bacteria of the CFB-group, irrespective of substrate type. Alpha- and betaproteobacteria were the second most abundant groups, while planctomycetes were only found on brackish water C. aspera. Planctomycetes were largely influenced by the habitat and the substrate type (plant species) while bacteria of the CFB-group were rather influenced through plant species and leaf age.&lt;br /&gt;The BCC comparison on M. spicatum, P. perfoliatus and the artificial substrates was not influenced by season. However, environmental factors such as water level and temperature, conductivity, pH and the carbon and total phenolic content of the plant tissue influenced the bacterial biofilm community composition. The BCC on the artificial substrates was more similar to that on P. perfoliatus than to that on M spicatum. The results obtained in all those community studies revealed a rather distinct and heterogeneous BCC on M. spicatum apices. Assumingly, this is a consequence of the high polyphenol content in these plant parts. The data obtained in the clone library support this finding. According to GenBank, most of the sequences obtained in the clone library do belong to bacteria not yet cultured.&lt;br /&gt;We were able to isolate three bacterial strains from the biofilm (Pantoea agglomerans &amp; Agrobacterium vitis) and the surrounding water (Matsuebacter sp.) of M. spicatum. All three are able to degrade polyphenols. With an especially designed experimental set-up, we tested if the three isolates were capable to colonize axenic M. spicatum.&lt;br /&gt;Since epiphytes are taken up inevitably during feeding of herbivores they may have an impact on digestion and gut microbiota. In no choice feeding experiments I investigated, if the polyphenol degrading Matsuebacter sp. has an impact on the larval growth of the aquatic moth Acentria ephemerella (DENIS &amp; SCHIFFERMÜLLER).&lt;br /&gt;In comparison to axenic M. spicatum, plants colonized with Matsuebacter sp. had no negative or positive impact on larval growth. Thus we conclude that Matsuebacter sp. neither serves as an additional nutrient source, nor influences the gut microbiota or alters the exuded plant polyphenols.&lt;br /&gt;While the influence of Matsuebacter sp. on larval growth was negligible, we could prove that this bacterium forms dense biofilms on M. spicatum rather quickly. The presence of Matsuebacter sp. reduces the biofilm formation of the agriculturally used bio control agent P. agglomerans, and that of the plant pathogen A. vitis is enhanced.&lt;br /&gt;With this work, I contributed to the scarce knowledge on bacterial biofilms on aquatic plants. Further I elucidated the biofilm formation and interactions of single strains and their impact on higher trophic levels. Single bacterial groups are obviously influenced by the substrate and habitat type. Bacterial communities in their whole are rather determined by environmental factors like water level and temperature, and conductivity, and also the plant carbon and total phenolic content.</dcterms:abstract>
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    <dc:creator>Hempel, Melanie</dc:creator>
Interner Vermerk
URL der Originalveröffentl.
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
October 6, 2008
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