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Colombia's path to "total peace": president Gustavo Petro cannot fall back on the FARC blueprint
Corporate Editor
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit
With their joint announcement about the desire to resume peace talks, Colombia's new president and the country’s second-largest guerrilla group, the ELN (Ejército de Liberación Nacional), have sent a clear political signal. The pacification of the ELN is to take place under the aegis of a "leftist" ... view more
With their joint announcement about the desire to resume peace talks, Colombia's new president and the country’s second-largest guerrilla group, the ELN (Ejército de Liberación Nacional), have sent a clear political signal. The pacification of the ELN is to take place under the aegis of a "leftist" government and be accompanied by a comprehensive and ambitious reform project. This is a renewed attempt to end the civil war following the conclusion of a peace agreement with the FARC rebels in 2016. However, the agreement with the FARC can serve as a blueprint only to a limited extent, not just because of the different historical origins of the two guerrilla groups but also owing to the strongly decentralized internal structure of the ELN. The issues of a ceasefire and the release of prisoners - prerequisites for possible peace talks - remain unresolved. Lengthy negotiations lie ahead, and the involvement of Colombian civil society is essential as central questions about the country’s future must be clarified. (author's abstract)... view less
Peace and Conflict Research, International Conflicts, Security Policy
Free Keywords
Kolumbien; Innenpolitischer Konflikt; Innere Sicherheit; Innenpolitische Lage/Entwicklung; Politische Fragmentierung; Soziale Fragmentierung; Regierungswechsel/Machtwechsel; Petro Urrego, Gustavo; Sicherheitssektorreform; Friedensprozess; Guerillaverbände; Ejército de Liberación Nacional (Colombia); Szenario
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7 p.
SWP Comment, 54/2022
Published Version; reviewed
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