Aerobic methanotrophic bacterial communities in sediments of Lake Constance

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Rahalkar, Monali
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Aerobe methanotrophe Bakteriengemeinschaften im Sediment des Bodensees
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Aerobic methanotrophic bacterial communities from sediments of Lake Constance were studied using cultivation and molecular approaches.

Bacteria were cultivated by a gradient cultivation technique i.e. in opposing gradients of methane and oxygen. Growth of methanotrophs occurred as sharp bands where both methane and oxygen were consumed. Two types of bands were found, either close to the air exposed-end (top bands) or towards the methane exposed end (bottom bands). The methane flux was more to the bottom bands compared to the top bands while oxygen flux was almost the same to both the bands. The top bands consisted of Methylomonas sp. which were not the dominant members of the bacterial community, while the bottom band was dominated by Methylobacter sp. A sMMO containing Methylomonas sp. (strain LC 1) and a novel strain LC 2 were isolated from gradient cultures.

Strain LC 2 was 94 % similar to Methylobacter tundripaludum, and based on its unique characters was classified as a new genus and species, Methylosoma difficile. Strain LC 2 grows on methane and methanol, GC content is 49.9%, main fatty acid is 16:1 ω7c and fixes nitrogen under micro-aerophilic conditions. This strain was further used to study the effects of high and low oxygen tension on growth as it showed accumulation of formaldehyde in the gas phase.

Electron microscopy revealed that cells grown under low oxygen tension (LO) showed less intracytoplasmic membranes (ICM) and larger polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) granules compared to the cells grown under high oxygen tension (HO). LO showed higher oxygen uptake rates for toxic intermediates of methane oxidation like methanol and formaldehyde. High amounts of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) were produced in HO cells, especially when grown in nitrogen depleted media. EPS could act as a diffusion barrier for oxygen and therefore would allow nitrogen fixation as well as protect the cells from effects like formaldehyde accumulation.
Clone library approach was used to study the methanotrophic communities from the littoral and profundal sediments. Clone libraries were constructed using the pmoA gene and 16S rDNA specific primers for Type I and Type II MOB using the DNA extracts from littoral and profundal sediment. A clear dominance of Type I MOB particularly Methylobacter related sequences was seen in both sediments. Although pmoA clone library from the profundal sediment showed dominance of a group of clones which were not related to cultured methanotrophs.

A good correlation in the distribution profiles of methane and oxygen and the methanotroph numbers was observed in the littoral and profundal sediments of Lake Constance. Aerobic methane oxidation occurred in the top 1.5-2 cm of the littoral sediment, where highest copy numbers of pmoA genes (1-6 x 107 per g fresh weight sediment) were observed. In the profundal sediment, the methane and oxygen profiles indicated a zone of aerobic methane oxidation followed by a lower zone of anaerobic consumption. Highest copy numbers of pmoA genes (3.4 x 107 cells per g fresh weight)) were present in the 0.5-1.5 cm layer in the profundal sediment where peak aerobic methane oxidation took place. The consumption of methane in the anoxic zone could be attributed to either bioturbation activities or anaerobic oxidation of methane. According to a clone library approach, classical anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME) were not detected in the 2-4 cm section of the profundal sediment.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Aerobe methanotrophe Bakteriengemeinschaften im Sediment des Bodensees wurden mit Hilfe von kultivierungsabhängigen und kultivierungsunabhängigen molekularbiologischen Techniken untersucht.
Mit einer Gradientenkultivierungstechnik wurden Bakterien in entgegengesetzten Gradienten von Methan und Sauerstoff kultiviert. Das Wachstum der Methanotrophen fand in einer scharf definierten Bande statt, in der sowohl Methan als auch Sauerstoff verbraucht wurde. Es traten zwei verschiedene Typen von Banden auf; ein Typ nahe der Sauerstoff exponierten Seite (obere Bande), der andere Typ nahe der Methan exponierten Seite (untere Bande). Der Methanfluß zu den oberen Banden war höher als zu den unteren, während der Sauerstofffluß zu beiden Bandentypen fast gleich war. In den oberen Banden kamen Methylomonas sp. vor, die jedoch in der bakteriellen Gemeinschaft der Bande nicht dominant waren, während die unteren Banden von Methylobacter sp. dominiert wurden. Eine neuartige sMMO besitzende Methylomonas sp. (Stamm LC 1) und ein neuartiger Stamm LC 2 wurde aus den Gradientkulturen isoliert.
Stamm LC 2 zeigte 94% Ähnlichkeit mit Methylobacter tundripaludum und wurde auf Grund seiner einzigartigen Eigenschaften als neue Gattung und Art, Methylosoma difficile klassifiziert. Stamm LC 2 wächst auf Methan und Methanol und fixiert unter mikro-aerophilen Bedingungen Stickstoff. Sein GC-Gehalt liegt bei 49,9%, die häufigste Fettsäure ist 16:1ω7c. Dieser Stamm wurde ferner benutzt, um die Effekte von hohen und niederigen Sauerstoffkonzentrationen auf das Wachstum zu untersuchen, da sich in der Gasphase Formaldeyd ansammelte.

Elektronenmikroskopische Bilder zeigten, dass unter geringen Sauerstoffkonzentrationen (LO) gehaltene Zellen weniger intrazelluläre Membranen (ICM) und größere Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) Granula aufweisen als unter hohen Sauerstoffkonzentrationen inkubierte Zellen (HO). LO-Zellen zeigten höhere Aufnahmeraten für giftige Zwischenprodukte der Methanoxidation wie Methanol und Formaldeyd. Von HO-Zellen wurden große Mengen von Extrazellulären polymeren Substanzen (EPS) produziert, vor allem wenn sie in stickstoffarmen Medien gehalten wurden. EPS könnten als Diffusionsbarriere für Sauerstoff dienen und daher Stickstofffixierung ermöglichen, sowie die Zellen vor den Effekten der Akkumulation von Formaldehyd schützen.

Um die methanotrophen Gemeinschaften von litoralem und profundalem Sediment zu untersuchen, wurden Klonbibliotheken angelegt. Diese wurden erstellt, indem pmoA-Gen und 16S rDNA spezifische Primer für Typ 1 und Typ 2 MOB sowie DNA Extrakte aus profundalen und litoralen Sedimenten als Template verwendet wurden. Es wurde eine klare Dominanz der Typ I MOB, speziell der Methylobacter-Verwandten, in beiden Sedimenten beobachtet. Trotzdem zeigte die pmoA Klonbibliothek die Dominanz einer Gruppe von Klonen, die nicht mit kultivierten Methanotrophen verwandt sind.

Zwischen den Verteilungskurven von Methan und Sauerstoff im Litoral- sowie Profundalsediment des Bodensees und den Abundanzen von Methanotrophen wurde eine gute Korrelation gefunden. Aerobe Methanoxidation fand in den obersten 1,5-2 cm statt, wo auch die höchsten Kopiezahlen des pmoA-Gens (1-6 x 107 pro g Nassgewicht Sediment) beobachtet wurden. Im Profundalsediment deuteten die Methan- und Sauerstoffprofile eine Zone der aeroben Methanoxidation, gefolgt von einer Zone der anaeroben Methanzehrung an. Die höchste Zahl von pmoA Kopien (3,4x 107 pro g Nassgewicht Sediment) im Profundalsediment war in der Tiefe zwischen 0,5 cm und 1,5 cm vorhanden, wo auch der Höchstwert der aeroben Methanoxidation erreicht wurde. Die Methanzehrung in der anoxischen Zone kann entweder auf Bioturbation oder auf anaerobe Methanoxidation zurückgeführt werden. Mit einer Klonbibliothek konnten keine klassischen anaeroben Archaea (ANME) in der Tiefe von 2-4 cm des Profundalsediments gefunden werden.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
570 Biowissenschaften, Biologie
pmoA, Methylosoma difficile, methanotrophs, Lake Constance, Methylosoma difficile
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690RAHALKAR, Monali, 2006. Aerobic methanotrophic bacterial communities in sediments of Lake Constance [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Aerobic methanotrophic bacterial communities in sediments of Lake Constance},
  author={Rahalkar, Monali},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
    xmlns:xsd="" > 
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    <dc:date rdf:datatype="">2011-03-24T17:43:56Z</dc:date>
    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">Aerobic methanotrophic bacterial communities from sediments of Lake Constance were studied using cultivation and molecular approaches.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Bacteria were cultivated by a gradient cultivation technique i.e. in opposing gradients of methane and oxygen. Growth of methanotrophs occurred as sharp bands where both methane and oxygen were consumed. Two types of bands were found, either close to the air exposed-end (top bands) or towards the methane exposed end (bottom bands). The methane flux was more to the bottom bands compared to the top bands while oxygen flux was almost the same to both the bands. The top bands consisted of Methylomonas sp. which were not the dominant members of the bacterial community, while the bottom band was dominated by Methylobacter sp. A sMMO containing Methylomonas sp. (strain LC 1) and a novel strain LC 2 were isolated from gradient cultures.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Strain LC 2 was 94 % similar to Methylobacter tundripaludum, and based on its unique characters was classified as a new genus and species, Methylosoma difficile. Strain LC 2 grows on methane and methanol, GC content is 49.9%, main fatty acid is 16:1 ω7c and fixes nitrogen under micro-aerophilic conditions. This strain was further used to study the effects of high and low oxygen tension on growth as it showed accumulation of formaldehyde in the gas phase.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Electron microscopy revealed that cells grown under low oxygen tension (LO) showed less intracytoplasmic membranes (ICM) and larger polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) granules compared to the cells grown under high oxygen tension (HO). LO showed higher oxygen uptake rates for toxic intermediates of methane oxidation like methanol and formaldehyde. High amounts of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) were produced in HO cells, especially when grown in nitrogen depleted media. EPS could act as a diffusion barrier for oxygen and therefore would allow nitrogen fixation as well as protect the cells from effects like formaldehyde accumulation.&lt;br /&gt;Clone library approach was used to study the methanotrophic communities from the littoral and profundal sediments. Clone libraries were constructed using the pmoA gene and 16S rDNA specific primers for Type I and Type II MOB using the DNA extracts from littoral and profundal sediment. A clear dominance of Type I MOB particularly Methylobacter  related sequences was seen in both sediments. Although pmoA clone library from the profundal sediment showed dominance of a group of clones which were not related to cultured methanotrophs.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;A good correlation in the distribution profiles of methane and oxygen and the methanotroph numbers was observed in the littoral and profundal sediments of Lake Constance. Aerobic methane oxidation occurred in the top 1.5-2 cm of the littoral sediment, where highest copy numbers of pmoA genes (1-6 x 107 per g fresh weight sediment) were observed. In the profundal sediment, the methane and oxygen profiles indicated a zone of aerobic methane oxidation followed by a lower zone of anaerobic consumption. Highest copy numbers of pmoA genes (3.4 x 107 cells per g fresh weight)) were present in the 0.5-1.5 cm layer in the profundal sediment where peak aerobic methane oxidation took place. The consumption of methane in the anoxic zone could be attributed to either bioturbation activities or anaerobic oxidation of methane. According to a clone library approach, classical anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME) were not detected in the 2-4 cm section of the profundal sediment.&lt;br /&gt;</dcterms:abstract>
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    <dc:creator>Rahalkar, Monali</dc:creator>
    <dc:contributor>Rahalkar, Monali</dc:contributor>
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Interner Vermerk
URL der Originalveröffentl.
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
February 21, 2007
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