Aerobic and Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Sediments of Lake Constance

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Aerobe und anaerobe Methanoxidation in Bodenseesedimenten
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In this study, methane oxidation in Lake Constance and the respective microorganisms were investigated using a broad range of methods. High-resolution methane and oxygen profiles combined with molecular techniques (FISH, qPCR) were used to identify the distribution of methane oxidation activity and methanotrophic bacteria in the sediment column. Methaneoxidizing bacteria (MOB) were found to be evenly distributed in the sediment column of profundal sediments, and methane oxidation took place only in the narrow zone where methane and oxygen met at low concentrations. In littoral sediments, however, a maximum of MOB abundance and methane oxidation activity was detected at 1 to 4 cm sediment depth where oxygen was absent. The latter finding indicated either substantial mixing of the upper sediment layers of littoral sediments in-situ or a zone of anaerobic methane oxidation.

Because of these indications for AOM in littoral sediments, tracer experiments were performed to test this hypothesis. These experiments revealed the potential for nitratedependent AOM in sediments of oligotrophic Lake Constance, but could not detect sulfatedependent AOM. Furthermore, NC10 bacteria related to candidatus “Methylomirabilis oxyfera”, which catalyses AOM coupled to denitrification, were detected using 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. For the first time, pmoA gene sequences related to those of M. oxyfera were retrieved from environmental samples and support the presence of NC10 bacteria able to oxidize methane with nitrate or nitrite as electron acceptor in these sediments. AOM coupled to denitrification appears to depend on stable gradient systems and was found mainly in profundal but not in mixed littoral sediments.

To gain further insights into the methane-oxidizing communities from Lake Constance sediments opposing gradients of methane and oxygen were used to cultivate MOB, thus mimicking the low substrate concentrations they experience in-situ. This approach finally allowed the isolation of a novel oxygen-sensitive methanotroph (strain KoM1) from profundal sediment. Strain KoM1 represents a new species and genus and is distantly related to Methylosoma, which was previously isolated from Lake Constance.

In addition to the distinct environments of littoral and profundal sediments, active methane seeps, called pockmarks, were investigated in Eastern Lake Constance. High methane oxidation potentials as well as high MOB abundance designated littoral pockmark sediments as “hot spots” of methane oxidation in an otherwise oligotrophic environment. This was also reflected by the distinctly different MOB community at these sites compared to those in the surrounding sediments.

Altogether, this study demonstrates that methane oxidation occurs mainly at low oxygen concentrations in-situ and could even play a role under anoxic conditions. In line with previous studies, it was shown that MOB communities differ significantly even in different parts of the same lake, thus encouraging further research on the adaptations of MOB strains to different ecological niches.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die Methanoxidation im Bodensee und die dafür verantwortlichen Mikroorganismen mit einer breite Palette von Methoden untersucht. Hochauflösende Methan- und Sauerstoffprofile wurden mit molekularen Methoden (FISH, qPCR) kombiniert, um die Verteilung der Methanoxidationsaktivität sowie der methanotrophen Bakterien in Abhängigkeit von der Sedimenttiefe zu untersuchen. MOB waren im Profundalsediment gleichmäßig über die Tiefe verteilt, und Methanoxidation fand nur in einer dünnen Schicht statt, in der sich sowohl Methan als auch Sauerstoff in geringen Konzentrationen trafen. Im Litoralsediment wurde jedoch ein Maximum der Methanotrophenanzahl und der Methanoxidationsaktivität in 1 bis 4 cm Sedimenttiefe festgestellt wo kein Sauerstoff mehr vorhanden war. Letzteres weist entweder auf beträchtliche Durchmischung der oberen litoralen Sedimentschichten in-situ oder auf anaerobe Methanoxidation hin.

Auf Grund dieser Anzeichen wurden Tracerexperimente durchgeführt, um die Hypothese der anaeroben Methanoxidation zu überprüfen. Diese Experimenten zeigten die Möglichkeit einer nitratabhängigen Methanoxidation im Sediment des oligotrophen Bodensees auf; es konnte jedoch keine sulfatabhängige Methanoxidation nachgewiesen werden. Außerdem wurden mit 16S-rRNA-Gen Klonbibliotheken Bakterien nachgewiesen, die mit Canditatus „Methylomirabilis oxyfera“ verwandt sind. Dieses Bakterium katalysiert die an Denitrifikation gekoppelte Methanoxidation. Desweiteren wurden zum ersten mal pmoA Gensequenzen aus Umweltproben erhalten, die ähnlich zu der von M. oxyfera sind. Dies ist ein zusätzlicher Hinweis darauf, dass NC10 Bakterien in diesen Sedimenten vorhanden sind, die Methan mit Nitrat oder Nitrit als Elektronenakzeptor oxidieren können. AOM, die an Denitrifikation gekoppelt ist, scheint auf stabile Gradientensysteme angewiesen zu sein und wurde hauptsächlich in Profundal-, jedoch nicht in durchmischten Litoralsedimenten nachgewiesen.

Um weitere Einblicke in die Methan oxidierende Bakteriengemeinschaft des Bodensees zu erhalten, wurden zur Kultivierung von neuartigen MOB gegenläufige Methan- und Sauerstoffgradienten genutzt. Dadurch konnten die geringen Substratkonzentrationen nachgestellt werden, die MOB in-situ erfahren. Diese Herangehensweise machte letztendlich die Isolierung eines neuartigen und sauerstoffempfindlichen Methanotrophen (Stamm KoM1) aus Profundalsediment möglich. Stamm KoM1 ist entfernt verwandt mit Methylosoma, einem früheren Isolat aus dem Bodensee, und repräsentiert eine neue Gattung und Art.
Zusätzlich zu den unterschiedlichen Habitaten des litoralen und profundalen Sediments wurden aktive Methanaustrittsstellen, sogenannte Pockmarks, im östlichen Teil des Bodensees untersucht. Hohe potentielle Methanoxidationsaktivitäten sowie eine hohe MOB Abundanz zeichneten die Sedimente der litoralen Pockmarks als „Hot Spots“ der Methanoxidation in einer sonst oligotrophen Umgebung aus. Dies spiegelte sich auch in den merklich unterschiedlichen MOB Gemeinschaften an diesen Stellen, verglichen mit dem umliegenden Sediment, wieder. Zusammenfassend zeigt diese Arbeit, dass Methanoxidation in-situ hauptsächlich bei geringen Sauerstoffkonzentrationen stattfindet und sogar unter anaeroben Bedingungen eine Rolle spielen kann. In Übereinstimmung mit früheren Arbeiten wurde gezeigt, dass sich MOB-Gemeinschaften sogar in verschiedenen Teilen desselben Sees maßgeblich voneinander unterscheiden, was zur weiteren Erforschung der Anpassungen von MOB-Stämmen an unterschiedliche ökologische Nischen auffordert.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
570 Biowissenschaften, Biologie
NC10 Bakterien, Pockmarks, Kultivierung, Gradienten
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690DEUTZMANN, Jörg S., 2011. Aerobic and Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Sediments of Lake Constance [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Aerobic and Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Sediments of Lake Constance},
  author={Deutzmann, Jörg S.},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">In this study, methane oxidation in Lake Constance and the respective microorganisms were investigated using a broad range of methods. High-resolution methane and oxygen profiles combined with molecular techniques (FISH, qPCR) were used to identify the distribution of methane oxidation activity and methanotrophic bacteria in the sediment column. Methaneoxidizing bacteria (MOB) were found to be evenly distributed in the sediment column of profundal sediments, and methane oxidation took place only in the narrow zone where methane and oxygen met at low concentrations. In littoral sediments, however, a maximum of MOB abundance and methane oxidation activity was detected at 1 to 4 cm sediment depth where oxygen was absent. The latter finding indicated either substantial mixing of the upper sediment layers of littoral sediments in-situ or a zone of anaerobic methane oxidation.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Because of these indications for AOM in littoral sediments, tracer experiments were performed to test this hypothesis. These experiments revealed the potential for nitratedependent AOM in sediments of oligotrophic Lake Constance, but could not detect sulfatedependent AOM. Furthermore, NC10 bacteria related to candidatus “Methylomirabilis oxyfera”, which catalyses AOM coupled to denitrification, were detected using 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. For the first time, pmoA gene sequences related to those of M. oxyfera were retrieved from environmental samples and support the presence of NC10 bacteria able to oxidize methane with nitrate or nitrite as electron acceptor in these sediments. AOM coupled to denitrification appears to depend on stable gradient systems and was found mainly in profundal but not in mixed littoral sediments.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;To gain further insights into the methane-oxidizing communities from Lake Constance sediments opposing gradients of methane and oxygen were used to cultivate MOB, thus mimicking the low substrate concentrations they experience in-situ. This approach finally allowed the isolation of a novel oxygen-sensitive methanotroph (strain KoM1) from profundal sediment. Strain KoM1 represents a new species and genus and is distantly related to Methylosoma, which was previously isolated from Lake Constance.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In addition to the distinct environments of littoral and profundal sediments, active methane seeps, called pockmarks, were investigated in Eastern Lake Constance. High methane oxidation potentials as well as high MOB abundance designated littoral pockmark sediments as “hot spots” of methane oxidation in an otherwise oligotrophic environment. This was also reflected by the distinctly different MOB community at these sites compared to those in the surrounding sediments.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Altogether, this study demonstrates that methane oxidation occurs mainly at low oxygen concentrations in-situ and could even play a role under anoxic conditions. In line with previous studies, it was shown that MOB communities differ significantly even in different parts of the same lake, thus encouraging further research on the adaptations of MOB strains to different ecological niches.</dcterms:abstract>
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    <dc:date rdf:datatype="">2011-07-13T10:08:50Z</dc:date>
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    <dc:contributor>Deutzmann, Jörg S.</dc:contributor>
Interner Vermerk
URL der Originalveröffentl.
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
June 15, 2011
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