Dual Representation of Convex Increasing Functionals with Applications to Finance

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This thesis deals with the dual representation of various nonlinear functionals and provides applications to financial mathematics under model uncertainty.

In the first part of the thesis, we begin by assuming that a fixed reference probability measure is given, and we work on a Brownian filtered probability space (Ω, F , (Ft)t≥0, P ). In this setting, our study of dual representation focuses on minimal supersolutions of back- ward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) with convex generators. These are convex increasing functionals on a space of non-bounded, but integrable random variables. We derive a dual representation under weak requirements on the generator of the equation. On the other hand, we show that any dynamic risk measure satisfying such a representation stems from a BSDE. As an application, we study the utility maximization problem of an agent with non-zero endowment, and whose preferences are modeled by the maximal subsolution of a BSDE. We prove existence of an optimal trading strategy and relate our existence result to the existence of a maximal subsolution to a controlled decoupled FB-SDE. Using BSDE duality, we show that the utility maximization problem can be seen as a robust control problem admitting a saddle point if the generator of the BSDE additionally satisfies a quadratic growth condition. It is then shown that any saddle point of the robust control problem agrees with a primal and a dual optimizer of the utility maximization problem, and can be characterized in terms of the solution of a BSDE.

In the second part of the thesis, we drop the assumption of existence of a reference measure, and work on a topological space Ω which is not assumed to be compact. We give two sorts of conditions guaranteeing the dual representation of convex increasing functionals defined on a space of random variables with respect to countably additive measures. The first conditions, which can be viewed as sequential upper semicontinuity assumptions ensure a max-representation on a Stone vector lattice of continuous random variables. The second condition, which can be viewed as sequential lower semicontinuity assumptions yield a sup-representation on the set of bounded upper semicontinuous random variables; and we characterize functionals admitting a representation on the space of bounded measurable random variables. As applications, we derive a version of the fundamental theorem of asset pricing in continuous and discrete time, and for a market allowing static investments in infinitely many options. We introduce a market efficiency condition stronger than "No Free Lunch With Vanishing Risk" which ensures existence of martingale or local martingale measures for continuous or even càdlàg price processes. On the other hand, we allow trading only in the so-called simple strategies.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Diese Doktorarbeit behandelt die duale Repräsentation von gewissen nichtlinearen Erwartungen und Anwendungen in der Finanzmathematik unter modelunsicherheit.

Im ersten Teil der Arbeit nehmen wir an, dass ein Referenzwahrscheinlichkeitsmaß gegeben ist, und arbeiten auf einem Wahrscheinlichkeitsraum (Ω, F , (Ft)t≥0, P ) mit einem Brownschen filtration. In diesem Rahmen studieren wir die duale Repräsentation von minimalen Superlösungen von stochastischen Rückwärtsdifferentialgleichungen (BSDEs) mit konvexen Generatoren. Diese sind konvexe und wachsende Funktionale auf dem Raum der unbeschränkten integrierbaren Zufallsvariablen. Andererseits beweisen wir, dass jedes dynamische Risikomaß, welches eine solche Repräsentation erlaubt, einer BSDE entstammt. Diese Ergebnisse wenden wir an, um die Nutzenmaximierung eines Agenten mit nichttrivialer Ausstattung zu studieren, dessen Präferenz durch die maximale Sublösung einer BSDE modelliert ist. Wir beweisen die Existenz einer optimalen Handelsstrategie und stellen den Zusammenhang zur Existenz einer maximalen Sublösung einer kontrolliert entkoppelten FBSDE her. Mithilfe der BSDE-Dualität zeigen wir, dass das Nutzenmaximierungsproblem als ein robustes Kontrollproblem aufgefasst werden kann, das einen Sattelpunkt besitzt, sofern der Generator der BSDE zusätzlich eine quadratische Wachstumsbedingung erfüllt. Es wird gezeigt, dass jeder Sattelpunkt des robusten Kontrollproblems mit dem primalen und dualen Optimierer des Nutzenmaximierungsproblems übereinstimmt und durch die Lösung einer BSDE charakterisiert werden kann.

Im zweiten Teil die Dissertation lassen wir die Annahme der Existenz einer Referenzwahrscheinlichkeit fallen und arbeiten auf einem nichtkompakten topologischen Raum Ω. Wir präsentieren zwei Arten von Bedingungen, die es erlauben, die duale Repräsentation von konvexen wachsenden Funktionalen über einem Raum von Zufallsvariablen durch sigma-additive Maße zu erhalten. Die Bedingungen erster Art, die als Folgenoberhalbstetigkeitsannahme gesehen werden können, garantieren die Max-Repräsentation auf einem Stoneschen Vektorverband von stetigen Zufallsvariablen. Die Bedingungen zweiter Art, die als Folgenunterhalbstetigkeitsannahme gesehen werden können, sichern die Sup-Repräsentation auf einer Menge von beschränkten messbaren Zufallsvariablen. Wir wenden diese Repräsentation an, um eine Version des FTAP in stetiger Zeit und für ein Markt, der statische Investments in unendlich vielen Optionen erlaubt, herzuleiten. Wir führen eine Markteffizienzbedingung ein, die stärker als "No Free Lunch With Vanishing Risk" ist und welchem die Existenz eines Martingalßes oder lokalen Martingalmaßes für stetige oder càdlàg Preisprozesse garantiert. Dabei lassen wir nur das Handeln in sogenannten einfachen Strategien zu.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
510 Mathematik
Convex Duality; Supersolutions of BSDEs; Cash-Subadditive Risk Measures, submartingale, Convex duality, Utility maximization, Representation theorems, increasing convex functionals, countably additive measures, regular measures, FTAP, model ambiguity; semi-static hedging; martingale measures; support of measures
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690TANGPI, Ludovic, 2015. Dual Representation of Convex Increasing Functionals with Applications to Finance [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Dual Representation of Convex Increasing Functionals with Applications to Finance},
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">This thesis deals with the dual representation of various nonlinear functionals and provides applications to financial mathematics under model uncertainty.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In the first part of the thesis, we begin by assuming that a fixed reference probability measure is given, and we work on a Brownian filtered probability space (Ω, F , (F&lt;sub&gt;t&lt;/sub&gt;)&lt;sub&gt;t≥0&lt;/sub&gt;, P ). In this setting, our study of dual representation focuses on minimal supersolutions of back- ward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) with convex generators. These are convex increasing functionals on a space of non-bounded, but integrable random variables. We derive a dual representation under weak requirements on the generator of the equation. On the other hand, we show that any dynamic risk measure satisfying such a representation stems from a BSDE. As an application, we study the utility maximization problem of an agent with non-zero endowment, and whose preferences are modeled by the maximal subsolution of a BSDE. We prove existence of an optimal trading strategy and relate our existence result to the existence of a maximal subsolution to a controlled decoupled FB-SDE. Using BSDE duality, we show that the utility maximization problem can be seen as a robust control problem admitting a saddle point if the generator of the BSDE additionally satisfies a quadratic growth condition. It is then shown that any saddle point of the robust control problem agrees with a primal and a dual optimizer of the utility maximization problem, and can be characterized in terms of the solution of a BSDE.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In the second part of the thesis, we drop the assumption of existence of a reference measure, and work on a topological space Ω which is not assumed to be compact. We give two sorts of conditions guaranteeing the dual representation of convex increasing functionals defined on a space of random variables with respect to countably additive measures. The first conditions, which can be viewed as sequential upper semicontinuity assumptions ensure a max-representation on a Stone vector lattice of continuous random variables. The second condition, which can be viewed as sequential lower semicontinuity assumptions yield a sup-representation on the set of bounded upper semicontinuous random variables; and we characterize functionals admitting a representation on the space of bounded measurable random variables. As applications, we derive a version of the fundamental theorem of asset pricing in continuous and discrete time, and for a market allowing static investments in infinitely many options. We introduce a market efficiency condition stronger than "No Free Lunch With Vanishing Risk" which ensures existence of martingale or local martingale measures for continuous or even càdlàg price processes. On the other hand, we allow trading only in the so-called simple strategies.</dcterms:abstract>
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URL der Originalveröffentl.
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
June 19, 2015
Konstanz, Univ., Diss., 2015
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