Review: Michalis Kontopodis & Jörg Niewöhner (Eds.) (2010). Das Selbst als Netzwerk. Zum Einsatz von Körpern und Dingen im Alltag [The Self as Network: On Everyday Uses of Bodies and Things]


  • Niklas Alexander Chimirri Roskilde University



everyday life research, biomedical practices, relational materialism, material-semiotic perspective, praxiography, transformation, actor-network theory, critical psychology, material and intersubjective mediatedness of the world, emancipatory potential


In the investigation of human everyday life, the significance of the material still tends to be neglected. The anthology edited by KONTOPODIS and NIEWÖHNER presents contributions that draw on relational-materialist concepts in order to praxiographically study how both human and non-human agents transform (mostly biomedical) everyday practices. This review attempts to connect these material-semiotic descriptions to a critical psychological perspective. It highlights how the contributions' focus on material things' actions is valuable for further unraveling the human-world relationship. Meanwhile it questions whether the underlying conceptual framework allows for an emancipatory science which strives for transformations that reach beyond the mere descriptive level.



Author Biography

Niklas Alexander Chimirri, Roskilde University

Niklas A. CHIMIRRI, Dipl.-Psych., studied psychology, media & communication studies, and politics in Berlin, Padova, and New York City. He is PhD fellow in the Graduate Program Social Psychology of Everyday Life at Roskilde University, Denmark. His research project explores how media technologies become subjectively relevant for the conduct of everyday life of kindergarten children.




How to Cite

Chimirri, N. A. (2012). Review: Michalis Kontopodis & Jörg Niewöhner (Eds.) (2010). Das Selbst als Netzwerk. Zum Einsatz von Körpern und Dingen im Alltag [The Self as Network: On Everyday Uses of Bodies and Things]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 13(2).