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Title: Evripidis Hecvba / Godofredi Hermanni Ad Eam Et Ad R. Porsoni Notas Animadversiones
Other Titles: Hecuba
Author: EuripidesLook up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
Contributor: Hermann, GottfriedLook up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
Porson, RichardLook up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
Publisher / Printer: Feind, Johann GottlobLook up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
Published: Lipsiae : Feind, 1800
Extent: LXXVI, 180 S. ; 8°
Annotations: Vorw. lat., Text griech. - Teilw. in griech. Schr.
Autopsie nach dem Ex. der ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
Vorlage des Erscheinungsvermerks: Lipsiae Svmptibvs Ioan. Gottl. Feindii MDCCC.
Language: Greek, Ancient
Genre: Kommentar: lit.
Subjects: TragödieLook up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
DramaLook up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
LiteraturLook up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
GriechischLook up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
Online Edition: Halle (Saale) : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2012
Original Publication: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, AB 36 8/i, 40
URN: urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-433470
VD Number: vd18 11212942
Open Access: Open access publication
License: Public Domain Mark 1.0Public Domain Mark 1.0
Appears in Collections:Drucke des 18. Jahrhunderts (VD18)

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