DNA polymerase activity on solid support : from diagnostics to directed enzyme evolution

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In this PhD thesis, several projects about the functional analysis and recruitment of mutated DNA polymerases for improved biotechnological applications were investigated. Discrimination of incorrect pairing single nucleotides is of fundamental importance for the enzyme-aided detection of single nucleotide variations (single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)). It could be demonstrated that both chemically modified primer probes which are thiolated at the 2-position of thymidine as well as mutated DNA polymerases were able to increase single-nucleotide discrimination.
Based on these findings a DNA chip based system for the multiplex detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was established. For that purpose, a mutated DNA polymerase from Pyrococcus furiosus with improved single nucleotide discrimination properties is used for selective microarrayed primer extensions. It is shown that the mutated DNA polymerase in combination with unmodified primer strands fulfils the demands on solid support and obviates the need for chemical modifications of the primer probes as required before. The system depicted herein could provide the basis for further advancements in microarrayed nucleic acid diagnostics using tailor-made enzymes.
Until now, all reported methods for DNA polymerase evolution are restricted to a single enzyme property, for example, increased selectivity or the ability to efficiently process DNA lesions. Thus, a new microarrayed device was developed to overcome these obvious limitations that allow the multiplexed screening of several enzyme features in parallel:
The approach is based on the spatial separation of different covalently attached DNA substrates on a glass slide and their selective addressing by oligonucleotide hybridization. This system, termed oligonucleotide-addressing enzyme assay (OAEA), enables multiplexed simultaneous profiling of DNA polymerases in nanoliter volumes in terms of their different properties. OAEA can be used for the simultaneous and multiplexed profiling of several enzyme features with high throughput. Additionally, other DNA-modifying enzymes like ligases and endonucleases can be included in multiplex directed evolution approaches using OAEA. As a first successful demonstration it was used to identify enzymes with altered properties out of a library of DNA polymerase mutants.
A functional chimeric DNA polymerase could be obtained by fusion of a wild-type 5 ́- 3 ́nuclease domain with a recently described N-terminally shortened DNA polymerase from Thermus Aquaticus, which exhibits a significantly increased reverse transcription activity. The new enzyme (named as Taq M1) was created to improve RNA pathogen detection systems for pathogens like Dobrava viruses. It could be demonstrated that the fusion of polymerase- and 3 ́nuclease-domain to constitute Taq M1 has no effect on the originally polymerase- and nuclease function and activities. Additionally, Taq M1 was used in applied TaqMan RNA detection assays: Without optimisation of reaction conditions Taq M1 provided detection sensitivities compared to commercially available one-step RT PCR systems, which are based on enzyme blends. Taq M1 is highly recommended for the use of one-step RT PCR, especially if high transcription temperatures are desired to melt stable secondary structures of RNA targets.
In my last project, functional studies were conducted with the N-terminally shortened DNA polymerase from Thermus Aquaticus (KlenTaq). Recently obtained crystal structures of KlenTaq in complex with both an abasic site harbouring template and a blunt-ended primer template substrate (Schnur et al. and personal communication with S.Obeid), revealed that amino acid tyrosine 671 plays an important role in the template-less selection of the incorporated nucleotide. Tyrosine 671 thereby mimics the steric constraints of a pyrimidine template base resulting in the favoured incorporation of purine bases (A and G). Mutation of tyrosine into alanine (Y671A) results in a dramatic drop of catalytic activity. Mutation of the aromatic tyrosine into the also aromatic but steric more demanding tryptophane results in the favoured incorporation of pyrimidine bases (T and C). These findings could be proved by single nucleotide incorporation studies and enzyme kinetic measurements.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

In dieser Doktorarbeit wurden verschiedenste Projekte bearbeitet, die die funktionale Analyse und den Einsatz von mutierten DNA-Polymerasen in biotechnologischen, diagnostischen Anwendungen untersuchen: Für die enzymatische Detektion von Einzelbasen-Varationen (SNPs, engl.: single nucleotide polymorphisms) ist die Diskriminierung von fehlgepaarten Einzelbasen von fundamentaler Bedeutung. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Diskriminierung der fehlgepaarten Einzelbasen sowohl durch chemisch modifizierte Primersonden, die beispielsweise thiolierte Thymidine tragen, als auch genetisch durch mutierte DNA-Polymerasen erhöht werden kann. Darauf aufbauend wurde unter anderem ein auf DNA-Chips basierendes Verfahren etabliert, welches die vielfache, synchrone Detektion von SNPs ermöglicht. Hierbei konnte eine mutierte DNA-Polymerase aus dem Organismus Pyrococcus furiosus mit einer erhöhten Diskriminierungsfähigkeit gegenüber fehlgepaarten Einzelbasen erfolgreich eingesetzt werden. Das System aus mutierter DNA-Polymerase und unmodifizierten Primersträngen genügt der verlässlichen Detektion und ersetzt somit die Notwendigkeit des Einsatzes von chemisch modifizierten Primersträngen. Dieses Verfahren legt einen wegweisenden Grundstein für den Einsatz von maßgeschneiderten Enzymen in der modernen Nucleinsäure-Diagnostik.
Alle bisher bekannten Methoden der gerichteten Evolution von DNA-Polymerasen sind auf eine einzige Enzymeigenschaft beschränkt, wie zum Beispiel der erhöhten Diskriminierungsfähigkeit gegenüber fehlgepaarten Einzelbasen. Um diese deutliche Einschränkung zu umgehen, wurde ein Mikroarray-basiertes Verfahren entwickelt, das das vielfache Screenen von verschiedensten Enzymeigenschaften zeitgleich und parallel ermöglicht. Dieses Verfahren ermöglicht die selektive Hybridisierung von Oligonukleotiden durch kovalent befestigte und räumlich getrennte DNA-Substrate und wird als "Oligonukleotid adressierender Enzym-Assay" (OAEA, engl. oligonucleotide-addressing enzyme assay) bezeichnet. Mit OAEA können simultan verschiedenste DNA-Polymerase-Eigenschaften in kleinsten Volumina (Nanoliter-Mengen) im Hochdurchsatz gescreent werden. Zusätzlich besteht die Möglichkeit der Übertragung des Systems auf andere DNA-prozessierenden Enzyme wie Ligasen oder Nucleasen. Um die Praktikabilität zu demonstrieren, wurden in einer ersten Testreihe DNA-Polymerase-Mutanten mit gänzlich gegensätzlichen Eigenschaften, die aus einer kleinen Enzymbibliothek stammen, erfolgreich identifiziert und charakterisiert.
Durch die Fusion einer Wildtyp 5'-3'-Nuclease-Domäne mit einer zuvor beschriebenen N-terminal-verkürzten DNA-Polymerase-Mutante von Thermus Aquaticus, die eine signifikant erhöhte reverse Transkriptase-Aktivität besitzt, konnte eine funktionale chimäre DNA-Polymerase erhalten werden. Das neue Enzym (genannt Taq M1) wurde erzeugt, um eine verbesserte RNA-Pathogen-Detektion, zum Beispiel von Dobrava- und Gelbfieber-Viren, zu ermöglichen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Fusion zur Taq M1 ohne Verlust von ursprünglicher Polymerase- oder Nuklease-Funktion bewerkstelligt wurde. Zudem wurde Taq M1 in angewandten TaqMan-RNA-Detektionsassays getestet: Ohne Optimierung an Reaktionsbedingungen lieferte Taq M1 vergleichbare Detektionsergebnisse wie kommerziell erhältliche one-step-RT-PCR-Systeme, welche auf den Einsatz von Enzymmischungen beruhen. Durch ihre Thermostabilität empfiehlt sich Taq M1 somit für den Einsatz von one-step-RT-PCR insbesondere dann, wenn erhöhte Transkriptionstemperaturen gewünscht sind, um besonders stabile Sekundärstrukturen des RNA-Targets aufzuschmelzen.
In meinem letzten Projekt wurden funktionale Studien an der N-terminal-verkürzten DNA-Polymerase von Thermus aquaticus (KlenTaq) durchgeführt. Durch zwei kürzlich erhaltene Kristallstrukturen der KlenTaq-Polymerase sowohl mit einer abasischen Stelle als auch einem blunt-end enthaltenen DNA-Templat konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Aminosäure Tyrosin671 eine wichtige Rolle in der templatlosen Auswahl des inkorporierten Triphosphates spielt. Das Tyrosin imitiert den sterischen Anspruch einer auf der Templatstrangseite stehenden Pyrimidinbase, was im bevorzugten Einbau von Purinbasen (A und G) resultiert. Durch die Mutation des Tyrosins zu Alanin verliert das Enzym stark an katalytischer Aktivität. Eine Mutation des Tyrosin zu dem sterisch anspruchsvolleren Tryptophan hingegen resultiert zu dem bevorzugten Einbau von nunmehr Pyrimidinbasen (T und C). Dies konnte durch funktionale Einzeleinbaustudien demonstriert und durch Kinetikmessungen untermauert werden.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
540 Chemie
Directed Evolution, Taq DNA Polymerase, DNA-Chip, Microarray, PCR, RT-PCR, reverse transcription
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690KRANASTER, Ramon, 2010. DNA polymerase activity on solid support : from diagnostics to directed enzyme evolution [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={DNA polymerase activity on solid support : from diagnostics to directed enzyme evolution},
  author={Kranaster, Ramon},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">In this PhD thesis, several projects about the functional analysis and recruitment of mutated DNA polymerases for improved biotechnological applications were investigated. Discrimination of incorrect pairing single nucleotides is of fundamental importance for the enzyme-aided detection of single nucleotide variations (single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)). It could be demonstrated that both chemically modified primer probes which are thiolated at the 2-position of thymidine as well as mutated DNA polymerases were able to increase single-nucleotide discrimination.&lt;br /&gt;Based on these findings a DNA chip based system for the multiplex detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was established. For that purpose, a mutated DNA polymerase from Pyrococcus furiosus with improved single nucleotide discrimination properties is used for selective microarrayed primer extensions. It is shown that the mutated DNA polymerase in combination with unmodified primer strands fulfils the demands on solid support and obviates the need for chemical modifications of the primer probes as required before. The system depicted herein could provide the basis for further advancements in microarrayed nucleic acid diagnostics using tailor-made enzymes.&lt;br /&gt;Until now, all reported methods for DNA polymerase evolution are restricted to a single enzyme property, for example, increased selectivity or the ability to efficiently process DNA lesions. Thus, a new microarrayed device was developed to overcome these obvious limitations that allow the multiplexed screening of several enzyme features in parallel:&lt;br /&gt;The approach is based on the spatial separation of different covalently attached DNA substrates on a glass slide and their selective addressing by oligonucleotide hybridization. This system, termed oligonucleotide-addressing enzyme assay (OAEA), enables multiplexed simultaneous profiling of DNA polymerases in nanoliter volumes in terms of their different properties. OAEA can be used for the simultaneous and multiplexed profiling of several enzyme features with high throughput. Additionally, other DNA-modifying enzymes like ligases and endonucleases can be included in multiplex directed evolution approaches using OAEA. As a first successful demonstration it was used to identify enzymes with altered properties out of a library of DNA polymerase mutants.&lt;br /&gt;A functional chimeric DNA polymerase could be obtained by fusion of a wild-type 5 ́- 3 ́nuclease domain with a recently described N-terminally shortened DNA polymerase from Thermus Aquaticus, which exhibits a significantly increased reverse transcription activity. The new enzyme (named as Taq M1) was created to improve RNA pathogen detection systems for pathogens like Dobrava viruses. It could be demonstrated that the fusion of polymerase- and 3 ́nuclease-domain to constitute Taq M1 has no effect on the originally polymerase- and nuclease function and activities. Additionally, Taq M1 was used in applied TaqMan RNA detection assays: Without optimisation of reaction conditions Taq M1 provided detection sensitivities compared to commercially available one-step RT PCR systems, which are based on enzyme blends. Taq M1 is highly recommended for the use of one-step RT PCR, especially if high transcription temperatures are desired to melt stable secondary structures of RNA targets.&lt;br /&gt;In my last project, functional studies were conducted with the N-terminally shortened DNA polymerase from Thermus Aquaticus (KlenTaq). Recently obtained crystal structures of KlenTaq in complex with both an abasic site harbouring template and a blunt-ended primer template substrate (Schnur et al. and personal communication with S.Obeid), revealed that amino acid tyrosine 671 plays an important role in the template-less selection of the incorporated nucleotide. Tyrosine 671 thereby mimics the steric constraints of a pyrimidine template base resulting in the favoured incorporation of purine bases (A and G). Mutation of tyrosine into alanine (Y671A) results in a dramatic drop of catalytic activity. Mutation of the aromatic tyrosine into the also aromatic but steric more demanding tryptophane results in the favoured incorporation of pyrimidine bases (T and C). These findings could be proved by single nucleotide incorporation studies and enzyme kinetic measurements.</dcterms:abstract>
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    <dc:creator>Kranaster, Ramon</dc:creator>
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    <dc:date rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime">2011-03-24T18:12:44Z</dc:date>
Interner Vermerk
URL der Originalveröffentl.
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
January 15, 2010
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